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Originally posted by TazFromPA:
Why do people post completely idiotic questions?

Because they don't read the listing.

I got an email the other night for an item I had up for sale . "Does this unit include the manual?"

Listing stated no manual included.

Guys bids. Then sends me an email telling me to cancel his bid, because he didn't know it the unit was without the manual.

#1 - I never read any of this until the auction ended.
#2 - cancel your own damn bid.
#3 - read the listing, idiot.

And all this from a user with feedback in the high hundreds. You'd think he'd know better.

Fortunately he got outbid, so I didn't have to deal with a jerk who wouldn't have paid anyway because he'd claim "I made a mistake" or "you didn't cancel my bid."
Fortunately he got outbid,

Another good reason not to cancel a buyers bid even if they ask, let them do it and it ends up on their profile as a bid retraction.

For all you know he does it a lot and by getting the seller to do the cancelling keeps him squeaky clean.

If you had cancelled and there was only one other bidder of course the sale price would have been the start price. There is a chance they would fend of a genuine bidder but thats part of the 'game'.

Quote : "wouldn't have paid anyway because he'd claim "I made a mistake" or "you didn't cancel my bid."

Don't think this would hold any water in an unpaid dispute because as I expect you are aware he could have cancelled.

That's e-life Roll Eyes
Just a quick HI before I'm off to work..

N - the buyer would have to retract, the seller cancels. But it's a moot point once the auction is over..Then there is a winner (or whiner, as the case may be) Razz and they'll either pay or they won't. Most bidders don't even know HOW to retract a bid, and even then it's only allowed under certain circumstances or the seller can report the person. However a seller can cancel any bids s/he wants, that's their call. But in JeffS' case, the auction was already over...nothing to be done.
Hi N, JeffS's picture is of a big choo choo alright it's just that he has uploaded a large picture and sometimes on my slow PC it is showa as abig blue space or full size image momentarily then shrinks down to avatar size.

If you expand it it up you will find the picture is of a massive steam engine in full flight, impressive machine and photograph.

Regards cancelling, definately, they messed up let them take the blame and if they don't and someone outbids them you are even beter off !

If you cancel it and then they change their mind afterwards they may complain to eBay about dubious practice/favouring other buyers, need to be on your guard.

I would never cancel a buyers bid except in exceptional circumstances, but I will readily block any that have messed me around so they don't do it again. Smile

edit - Hi Ms M have fun Smile
Leaving now, Choo

I see you wait til I'm almost gone to make an appearance Smile I think you like it when I ignore you Eek That way you can make sure you don't get a whackin.

I'm sure you read that I gave Miss S the DeLorean but not to worry..WE will take good care of it, but when Taz gets his turn, well...let's just say it was a nice car while it lasted Big Grin Big Grin
I have a disclaimer in all my auctions that states "PLEASE do not bid without first emailing me for permission if you have any negative feedback in the past 30 days or you have less than 10 feedback. I reserve the right to cancel any bids that do not meet this criteria!' Also this piece "All PayPal payments must be shipped to a confirmed address.
Due to a problem with a less than honest buyer I must insist on this."
Very few people actually email and I have only cancelled 2 bids despite having alot of bidders with zero feedback.
Miss M!

I'm sure you read that I gave Miss S the DeLorean but not to worry..WE will take good care of it, but when Taz gets his turn, well...let's just say it was a nice car while it lasted

You are going to pay dearly for that one!
No, got to disagree with you wholeheartedly on this approach Taz ...
[quote]I have a disclaimer in all my auctions that states "PLEASE do not bid without first emailing me for permission if you have any negative feedback in the past 30 days or you have less than 10 feedback. I reserve the right to cancel any bids that do not meet this criteria!'quote] Eek
I am glad to say I have not had to resort to this in my listings, as a buyer I would think what a nasty piece of work this seller must be and avoid them like the plague, what's he going to be like if I find a fault or there is a problem.

You can block buyers who are negative and received what is it 2 upaid strikes in the last 30 days, and cancel at will anyway so why say it, no I would not apply aggressive text.

I would rather deal with the odd time waster and subsequently block them rather than add an aggressive piece of text to my listing.

I looked at the pro's and con's very closely over many sellers before I started seriously selling and decided to keep the t's & c's part of my listing very concise and freindly with enough protection to give me the strength to deal firmly with time wasters.

I have a firm belief that aggressive wording loses money or even excessive freindlier texts of which some are mind boggling to the equivelent of a large sheet of typed paper worth of do' and don'ts, I never buy from these sellers.

Besides many buyers don't even read the descriptions, postage or any other details so why would they bother reading your version of the riot act, the only ones who would are more likely to be the nervous innocent ones.

I find that buyers who are new certainly below a profile of 10 bid wildy and prices will always be higher than from experienced buyers. When buying I do not try to outbid these people as they will get carried away, so why frighten them off due to the odd timewasters, think again Taz my friend, it's not good business to scare off the highest bidders around. Smile
Last edited by choochooguy
You are going to pay dearly for that one!

Awww Taz, I know ya still love me Wink Besides, Miss S and I want you to hot rod that car into the ground...Choo is EXTREMELY paranoid and won't even tell me his real name (privately). So this is what you get Choo Big Grin Big Grin

Looks like I'm the only one with no life tonite so I'll probably be talking to myself, but I usually do that anyway so I guess it won't make much difference.

BTW, Miss S and I tried to use Auctiva for messaging but it doesn't seem to work..if anyone can figure it out let me know.
Looks like I'm the only one with no life tonite so I'll probably be talking to myself, but I usually do that anyway so I guess it won't make much difference.

No posts for over 12 hours! This will not do!
Alert the authorities, Dial 911(I tried that but couldn't find the eleven on my phone?),Declare a national emergency! (Well it is you know!) More like international cannot forget our English contingency
Originally posted by TazFromPA:
Looks like I'm the only one with no life tonite so I'll probably be talking to myself, but I usually do that anyway so I guess it won't make much difference.

No posts for over 12 hours! This will not do!
Alert the authorities, Dial 911(I tried that but couldn't find the eleven on my phone?),Declare a national emergency! (Well it is you know!) More like international cannot forget our English contingency
There is a national emergency!!! No posts for 12 hours....
I am trying to figure out how to close my store for 2 weeks.....I just have to pick one way or another.
I am listening to my International language learner....Learning Spanish in your car....had to bring it out for a refresher...all I could remember was dunde el banyo!!
Guess that's all I need to know! hee hee.
Ms M is that 8880?
I figured out Ms S YAY!!
Also trying to decide whether or not to take the laptop.....if I do I will check in here all the time.....if I have access. Shucks! that's not a vacation, right?
So who owns the car? And why is it circulating???

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