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Sorry for the delay getting back in here, I only just finshed working my way through the box of dolls that mysteriously appeared on my doorstep. Strange how they all seemed to have a surprised look on their faces - is that normal does anyone know?

Hope you all had a good start to the new year, I know I have! Big Grin

Happy new Year all!
surprised look on their faces - is that normal does anyone know?

HA Pete--as if you didn't know Wink (just kidding)
Well it looks like I'm not the only one that's been MIA...working my lil' fingers to the bone Frown and I'm still not rich... Roll Eyes

But I know what Choo is up to-he's planning another attack on my house with the killer tomatoes Eek

Too funny - there are a couple more recent votes on this thread. Too bad we haven't seen Miss S and the infamous Ninth Wave lately ... Wonder what they're up too
Hi 7658jds, welcome to "The Epic Thread", we could do with some more mischief makers here.

Beware, these tomatoes are well seasoned veterans, nothing green about them, especially the overipe ones, who are particularly messy and nasty Big Grin

Please note that I did say "tomatoes" and not "tomato" so the next time you leave your horizontal cabinet Ms F and the sky darkens it won't be a UFO or a rain cloud but a UKO - an Unfried Ketchup Object.

Current postion, drifting across the Atlantic after whetting their appetites on tourists over here.

Should be there in a few days, they know what you look like as I have programmed them with your data gleaned from this thread . . . Razz

Oh and . . . Roll Eyes Roll Eyes
Hey everybody,

WOW been trying to get used to the new My Ebay page they forced on us here...slow ugly waste of spaceFrown
You have to customize it to get it to even resemble something you can work with. Check it out, Choo see what you think. Sign into I've actually been working through Ebay Ca, they haven't messed with that one yet. SIGH

So anyway, I'll have to worry about the tomato attack later (but I've got my burgers ready & waiting) Big Grin Big Grin

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