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Smile Eek Frown Confused Wink Red Face Razz Cool Smile Eek Big Grin Smile Eek Roll Eyes Mad Smile Frown Big Grin Wink ConfusedSmile Eek Frown Confused Wink Red Face Razz Cool Smile Eek Roll Eyes Mad Smile Frown Big Grin Wink ConfusedSmile Eek Frown Confused Wink Red Face Razz Cool Smile Eek Roll Eyes Mad Smile Frown Big Grin Wink Confused Wink Confused Smile Eek Frown Confused Wink Red Face Razz Cool Smile Eek Roll Eyes Mad Smile Frown Big Grin Wink ConfusedSmile Eek Frown Confused Wink Red Face Razz Cool Smile Eek Roll Eyes Mad Smile Frown Big Grin Wink ConfusedSmile Eek Frown Roll Eyes Mad Smile Frown Big Grin Wink Confused Smile Eek Frown Confused Wink Red Face Razz Cool Smile Eek Roll Eyes Mad Smile :( :D Wink :confused: :) :eek: :D Wink :confused::) :eek: :( :confused: Wink :o :p :cool: :) :eek: :rolleyes: :mad: :) :( :D Wink :confused: :) :eek: :( :confused: Wink :o :p :cool: :) :eek: :rolleyes: :mad: :) :( :D Wink :confused: :) :eek: :( :( :confused: Wink :o :p :cool: :) :eek: :rolleyes: :mad: :) :( :D Wink :confused: :) :eek: :( :confused: Wink :o :p :cool: :) :eek: :rolleyes: :mad: :) :( :D Wink :confused::) :eek: :( :confused: Wink :o :p :cool: :) :eek: :rolleyes: :mad: :) :( :D Wink :confused: :) :eek: :( :confused: Wink :o :p :cool: :) :eek: :rolleyes: :mad: :) :( :D Wink :confused: :) :eek: :( :confused: Wink :o :p :cool: :) :eek: :rolleyes: :mad: :) :( :D Wink :confused: :) :eek: :( :confused: Wink :o :p :cool: :) :eek: :rolleyes: :mad: :) :( :D Wink :confused:

Yea, well sometimes things just don't work the way you want them to. Now if this stupid forum software only had a preview function...
Last edited by jeffs
Taz is too busy bending pretzels to be lonely.

No more pretzels for me! No Sirree,I moved into the subterranean world. Now working in the coal industry, albeit above ground. Got my foot in the door of a multi -national company that is in a rapid expansion mode Smile Big Grin .
Now as fer da GodMothers Lieutenants, I do believe I saw those Molls at Magoo's a couple a weeks ago and had to send them packing, after informing them this is not that type of establishment O'course. To which they replied they were packin guns.
My reply naturally was you guys should not be dressed as woman because no-one here is interested in women packin guns. This naturally raises the question of is Miss M really Miss M AKA the GodMother really MR M and is there a Mini M running around also?
I guess I will leave Y'all to hash this out and hypothesize is it real or is it Mammorex?
Now Miss M or whatever your name is don't be fallin off your chair in a laughing fit.
As fer me well tis Thursday and da pool table be callin me name so the little lady and I are goin out fer a few cold frosties.
Originally posted by member_8880:
Ok Jeff, how long did it take you to do that Big Grin ARE one of 'us people' Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin

Done pretty fast using copy and paste-paste-paste. But the forum software seems to have some sort of limit (or something does) where it only shows a certain number of the icons. I can't find any error in the text that would make it stop showing all but the "wink" icons. Being there is no preview on messages, you can't experiment and play with the message until you get it right.

Looks more like he has finally cracked under the strain of :- "bitch or not to bitch that is the confusion" Wink

Good mornin'/afternoon/evenin' ya'll.
you can't experiment and play with the message until you get it right.
Sure ya can Jeff... just use th' edit button. Big Grin

Miss M, that can't be you! Her hair's th' wrong color but I won't tell anyone... we'll let 'em think it is. Wink
Hey, I'm workin' on an email to ya. Can't seem to keep 'em short. Big Grin

Hi Taz. Sure am happy to hear all's goin' well for ya! Choo, I'm sleepwalkin' now, my normal state of mind. Roll Eyes

Ninth, spyder lingerie looks normal, doncha know silly!? It's part o' my quick-change-disguise wardrobe. You're kissin' up now, aren't ya? Wink Well then, I'm just gonna go pout! Razz

N, where ya be girl? Been thinkin' about ya. Smile Are ya gonna be one o' them with 100+ store items? I wonder if I could keep up with that much, gettin' it posted and knowin' which is which. It's th' similar ones I worry most about gettin' mixed up.

What, no Zeb lately? Why? Eek Is it Spring-like there? Is that it?
Hey Pete good to see you back Smile. Starting to think we had lost you. As for what is going on? well this is a thread about nothing! So of course not much of anything and a whole of nothing with a bit of sanity mixed in for good measure.
Has been a couple of IDIOTS posting in the real world that have called certain thread members a few off color things and been sent packing. Best bet is spend a few hors and get caught up as you get the chance Big Grin

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