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I just got back online...BUT I reported this mess almost 4 HOURS ago (3 different times no less) and NADA!
There's no report button anywhere that I can find, or a reply button for that matter?? I can't find your reply at all...
Where the hell is Jeff when we need him??? I had to put in a support request because there are no buttons ?? What's up with that?
Thank GOD it is gone now! That was FOUL! The Gods ave eard me prayers. Tout I may have to call me Sweetie to help me recover me wits! ( Strickly medicinal Ya know!)
EDIT: Me tinks dis may be one of our spam bandits come back to aunt us. Wadder ya tink? We/I did get a bit brutal( Under da auspices of AJ's invertation)
Now yeave gone and done done er Bluto yeave angered da Taz in me! (Sickened me to me guts too)Blech yuk GAG GAG dat was disgustin ! No?
Taz, seriously, there were none of the buttons for report, edit, etc. No reply button either. I tried to see your replies but the page wouldn't move. No did they do that? But 4 hours for God sake..I filed support almost as soon as it was posted, came back just now and it was still there. Unbelievable..someone at Auctiva was sure asleep at the switch!

Oh, I emailed Miss S and she saw it too, she had no buttons either. ???
Look at my new thread in the lounge! look like something yeave seen before? But a lot more tasteful!
EDIT - wonder if we'll get an apology for the fact that it was left up for 4 hours (doubt it)

Gotta side with Auctiva on this one Miss M apology is not to be expected. This is a little used feature that some scalawag took advantage of. I reported the post Via the tab inside of the posting and within 15 to 20 minutes it was gone.
I believe they were on the job. Hard to keep track of every single post.
That's true,

I'm just so used to getting an almost instant response the few times I had to file a support request...I wish I would have used that comment button 4 hours ago, darn Mad Going on 5 now..

I think out of out little group here, you, me, and Miss S were the only ones to see that piece of crap...You might be right, it could very well have been one of the spammers.

Might be good to implement a little bit more strict criteria of who can sign up..just thinkin out loud, I know that's probably not possible...Maybe at least have to be an ebay member or somethin...
It showed having 28 views when I reported it. Very few people saw it and I do not think anyone was able to figure the way to answer it or report it until I did. Very tricky to navigate if you are used to the normal Auctiva forum, and very poor design by Auctiva IMHO!
Edit: I did save da evidence of da crime if anyone from da group wants to be sickened! Just could not believe it and thought I was the only one to have seen it. But I am like a wolf on a lamb or a spider on a fly! Hmm, sounds like our Miss S!
You know me I submit my opinion and vehemently defend it, like it or not!

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