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Originally posted by ~Zebra~:
hey Missy ~ g'morning! Smile

N ?... you never replied about your avi issue! ... what's the deal darlin' ? Confused
OH yes!!! whew, been off taking care of things on de other forum...etc.
I tried but id didn't work. However, I have it uploaded FINALLY to auctiva images. So next I just have to take time to link it here right?
Where on the www are you all, this will not dooooo !!
OOOhh Choo! Like I said busy!
It is quieter and quieter and quieter....had zeb and not come along this woulda died sooner! well slower!
What is the deal??? dahlins????
Thanks Choo for your response. Smile Hi everyone. Hugs Miss M.

Just for the record, I didn't mistakenly eat my pretty gossamer winged li'l fly. No way! Eek Who would rescue me when I get myself lost or stuck on a cow catcher or somethin'? Hmmm? Help me Ninth! WinkWink
I'll be back soon to say more and answer your questions/comments N. You too Choo. And o' course what ever else I find to blab about. Big Grin
Hi N Glad to see ya finally got your turtle AVI!
Miss S why da ell did yer eat da fly?
Miss M da rats R on da loose!!
I leave Y'al fer a few days and y'all go to skit!
Dis will nae do!
Da red shirt be flyin igh bove da decksails'da plank be drawn and da impostors be waitin der pennance!
Now the Zeb be sayin he were postin on da Gold after he stalked me Silver! So he bought hisself a pass on da green-mile fer is trute in everting silly.
All ye posers be for earned and bakerds warned dat Taz is still aron boot mayhaps only on de ocaasioanl side of tings
Now where be da posers o tink day can can venture intae da Garden "O" nuncents and post battle wit da Auctiva fateful? Or wood dat be faithful?
OH BTW Hello all! I stil be kickin but just not avin da time ter post ere fer da temporal space dat y'all be occupyin!
In udder woids me time clock is slightly askew from da rest of ye peeples!
Da new job is GR8 and all de OT I want! But da guvment want to take all me pieces O eight so I be workin only 6 10 hour days and takin a day to meself!
Kinder ard ter be in a new relationship an be woikin a new job at da same temporal continuum!
Originally posted by Shadeaux:
Just for the record, I didn't mistakenly eat my pretty gossamer winged li'l fly. No way! Eek Who would rescue me when I get myself lost or stuck on a cow catcher or somethin'? Hmmm? Help me Ninth! WinkWink

Don't you worry none my bulbous little spidey gal. Ninth is always close by, ready ta respond ta da call o' luv. WinkWink
That's more like it only thing is where is Pete, hope he is just to busy to post !

Oh, by the way just seen flaming Dave's drivel and responded accordingly, thanks for all the support, I can assure one and all that I only use the name ChooChooGuy here. I was going to reveal my trading name on here shortly but obviously we are tainted by association to greedbay. So we catch the odd nasty infection from it, do not want it to spread to my sales especially with the open season on seller feedback looming, so ChooChooGuy stays Razz

Seen this sort of thing happen to a colleague where I used to work, that was sad case too, nevermind, business as usual. Smile

Smile retal kcab
Morning everyone,

Wow it looks like the old days when everyone was posting at the same time Smile

Big hugs back at ya Miss S! Still wainting for my email (tapping foot) Big Grin (kidding, I got it, thanks)

I gotta tease Taz a little bit, I think you forgot all about us didn't you Smile Good to see ya and glad things are going well for you. Isn't it great when life seems to work out?

Ummm you really think it's a good idea to describe a lady (even a spider lady) as bulbous? Big Grin Big Grin Go on, knock him out for that one Miss S!

Choo I was very upset with 'other poster'. I'M the only one that's supposed to pick on you Big Grin Don't like anyone else stealing my action. Auctiva really dropped the ball on this one..reported every hour on the hour last night and again this AM. But enough of that carp...
(But dammm, now we'll never know your trading name...bummer)

Soooo, what shall I send you?? I'm still has to be something good but I'm still not sure...Don't worry, I'll come up with something Big Grin
HOLY me turtle....I am quite aghast at the post directed at choo! I also reported it...slow ????may be the word for it. A lot could happen in the meantime.
I guess they allow people to flame Auctiva so maybe they don't differentiate between a Software program and tech dept and real people using their product. I did look up their note in Read First and pasted it vague I guess.
I admin and mod another forum and I am shocked they allow links to other sites in that category on their support forum.....but I guess they don't distinguish between this and that.
I'll say!!! there is a good reason not to id ourselves huh?
Ok woke me up big time today, I have to run, I'm staying in MY SHELL for a couple of days! No way am I stickin' my head very fer out.
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