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awww ty. Aren't you sweet Pete! THAT's it!!! You're Sweet Pete to me from now on. Wink

I picture you giving him a kind of fairytale wonderland after-Christmas Christmas. lol Sort of like a themed birthday party... Smile Making glittery snowflakes and paper chains and popcorn strings that he can help make, and using them like streamers all around. His favorite meal of maybe grilled cheese sandwiches and soup, with a giant cookie for dessert. Then off on a treasure hunt for the best of all gifts, clues hidden on some of the snowflakes maybe, starting with a tiny unimpressive gift to open first...

My grown kids still love when they get a treasure hunt gift. Big Grin
Hi Guys been busy busy busy today. Working on a BMW I am getting ready to put on eBay, never again will I buy a BMW. Great when they are working right but a nightmare to replace things on. The computer went bad on it and I had to rip half the interior apart to replace it!
No Miss M it was not me that posted Santa flashing!
Sorry to hear you are not feeling well Pete, guess the Whiskey preventative treatment did not work Frown
Miss S a new Name to go with your escape from the Playground?
Still experimenting with Avatars Miss M I do not like the new one either and will be trying a few more. So without further ado I present the new me for your approval or disapproval!
I noticed that with your avatar also Susanne? Right now it is showing clearly for me? If it does not straighten out soon try to save it to your desktop then upload to Auctiva and use that URL.
I never heard of were your avatar is located and I cannot get their website to load on my PC? Possibly they are having server problems?
You can see it? I see either nothing at all, or a box with the red X. Too bad it won't load for you, (wonder why?) they have some great avatars.

Thanks for the suggestion tho, I will prolly have to do that.

But see, your avatar is making me dizzy again ... I'm already dizzy enough Big Grin

EDIT//edit--I guess it's back now I can see it too. Did you extend your magic over the internet and fix it? Big Grin

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