Hi gang! -- Finally snagged a few blessed moments to peek in on the board, but this will have to be short. Hoping I can take a break later this evening and catch up on all the fun!
Did a real quick scan-over just now on a couple threads outside the Lounge! Choo.. Apologies and solace to you my friend! On behalf of the civilized world... I offer sincerest regrets
for the occasional crude & wimpy turkey-wad idiots; one of which you apparently stumbled across today.
They're supposed to stay put, and not stray from the stinky black goo from whence they hatch. I think I even glimpsed Taz, our Sentry-at-Arms valiantly attempting to squash that malodorous vermin!

Attaboy Taz!..sic'm !!!

((i'll have a word with you later. "..disguised zebra-droppings"...Indeed!

On a lighter note... Well Hello there Shadeaux! Yes my sweet..you are a doll in my eyes! I'm sorry if it sounds like I'm whining...but somehow I seem to keep missing out on your cookies!

(aww..settle down ninth!..

Ahhh yes! Missy-M! A soothing sight for sore eyes! ~ It's sooo good to see you feeling better and back at 'em! I really missed those tantalizing eyes of yours! (enough to make a grown zebra's udder shudder!

) And what's this?? No Valentines????
Well we shall NOT have any of that!! Nosireee! -- Let's see if we can rustle-up something to make it better!!
Tipp'n my hat to everyone else too! -- sorry for the quick in & out! Be back for more of ya'lls antics asap!