OK, many thanks again for asking after my family - update is Stevie's temperature is almost back to normal (but he has a lousy cough), and Sally is running about 100F at the moment, so she is tucked up in bed.
Turkey was great, though I say it myself - she was a big bird, but I stuffed her OK

On the age front, I see Susanne likes the shotgun approach! Closest so far is Steve (very close actually).
As for the jabs, well, many years ago when I was in the Army we used to be like pin cushions, they'd be sticking all sorts of vaccinations in us for this and that, so I guess it doesn't mean much now. I had to have the 'flu jab 'cos I am diabetic, it's important for me not to get nasty infections apparently

Hope none of you have bad hangovers when you wake up, and look forward to chatting to you all later.