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LORDY Miss-M!! You Shure have a way of messing around someone's Image-ination!! Eek

Just thought I'd check and look in on ya'll real quick before i have to leave (in about 10min). i'm prolly gonna' have all kinds of weird dreams tonight. Whhinnneeee!!

good grief!... i shoulda' known better! -- this herd is definitely outta conrol! Eek

Hey! where's that Apple! -- you Promised! [well..almost Roll Eyes ]
Tu hablo espanol?
N yes.Digo un pequeno espanol, pero no muy bien.
2 years of Espanol and 3 years of Francaise more years ago than I care to remember. Also one year of German but I remember Nada. Self taught Latin and still working on it. Interested in Chinese as well as Japanese but finding the time for such a mammoth undertaking is difficult.
OK and now a word from me to all of you. It so happens that I am quite proud of that outfit and still trying to figure how Miss M came to be in possession of it? This was taken whilst I was vacationing on the French Riviera last summer.of course we know what kind of beachwear is worn in France Big Grin This was never meant for less civilized eyes. My people will contacting your people Miss M. Eek
LOL Choo!! Not spongeboy, (are you messing with me??) Spongebob squarepants from the cartoon movie. I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt since you mentioned you don't watch alot of TV...

Head case?? HA - we all know who the head case is around here and it ain't me...
(now everyone is going to be wondering if it's them)
Heck it's ALL of us, you included Mr Choo Razz
(No name for me yet? I'm so offended you don't trust me) Frown

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