Moms cousin covered the Nuremberg trials for the Stars and Stripes and if you Google Winthrop Fanning you will find this.
He was quite the character and he worked for the Pittsburgh Post Gazette as the TV critic. i have photos of him with quite a few movie stars and he actually had an " Audience " with the Queen of England! Yeah Pete how do you like me now! LOL
he had a nice collection of German stuff and also had about 40 years worth of old TV Guides that he had saved. When we moved him over here with us we THREW the old TV Guides in the trash! Wish I would have known about eBay then!
One more link from Wikipedia
Are you still posting on Suthrnjewl's board? I signed up a long time ago but I never have time to even read it much less post there. The only post I actually read was the one about your problem transaction
Bet you're glad that's over with!

I don't post there much but I do read it regularly. I just finally got my eBay fees refunded today! Almost forgot moms cousin was one the reporters to witness the executions of the Nuremberg war criminals.
COOL stuff Steve...believe it or not, I'm always interested in WW11 stories, documentaries, anything at all. I'll give those links a closer look later on...
We're posting at the same time again 

quote:It was probably Shirley Big Grin
'Twasn't me. Why would I say such a thing when I can be such a jabber jaws?

Welcome to the party Shirley. Everyone posting at the same time here!
How was your Christmas?
How was your Christmas?
Well ther's the other Darksider!
No, I meant it was probably you voting 'God only knows'
No, I meant it was probably you voting 'God only knows'

If we keep posting like this you will have your PREMIER poster wings in no time Miss S!
Almost time for Ninth to jump in here. HULLOOO Ninth are ya there?
I think the ninth likes to lurk, right Miss S ??
Then after awhile he'll jump in...he wants to see what we're saying about him first
I think Pete ('SCUSE ME, Sexy St Pete) does that too
Then after awhile he'll jump in...he wants to see what we're saying about him first

I think Pete ('SCUSE ME, Sexy St Pete) does that too

Well ladies much as I would like to stay and play I have a long day tomorrow so should get some rest.
Have fun and be good! On second thought at least have fun
Have fun and be good! On second thought at least have fun
Hey Taz! I had a great day, thank you! It's always so much fun to spend time with the grandkids. They're such a delight! 
I dunno, Miss M. Does he lurk and Sexy St Pete too? lol I think Pete's sleepin' now. ?? Hope your loved ones are better today, Pete.
Ninth, are you lurking out there, you pretty sweet fly?
I wonder who said it won't last. Did anyone? I don't remember. lol

I dunno, Miss M. Does he lurk and Sexy St Pete too? lol I think Pete's sleepin' now. ?? Hope your loved ones are better today, Pete.
Ninth, are you lurking out there, you pretty sweet fly?

I wonder who said it won't last. Did anyone? I don't remember. lol
Right you are Taz...'be good' and 'have fun' don't belong in the same sentence

Have a great day tomorrow..

Have a great day tomorrow..
Hah! Taz, you said it right by changing it. lol Sweet dreams. 

Hey Shirley,
Tell Ninth you have the mistletoe waiting for him

I bet he shows up then!
Tell Ninth you have the mistletoe waiting for him

I bet he shows up then!
omg Mistletoe... I forgot about mistletoe! How could I do that! lol I'll put it in the door to my parlor. 

I can't believe I'm sayin this, but I'm gonna go to sleep (early for me, huh)
Kinda burnt out from the last 2 tomorrow.
BTW S, I sent you a funny
Kinda burnt out from the last 2 tomorrow.
BTW S, I sent you a funny

On second thought, I'm not sure mistletoe goes with spider web decor.
I'm beat to a pulp. Sweet dreams, Miss M if you're still here. (dang, I'm slow! lol) Pete too, rather Sexy St Pete and that should be good morning to you.
Ninth, gmta

I'm beat to a pulp. Sweet dreams, Miss M if you're still here. (dang, I'm slow! lol) Pete too, rather Sexy St Pete and that should be good morning to you.

