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Hi Choo! How ya be? Nice post, except for the headache that one sentence gave me Big Grin
I'll be even more scarce the next few days..going to Ebay Live, practically right in my own backyard Smile
Hopefully I can get permission from certain folks to post a picture or 2. Should be fun. At least it'll keep me out of trouble Eek

I'll send ya some more memory pills, I've got plenty. Just ignore the little skull & crossbone, doesn't mean anything
Hey all been MIA for awhile! Just popping in to say HI! I see Miss M broke out evil nurse Wanda again. I have been haphazardly following the thread. I guess it has been almost a month since I last posted Red Face The benefit show went well and Magoos is super busy right now. I have been putting extra time in helping out there as there are alot of bike runs that come through in the summer. Glad to see the thread is still chugging along. And to think we wondered if we could keep it alive until January!If this keeps up we will have to look into syndication rights!Watch out Seinfeld Big Grin Getting ready to go for some pre-testing for a surgery I have scheduled for next week Frown
Wish I could be at eBay live Miss M, I really thought hard about it when I found out Chris Isaak would be playing.But the whole surgery thing put the kabosh on that one. Have fun and hopefully you get to post those pics. But please leave the two tranvestite enforcers at home, after all this is GreedBays event and we would not want those two ruining it! HMMM? On second thought Smile
BTW FeeBay has not gotten a penny from me since December and I still have my Bronze PS rating?
Happy, happy to see ya! Glad the benefit went well (we knew it would Smile) but sorry to hear you're having surgery Frown I really wish you could have gone to Ebay of the other regular posters here is going too (don't know if it's 'proper' to mention names so I won't) but at least I'll 'know' somebody.
Gotta go to work now..don't know how I'll get up in the morningFrown might have to stay up all night. REALLY poor planning on my part!

PS Taz, I DID notice you're still a Powerseller..LOL..ebay is too busy dealing with FB complaints etc to monitor anything else I guess Big Grin

Later Smile
Hi Everybody,
WoW Ebay Live was alot of fun!!! (I can see people rolling their eyes, but I only went because of the Auctiva booth) Smile We had a blast! Kbalona came in all the way from NY, and tho we didn't have much time to hang out, it was GREAT working the Auctiva booth, handing out tee shirts, etc. If Ebay was run by people like the Auctiva folks, everybody would be happy! Just a GREAT bunch of people. I can't even say how much I enjoyed myself Smile

Their booth seemed to be the hit of the conference...standing room only for the live tutorials, hundreds (or probably thousands) of tees handed out, it was awesome! I'm sure I'll think of more later, but for now just wanted to post some pics...wasn't able to get too many, it was VERY busy Smile

This is Auctiva Chrystal (who designed one of my favorite templates 'High on the Hog'), kbalona, and yours truly. Keep in mind: white makes me look fat, I was having a bad hair day, and I left my fangs at home Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin

Originally posted by member_8880:
Would take too much work to look as good as that

I am speechless

Can it be possible??

Choo actually gave me a compliment?????? Wink

EDIT--Choo obviously you forgot to take your memory pills, you forgot who you're talking too Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin

Hi K..You're up early, I would have thought you'd sleep half the day Smile

Heh...well, I'm off for a nap here in a few minutes.
I forgot to mention, it was really really nice to meet Sus also.

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