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Obviously you did not yet see my reply to DaraDorks flogging post!

I must have the opposite of being ambidextrous, can't type with either hand, yes I meant dork's flogging, mind you probably just an occupational hazard they can ignore for a week, spam somewhere else and return when the dust settles.

Probably got no interest in selling things just goes crusing board after board just like vanadls plastering thier graffiti everywhere as if we care what their tag means Razz
True Choo but we still have our flogging permits courtesy of Jeff
Probably got no interest in selling things just goes crusing board after board just like vanadls plastering thier graffiti everywhere as if we care what their tag means

Great fun don't you think?
And Choo how did you know I use to breed Rottweilers?
Well I too must get ready for work.
Hi everybody,

You guys are SO funny..I looked at the board while I was at work - I really should know better by now Big Grin

Choo - My Rottweiller looks just like me (she's beautiful, HAHAHA) Rolling my eyes here.. Roll Eyes
And BTW your level of lunacy is just fine.

Pete - OMG I never saw you freak out before (shame on you Choo for reporting Sweet Pete)

Taz - What can I say..go get 'em tiger Eek
Go get em Tiger? I live for these moments! Kick A** and take names of Dum-Dums. Gee I wish Jeff would step in at least say hello to the asylum!
Hmm "do you think this post will make it to the New Year"
Wow far beyond and still kickin tail!
1907 posts and 15061 views!
Yup I do believe that we lunatics need our own platground!
PLEASE Jeff a chat area for us hardcore Auctiva supportes!
Hey there Taz,

Yep, almost 100 pages..whoo hooo Big Grin
I had my doubts we'd make it to New Years, this is great!

Choo FINALLY opened his eyes & tore himself away from Dr Who to join in (sorry Choo, couldnt resist) and now we have kbalona posting too. Even without the manic ravings of Miss S and ninth we're doing OK.

Uh-oh, they're gonna get me for that one Big Grin Eek Just kidding guys! Razz
Almost 100 pages Miss M and they said it could not last! Only 3.5 pages to go and we hit 100. By the way where is the Spider and the Fly? Hope not out buying acreage to spin a new web of destruction!
tis almost enough to keep up with this little corner of paradise and then to have to foray out into the ButtKickin zone more than my little heart can handle!
Let me at EM Jeff! I want to tear someone a new backside!
Cowboy hat and Boots ninth? I don't think so. Beat up Harley Ball Cap and an Aussie duster, with a pair of weathered linemans boots more my style. Watch the door and I may come moseying in!
Choo : I did not forget your post! Don't lose sleep over nonsense? Is that the gist of it?
Last edited by tazfrompa
OK Choo, yes you are an honest one! Smile

Susanne, you say you have watched Dr Who since the beginning? I don't think you are that old (you don't look it in my dreams). Now I know Choo will know the answer to this, 'cos I remember him hiding behind the sofa when I was doing the same, but can you tell me who the actor was who played the original Dr Who?
Hi taz, just have to ask, it's obviously not made of ostrich feathers what is an
an Aussie duster

"Don't lose sleep over nonsense?"
I don't think any of us do that with this or the BC threads to vent on, no you are going off the track now, ok here is the original from the Pete coming out poll, and the translation.

me word's were :-
"Be'er be t'onest truf or yor'l be up a'fore the beak in't morn"

Better but still poor English :-
"It had better be the honest truth or you will be up before the magistrate/judge in the morning"

This "honest truth " is a dire but common piece of wording.

So there you go Taz is the winner by a mile. Smile

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