Ninth, gmta

Hi gang - No I haven't been lurking, matter of fact I just got in from Christmas with my daughter, her mom (my X) and her grandmother. It was a very nice day, lots of presents and great food. I am so stuffed I can barely bend over to tie my shoes - all that turkey you know. I bought my daughter a ton of computer and video games, so she was in video game ecstasy. She's 16 and been playing them since she was 3, thanks to Dad. Anyway I caught up on the posts, and see we finally got a new poster. We could use a few more. Glad you all had a great day, keep it going. I'm wiped, so am away to bed, but will check in tomorrow. You're right Miss S, gmta - I really don't think the mistletoe will be necessary. Yes we know: 'GAR' (new net-lingo acronym)
Hey everyone!
No Susanne, I don't lurk, Shirley's right, when you are all posting here, I'm usually tucked up in bed 
OK, many thanks again for asking after my family - update is Stevie's temperature is almost back to normal (but he has a lousy cough), and Sally is running about 100F at the moment, so she is tucked up in bed.
Turkey was great, though I say it myself - she was a big bird, but I stuffed her OK
On the age front, I see Susanne likes the shotgun approach! Closest so far is Steve (very close actually).
As for the jabs, well, many years ago when I was in the Army we used to be like pin cushions, they'd be sticking all sorts of vaccinations in us for this and that, so I guess it doesn't mean much now. I had to have the 'flu jab 'cos I am diabetic, it's important for me not to get nasty infections apparently
It also means I can't partake of as much food and drink as I used to at Christmas
Oh well, probably a good thing in a way.
Hope none of you have bad hangovers when you wake up, and look forward to chatting to you all later.

OK, many thanks again for asking after my family - update is Stevie's temperature is almost back to normal (but he has a lousy cough), and Sally is running about 100F at the moment, so she is tucked up in bed.
Turkey was great, though I say it myself - she was a big bird, but I stuffed her OK

On the age front, I see Susanne likes the shotgun approach! Closest so far is Steve (very close actually).
As for the jabs, well, many years ago when I was in the Army we used to be like pin cushions, they'd be sticking all sorts of vaccinations in us for this and that, so I guess it doesn't mean much now. I had to have the 'flu jab 'cos I am diabetic, it's important for me not to get nasty infections apparently

Hope none of you have bad hangovers when you wake up, and look forward to chatting to you all later.

G'morning everyone,
Hope you're all doing well today.
Pete, I told ya, I can take some of that turkey off your hands
I think the army is always that way isn't it? No matter where you're from? My dad was always telling stories about all the needles & shots, my friends that went to Vietnam & Iraq too.....No thanks
Ninth, what does GAR mean?? (You know I'm computer challenged)
Hope you're all doing well today.
Pete, I told ya, I can take some of that turkey off your hands

I think the army is always that way isn't it? No matter where you're from? My dad was always telling stories about all the needles & shots, my friends that went to Vietnam & Iraq too.....No thanks

Ninth, what does GAR mean?? (You know I'm computer challenged)
Oh DUH...BIG big DUH 
I know GAR ... it just sorta slammed into my head Ouch

I know GAR ... it just sorta slammed into my head Ouch

Hi all just catching up a bit.
Pete sorry to hear wife is still sick. Glad your son is feeling better. So I was very close with the age guess. Without going back through posts I believe I guessed 53 and you said
I know what you are going through with the diabetes, it runs in moms side of the family and she has it pretty bad. Have you tried Byetta? She started using it and it dropped her blood sugars down probably 25%. She runs some crazy numbers at times still though(Up in the 400's a couple of weeks ago
)But she also cheats a lot.
Sid glad you had a good Christmas with your daughter.
Pete sorry to hear wife is still sick. Glad your son is feeling better. So I was very close with the age guess. Without going back through posts I believe I guessed 53 and you said
So I must be within 1 year either way. I will leave it up to the rest of the troops to figure that one out.quote:Closest so far is Steve (very close actually).
I know what you are going through with the diabetes, it runs in moms side of the family and she has it pretty bad. Have you tried Byetta? She started using it and it dropped her blood sugars down probably 25%. She runs some crazy numbers at times still though(Up in the 400's a couple of weeks ago

Are you sure that was not the door to the room that slammed into your head?quote:I know GAR ... it just sorta slammed into my head Ouch
Sid glad you had a good Christmas with your daughter.
OMG Taz, you did it again!!
ALWAYS making me laugh til I cry! And here I am trying to put eyemakup on, now I'll have to start all over again
Thanks alot
ALWAYS making me laugh til I cry! And here I am trying to put eyemakup on, now I'll have to start all over again

