Hey me too; I am freaking out. I am in Brooklyn at 11238. I have high speed through cablevision. Help help help help help s.o.s.!!!
Hey should I call the cable company??? Let me know if I need to.
Good luck getting them to realize it's THEIR problem. 

Hi Community,
The next thing we are going to do with respect to this issue is get in touch with Amazon S3 again and urge them to get in touch with Cablevision to work out these networking issues that is preventing Cablevision users from connecting to them. In order to do this, we would like to get some trace routes from some users being affected by this to Amazon S3's servers.
If you are being affected by this problem, it would be helpful if you can run a trace route from your ISP to s3-external-1.amazonaws.com and paste the results into a reply to this thread. If you are using Windows, you can run a trace route via the following process:
1) Select "Run" from the Windows "Start" menu.
2) Enter "cmd" in the ensuing field and click "OK".
3) Then, in the black DOS window, type tracert s3-external-1.amazonaws.com and press the "Enter" key.
You can copy the information in the black DOS window by right clicking within the window, selecting "Select All", and then holding CTRL and pressing C to copy the selected information. You can then paste it into a reply to this thread by holding CTRL and pressing V or by selecting "Paste" from the "Edit" menu in your browser.
Thanks in advance to anyone who can provide this information!
The next thing we are going to do with respect to this issue is get in touch with Amazon S3 again and urge them to get in touch with Cablevision to work out these networking issues that is preventing Cablevision users from connecting to them. In order to do this, we would like to get some trace routes from some users being affected by this to Amazon S3's servers.
If you are being affected by this problem, it would be helpful if you can run a trace route from your ISP to s3-external-1.amazonaws.com and paste the results into a reply to this thread. If you are using Windows, you can run a trace route via the following process:
1) Select "Run" from the Windows "Start" menu.
2) Enter "cmd" in the ensuing field and click "OK".
3) Then, in the black DOS window, type tracert s3-external-1.amazonaws.com and press the "Enter" key.
You can copy the information in the black DOS window by right clicking within the window, selecting "Select All", and then holding CTRL and pressing C to copy the selected information. You can then paste it into a reply to this thread by holding CTRL and pressing V or by selecting "Paste" from the "Edit" menu in your browser.
Thanks in advance to anyone who can provide this information!
Hi dressrecycle,
It certainly couldn't hurt to call your cable company but, based on what I've heard from other customers who have done so (as SundayBestKids alluded to), I suspect you'll be informed that no other users are reporting the problem and that it is not a known issue. As you can tell from reading over this thread, that information would not be accurate.
If you run a trace route using the instructions included in my last post to this thread and paste the results into this thread, we'll get that information over to Amazon S3 (our image host) and urge them to bring up the issue with Cablevision. We don't know for sure whether the solution to the problem will need to be implemented by Amazon or Cablevision, but the two services can't connect and it will need to be worked out between them.
I will continue to post updates on this situation to this thread as additional information becomes available. Again, thanks in advance to anyone who can provide that trace route information.
It certainly couldn't hurt to call your cable company but, based on what I've heard from other customers who have done so (as SundayBestKids alluded to), I suspect you'll be informed that no other users are reporting the problem and that it is not a known issue. As you can tell from reading over this thread, that information would not be accurate.
If you run a trace route using the instructions included in my last post to this thread and paste the results into this thread, we'll get that information over to Amazon S3 (our image host) and urge them to bring up the issue with Cablevision. We don't know for sure whether the solution to the problem will need to be implemented by Amazon or Cablevision, but the two services can't connect and it will need to be worked out between them.
I will continue to post updates on this situation to this thread as additional information becomes available. Again, thanks in advance to anyone who can provide that trace route information.
On the phone with cable...they needed something in writing from Auctiva to prove the issue. I forwarded my personal support case email, Auctiva and ebay links. They are checking their end....its in engineering...they claim I am the second call.
They will contact Auctiva directly to resolve the problem.
Hopefully we'll be up and running SOON!
They will contact Auctiva directly to resolve the problem.
Hopefully we'll be up and running SOON!
I have contacted Cablevision. Since the internet is working they are unsure how to proceed. The guy at Cablevision went to my ebay listing and was able to view my photos.
