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Hi don't you guys and gals get any sleep, congrats on busting through the 1000th post at such speed, I see some of you are still up at 3am your time.

Just spent an hour catching up with nearly 150 mails from this thread, that's more like it.

I should have got up earlier but being an ugly sort of guy I need plenty of beauty sleep. Wink

Oh, the snow -fairy picture, ermmm, less said about that the better Eek
Originally posted by Shadeaux:
No Ninth, nothin' 'thick'. I'll just tell you what a sweet li'l fly you are.

Sorry to confuse you, I must be getting rummy because I didn't mean you at all. I meant that I wasn't laying it on thick, hope you catch my drift.

Choo - Steamy? It's just your imagination. GAR means 'get a room', Miss M wants to take a fire hose to us. Don't know what she means.
Hello my lovelies, I'm back!! Big Grin

Happy New Year to one and all, and my humblest apologies for missing out on all the fun you were having (I assume you were, there's an awful lot of posts and views for this thread now). Have I missed anything I need to go and read? There's such a lot since I fell sick, I don't think I can go and trawl all through them!

Did ya miss me? Well, did ya, did ya? Razz
THERE you are! Just read the last page (if you can get thru Miss S & Ninth's goo-goo eyes) and you'll see we were wondering about you. Glad to see you're back, too bad you missed the fun last night. We are definitely the AAC!

So are you better now? How was your New Years?

If I stop answering in a little while it's cos I have to go out for about 1/2 hr but I'll be back, as Arnold would say Smile
Good mornin'. Smile

Choo, when you get several rooms, hotels will give a discounted rate, sometimes majorly discounted. Or is that not what you mean?
At the risk of mentioning the snow fairy again, I won't mention it because I might say too much. Big Grin

AAC, yep, we were tired Ninth. lol How are you?
I didn't realize we'd misbehaved so badly. Roll Eyes I don't remember if we said don't read it anywhere. uh-oh...

Miss M, if you'll put a space between that last dot and the 'h', your link will work. It's good with copy/paste now. Wink

Hi Pete! Glad to see you're feeling better and up 'n' at 'em. Bless your heart, it's the pits when it has to pass around the family like that. Don't overdo it now and be sure you still rest well! *mother hen* lol

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