Thanks alot

I am sure even without the eyemakeup you are quite stunning Susanne. If your eyes are half those of your avatar I would fall in love instantly!
Why Steve...I think you are shamelessly flirting with me 
And it looks like I am the only one that has to go to work today
All I want to do is go back to sleep!
See you all later, I'll try & pop in from work tonite if I can....
Hope everyone has a great day
edit/edit---YES I do have a thing for EYES don't I

And it looks like I am the only one that has to go to work today

See you all later, I'll try & pop in from work tonite if I can....
Hope everyone has a great day

edit/edit---YES I do have a thing for EYES don't I

Aw shucks little lady you caught me

Watch out, this is starting to get a little GAR-like. (Hi Shirley

Are there group rates for GAR's?
Now you're getting kinky.
(You're bouncing back pretty quick here. [rock n roll])

HMM Is that what you call it?
BTW Ninth I was reviewing the posts under suggestions and the one about "What color is Auctiva' has been pulled with all posts pertaining to it gone!
That was about the stupidest post I have ever seen and from an Auctiva employee to boot!
On a serious note!
I was real depressed last night so I called The Suicide Prevention Hotline.
My call was routed to a call center in Pakistan.
I told them I was suicidal.
They got all excited and asked me if I could drive a truck full of fertilizer?
BTW Ninth I was reviewing the posts under suggestions and the one about "What color is Auctiva' has been pulled with all posts pertaining to it gone!
That was about the stupidest post I have ever seen and from an Auctiva employee to boot!
On a serious note!
I was real depressed last night so I called The Suicide Prevention Hotline.
My call was routed to a call center in Pakistan.
I told them I was suicidal.
They got all excited and asked me if I could drive a truck full of fertilizer?
I guess they pulled it because it was so stupid that they were a little embarrassed by it. I would have liked to have been a fly on the wall when the lecture came down. Just realized, I AM a fly on the wall, right Shirl?
What did you say to that? 'No, but a leather babe with beautiful eyes might cheer me up.'
Edit- I know Sexy Pete, the leather thing is yours, but you can't have it all to yourself. All us guys like sweeties in leather.
quote:Originally posted by TazFromPA:
They got all excited and asked me if I could drive a truck full of fertilizer?
What did you say to that? 'No, but a leather babe with beautiful eyes might cheer me up.'
Edit- I know Sexy Pete, the leather thing is yours, but you can't have it all to yourself. All us guys like sweeties in leather.

Yeah I guess that is why they pulled it. I mean we did sort of tear into that post like a Pit Bull at a dog fight!
Yes indeedy, no mercy was shown. 'Give no quarter, for you shall receive none!
Welcome aboard barparts, and thanks for voting, but don't be fooled by the funky rambling, methinks the question has been quite resolved by now. (It better be.)
quote:Originally posted by barparts:
I still think it's "God only knows"
Welcome aboard barparts, and thanks for voting, but don't be fooled by the funky rambling, methinks the question has been quite resolved by now. (It better be.)

Hi. Ya'll are so funny.
What am I walking into here? lol
I didn't know what to say on that thread, so I didn't say anything. ha! Showed them! LOL
What's HMM? hmmmm
Hi Ninth. Nah, we don't need the mistletoe any more than a hose. lol Yes, you ARE a fly... a pretty, pretty, tempting and sweet li'l fly.

I didn't know what to say on that thread, so I didn't say anything. ha! Showed them! LOL
What's HMM? hmmmm
Hi Ninth. Nah, we don't need the mistletoe any more than a hose. lol Yes, you ARE a fly... a pretty, pretty, tempting and sweet li'l fly.

Well it is my pool league night so I have to go get ready. Have a good Ninth and keep the ladies out of trouble on here! 

See how you are Shirley I go to leave and you just sashay right in pretty as a rose
Have fun Taz. Probably 'tain't noone can keep us outa trouble, eh Miss M? lol
I think referring to you as a fly, Ninth, maybe has barparts confused?
I think referring to you as a fly, Ninth, maybe has barparts confused?

Hey, don't be too good, Taz was just rambling about staying out of trouble, he didn't really mean it. (remember he has a broken heart and is not quite right in the head yet) (actually he is quite right, madly flirting with two gorgeous ladies in the space of one page, how much more right can you get?) and I really don't care who gets confused as long as you don't (I'll keep you clear.

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