Hi Community,
Thank you all for the quick feedback. We are still looking for trace routes from users who are being affected by this problem as we believe this will be critical to Amazon and Cablevision being able to work this issue out at this point. If you can run the trace route I described in my June 04, 2009 11:01 AM post to this thread and paste the results into a reply, we would appreciate that greatly.
Thank you all for the quick feedback. We are still looking for trace routes from users who are being affected by this problem as we believe this will be critical to Amazon and Cablevision being able to work this issue out at this point. If you can run the trace route I described in my June 04, 2009 11:01 AM post to this thread and paste the results into a reply, we would appreciate that greatly.
I'm doing a tracer now..."requests" keeps timing out. I'll submit it through the support case..since it show's personal info.
I'm doing a tracer now..."requests" keeps timing out. I'll submit it through the support case..since it show's personal info.
For those of you impacted, you can temporarily use a proxy hider. There are a few free ones around and basically you would be routed through another server. Taking a different route might allow you to get where you are going bypassing the leg the times out.
quote:Originally posted by magical*memoirs:
On the phone with cable...they needed something in writing from Auctiva to prove the issue. I forwarded my personal support case email, Auctiva and ebay links. They are checking their end....its in engineering...they claim I am the second call.
They will contact Auctiva directly to resolve the problem.
Hopefully we'll be up and running SOON!
THey are full of it! They just don't want to deal with something they are not familiar with. I've called and I KNOW other people here have called. It is possible they are not documenting everything. THey have a bad habit of passing the buck with unknown issues. Just like other places, they are scripted and if they don't see something on their cheat sheet, they try and skirt around it. I think we should all keep calling and become a thorn in their side.
BTW Pennie, thank you! 

You're welcome!
The same thing is happening to me also. I'm in Long Island, NY.
Hi magical*memoirs,
The "request time out" behavior you described with your trace route sounds just like what we've seen in the couple of trace routes I have been able to get. We've received two so far and have passed those over to Amazon so hopefully they can get this thing worked out with Cablevision.
We could still use some more though, so I would still like to encourage anyone who can to run the trace route and get the result over to us. Sending them in through a support request is a perfectly fine alternative to posting them to this thread.
I wish this was something we could just "fix", but we're doing our best to stay on top of it. I'll continue to update this thread as I learn more and check back for more trace routes.
The "request time out" behavior you described with your trace route sounds just like what we've seen in the couple of trace routes I have been able to get. We've received two so far and have passed those over to Amazon so hopefully they can get this thing worked out with Cablevision.
We could still use some more though, so I would still like to encourage anyone who can to run the trace route and get the result over to us. Sending them in through a support request is a perfectly fine alternative to posting them to this thread.
I wish this was something we could just "fix", but we're doing our best to stay on top of it. I'll continue to update this thread as I learn more and check back for more trace routes.
this was the statement response:
Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
(C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.
C:\Documents and Settings\Owner>tracert s3-external-1.amazonaws.com
over a maximum of 30 hops:
1 Destination host unreachable.
Trace complete.
this was the statement response:
Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
(C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.
C:\Documents and Settings\Owner>tracert s3-external-1.amazonaws.com
over a maximum of 30 hops:
1 Destination host unreachable.
Trace complete.
Thanks a bunch, Mama J. I'll be sure to pass it on. You're welcome to delete your post now if you would prefer the information there not be listed on our forum any longer. Thanks in advance to anyone else who can provide this information. I'll keep you all posted as I learn more.
Thanks - let me know if you need me to try again later.
Hi all,
It appears that the results of my trace are the same as all the others:
I contacted Cablevision yet again and they seem clueless.
It appears that the results of my trace are the same as all the others:
quote:C:\Documents and Settings\Owner>tracert s3-external-1.amazonaws.com
over a maximum of 30 hops:
1 Destination host unreachable.
Trace complete.
I contacted Cablevision yet again and they seem clueless.
Thanks, Diva. I passed your trace route over to our IT team so they can pass the information over to Amazon as well. Thanks in advance to anyone else who can provide this information. I'll keep you all posted as I learn more.
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