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Trying to crawl out from under the worst flu I've ever had

Eeeek, where's the bug spray, only this thread could suffer from a human virus, Eek

Sorry to hear that Ms M, I wondered where everyone had gone, if I hadn't posted this afternoon we would have had 24 hours go by with a murmer, even this thread was appearing run down.

Me awake, ok Zebra I'd better check on that, errm, pinched myself but was I dreaming that it hurt Confused

Trust Taz to pick something more adveturous like African fever Roll Eyes
I wondered where everyone had gone, if I hadn't posted this afternoon we would have had 24 hours go by with a murmer, even this thread was appearing run down.

Well we can't have guys have to keep it going, I'm sure you can do without lil ol' me for awhile...but I DO miss picking on Choo Wink
And has anyone heard from Pete?? He's really been gone a long time.
Only 'cause I can't byte over the internet

Well I put some heavy byte with my language into the customer-service message I just sent to ebay (re: no-free-lunch bs) -->Mad
Profanity?? Wouldn't be surprised if they kicked me outta the bay by tomorrow! I'll have to get another keyboard though, cuz this one just melted down! But now I'm feeling embarrassed about my own bs comment to Taz about lettn' someone jerk your chain! Frown

I sure wish ya'll would get back to the burlesquey back&forth funny stuff (like around mid-thread).. I'll promise to hide away and not butt-in! Just need something to help me chill-out!Red Face Frown
Why thank you Choo... i appreciate your soothing reassurance. Being the IronHorse that you are, I'm bolstered by the recognition of a kindred spirit.
Please don't devolve to cockney blarney however... it doesn't seem to suit your loco-motivations quite as well as for Taz*.
[*Taz deserves more leeway because he's prone to eating troglodytes and trilobites for breakfast. Frown Wink ]
Goodnight, and pleasant dreams.
Nae Chillun daent ye be worryin boot me nae

Lost cause nae point Roll Eyes

But then again!Maybe ya'll can do that?

Rollox or a similar pseudo-piratical-nautical term Razz

it doesn't seem to suit your loco-motivations quite as well as for Taz

Not sure whether that is a compliment or insult to Taz or I Confused I think Zebra is a bit of a spin doctor on the not so quiet.
we always have room for one more Loonytic!

I can't believe that Razz

Ms M was so busy trying to spear me with one of her javelin sized needles she forgot to give herself a jab, and Pete well he probably set the Tardis controls wrong and 'returned' to the UK in a different century.

Spider & fly well they must have eloped after escaping the train joust Wink
Originally posted by ChooChooGuy:
Spider & fly well they must have eloped after escaping the train joust Wink

Well, ya kept a tellin us to GAR, an ya knows hows us critters o tha night can be so suggestible, what wit them pea brains o'ours, an a hankerin ta always do what come natural an all.

Just hope dat Missy M gets all better, but o course dat dont include her aim wit da fire hose. Also hopin' da Petester gits his self back to da right place real soon. Glad to see Mr.Tazman and da Choo Dude isa holdin' down da fort so vera good. An good ta see da Zeb is a helpin keep da pot a stirred wit his bits o' whimsy. Well now, I guess I better go rest up som more from dat very strenuous piece a rescue I done with that sooooo pretty spyder. Us flyboys can get real tired when put to da test o' luv. Wink

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