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More than alright. I rarely go to the casinos, and never to gamble, only to go to the restaurants now and then - great places to eat but can get expensive. I do like to dance but have been out of the club scene long enough to not have a favorite, just rock, no mosh pits thank you, never liked them, even back in the 80's in San Francisco, when punk started in North Beach, I thought mosh pits were weird . Don't dance quite as hot as I 'think' I used to. Oh well oh well, not 20 any more.

edit - "Actually, I know part of the second ??". No, 50's is not my favorite (if that's what you mean). I think I could definitely get caught up though.

edit/edit - "It's in my head now... really, it's on the headset." You keep editing, I'm falling behind!
Last edited by ninthwave
Mosh pits started with punk rock back in the early 80's. I mean dudes jumping up on the stage and hurling themselves in to a crowd of zonked out freaks literally smashing into each other. Fun huh? That's when R&R started to get weird for me and I no longer could relate to a lot of it. Punk rock was just the start.

You're right, my 16 year old daughter (started late) calls me a geezer. I keep having to keep her straight on that one, at the same time I like to play along, but she knows I'm not(I hope).

Ok, what's a 'punk'? and what's on the headset? Help me out here. I must be slow.
Good that makes three of us, because I definitely know it too, not a question in my mind.

I know about those kind of punks. and I kind of thought you meant Berlin (GMTA) but wasn't sure. When you hear that song do you really think of dancing? Not me. Wink

Best you don't talk enough. We don't need to spell everything out. Miss M's going to whack us pretty hard as it is. Wink
Go back and watch that 'Top Gun' scene again. ol Tom and Kelly weren't exactly dancing (in the literal sense anyway.)

Of course we don't deserve it, but we just don't get any appreciation for our subtlety and restraint. Rodney Dangerfield used to say 'I just can't get no respect! (I'm going to have to find some new smiley faces, they don't give us enough choices.)

edit - they'll get theirs someday, from their own kids

edit/edit - Actually dancing sounds very hot, now that you've managed to implant that in my wee little brain. Wink
Oh I know they weren't, yet they were...

What do you mean, we don't deserve it? Big Grin I do wish we had more choices for smileys. I need to put the links in a notepad though for like last Thursday and wanted that rotflmao one so bad. lol

The oldest is already realizing this. And she can't believe 30's right around the corner either. Youngest doesn't have kids except her li'l furbaby.

Yes, it does, doesn't it. Wink

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