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Hi ya'll. Thanks Miss M. Wink You sure do take good care of me! Doncha dear friend? Big Grin

Zeb, that midnight thing's part of our Dark Side. Huh, Miss M? Cool
Me? Enjoy th' snow??? I love snow, period (not yellow o' course!). 'Specially gettin' snowed in. Roll Eyes
Yeh, Ninth gets all th' cookies 'n' brownies. What can I say? That adorable li'l fly swept me off all eight o' my feeties WinkWink 'n' flew me away on his gossamer wings with all th' mighty rescues, savin' me from th' horrors of my naive acceptance Roll Eyes of Choo's VIP ticket (Hi Choo, you sly one, you!) which got me strapped unmercifully to th' cow catcher (yet again, not to be confused with a cattle guard Big Grin) screamin' fer help (woe is me!) while waitin' to become splattered bug guts in th' showdown 'tween him 'n' Jeff S! Eek

N, I'm workin' on that website now... well, not right now obviously or I wouldn't be here. Eh, I only know a little bit... 'nough to get me by 'n' hopefully 'nough to keep me outa trouble. Big Grin Love learnin' though.
I think it's okay to say what we sell, as it's alright to have links here that lead to wherever we want. Can't wait to get mine live and will put it in my siggy. Smile I sell mostly vintage lingerie and some shoes and boots, pretty much vintage there too. A little other stuff occasionally but that's what I have th' most of & lingerie is where my passion lies, as my collection will attest to. Big Grin

Taz, where ya be? You're as scarce as myself 'round these here parts lately. Just why IS that? Razz Cool

Anyone heard from Pete? Where's Jeff S & kbalona? Did I miss any regular posters here?

Hi Ninth... Smile

What a mess of a post! Big GrinBig Grin
Hi there Miss S. Wouldn't you know it would take an eye catching lil' spidey gal in sexy lingerie to bring ol' Ninth back to the posting follies. (not that I had planned to stay away much longer anyway, can only lurk for so long. Wink) What does spyder lingerie look like anyway? Eight legs, eight eyes, eight....??? Whoa!!!

Yes, where ARE the missing posters? They're worse than me. They could at least check in once in a while! Frown

Anyway Hi everybody. "I'll be BAAAAK", soon. Big Grin
Taz, where ya be? You're as scarce as myself 'round these here parts lately. Just why IS that? Razz Cool

Hey all, I'm still around just getting ready for work right now. This crazy work schedule and the OT has me spinning in circles, not to mention my new found love. Trying to keep up with her and and spend quality time together does keep me busy the rest of the time. Working OT first shift Saturday and then switch to 3rd for Sunday night so not much chance of seeing me around this weekend, although I do try to check the board just cannot find much time to post Frown .
The thread does seem to have slowed a good bit but it still has some legs
Bug spray, phew, whispering ... takes courage to ask questions around here, never know what twisted conotation may be attached when Ms M is involved. Eek

Hi JeffS long time no see in here, well at least you're lurking Wink

A record of nothing better to do ??

No, that's demeaning the epic thread, it has evolved a life of it's own, probably find that one of us is really computer generated and provokes responses when it feels lonely, I wonder which of us it is ?

Could be Ms M, perhaps she wasn't talking bug spray afterall. Wink

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