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me word's were :-
"Be'er be t'onest truf or yor'l be up a'fore the beak in't morn

Geez no wonder I never liked Shakespere - could never understand a word of it!

Pete has the Tardis now, whoo hoo!!!! And LOVE the telemarketing link BTW....

EDIT...forgot to say I'm here LOL like a jackass all by myself Big Grin Big Grin I never get those kind of calls Frown now I want one so I could pull a little stunt like that Wink
Must admit Choo the knuckle duster is an intriguing idea and much better usage of words than the mundane American brass knuckles.
Pete yes indeed it is safe to come out of hiding. DaraDork deserved another thrashing! I must admit I am thoroughly enjoying this butt kickin permit handed out by Sheriff Jeff. Yippee we've all been deputized and time to look for the hangin tree!
Q: What do James T. Kirk and spammers have in common?

A: They both regularly circle Uranus searching for Klingons

CAUTION MIss M. with those references to Kleenex, you see Choo has already reported poor Pete once. Would not want you to be his next victim.
Yes still up but it is just past midnight here, probably won't be up more than other hour tonight though.

The other post I just answered could be a long one and by all means step in if they reply during your evening - night shift Wink

Looks like another jump in the deep end and near drowning job despite our cautionary tales, another issue due to Jeff making it sound easy to use Auctiva, would not really go with that myself it's quite a learning curve for some Frown
Looks like another jump in the deep end and near drowning job despite our cautionary tales, another issue due to Jeff making it sound easy to use Auctiva, would not really go with that myself it's quite a learning curve for some

Oh I dunno..I'm a computer idiot, yet I had virtually no problems at all learning Auctiva. Sure I had a few questions, but I never had a problem big enough to prevent me from listing..I honestly think people should read more and take all the tutorals..instructions are there for everything.

EDIT - don't forget, we have to provoke Pete while he's gone Wink
Hi Ms M, just vented my frustrtation on booklady's poll thread, after another total newbie suffered the totally unnescessary "arrgh listing disspeared" initiation ceremony.

I really wish I knew what was behind the reluctance to pass the buck back to ebay, must be contractural small print that they are not even allowed to admit too.

There are two kinds of newbie likely to come unstuck, the one who is not well versed in techno-babble, tries but is swamped and those who can only be spoon fed every cr*mb Wink

So long as you can take it step by step and follow the tutorials (I gather from yourself and others they are good) then the former newbie should be ok.

The latter well, tough, wake up to the real world we can give pointers but it's up to them.

Regarding the tutorials I must admit I just dived in and played being a typical software engineer Wink as it all seemed quite logicallly set up to me Smile

Type, ya' all later Cool
Hi y'all, just found a few minutes to jump in! Son has a day off school today, so I have taken a day off work and we all went ten pin bowling, plus chinese for lunch Smile Off to Germany for work next week though, so won't get any time to myself, so highly unlikely to get in here.

I wonder why we can't have a sticky thread in the Getting Started forum, so we can just put our own warnings to newbies - that wouldn't mean Jeff doing anything else then, we could do it.

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