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Let me start by saying that i have been selling on Ebay for many years and have been using Blackthorne Pro for the last 3. I am sick of it though - since Ebay took over Blackthorne, it has been nothing but trouble. sister is also an Ebay seller and has been using Auctiva for some time but I can't seem to work anything out - sure I'm missing something really simple.
I have searched the boards and found a few people having the same problem as I am but the explanations they are getting don't help.
I just signed up about 15 hours ago and I have about 500 active auction on ebay but only about 200 of them are in Auctiva.
That's not the worst thing though - I am assuming it must just be taking longer than normal for them to download.
I have about 800 closed listings showing and I can't save them.
I read something about moving them to ecommerce or something but the only option I seem to have is to move them to a saved folder and I don't show a saved folder - I only have 2 folders - imported (which I have tried to move them to but when I to to imported, there is nothing there) and another imaginatively named No Folder (no help there :-)

How do I save these auctions so I can relist and use them? How do I then move them into inventory and what about the currently running listings - will they eventually all be brought into auctiva?

Thanks for reading this 'novel' and for any help you can offer.
All the best,
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Hi Meryl,

If you've tried the Import feature on the Closed Listings page, that function is (or at least was) something that gets "scheduled" for their rotational updates with eBay and isn't done immediately. Weekends are the busy time, so it might take awhile....give it a few hours and check again. If you don't get them in say 8 hours, try opening a Support Case at Help (link at top of Forum page and then look lower right on linked page).

Import for Closed Listings will place the listing in the Import folder you discovered in Saved Listings.

Hi Danno,
I love your signature and it is SO true! :-)

I have all of my active listings imported which is wonderful and they are all sitting in the import folder. I have made various different folders for the brands that I sell and moved the items from the import folder into their own individual folders complete with colour coding so that's good too.

Now, when I look in saved, there is nothing! I don't know what the difference is between saved and the folder I am already looking at - but I still have no idea how to move anything into saved? Do I want to move things into saved?

Lastly, I just want to confirm a sneaking suspicion that I get from the answer I received from auctiva support which I didn't understand completely.

I have thousands of items. I have now imported them from Ebay (well, the ones that have run and closed in the last 30 days, anyway). I want to be able to track the inventory for these items.

Do I have to recreate each item and am I not able to move them over to the inventory section just be selecting them and then, entering their inventory attributes? Please tell me that this is not the case? Does anyone know the answer to these questions?

Hi Meryl,

When you go to the Active Listings page within your Auctiva account, you will see the details of your items that are active on eBay at any given time. Your Saved Listings page is where your listing details are archived in case you need them for future use. Items that were posted directly through eBay and then imported to your Auctiva Active Listings page are not expected to show up on your Saved Listings page.

Any time you create and save or post a listing through Auctiva, a copy of that listing will be retained in your Saved Listings area unless you delete it or save over it when creating a new listing from that existing saved listing. You can also create saved listings from closed listings using the import process that Danno mentioned above.

If you would like to use Auctiva's inventory system to track your inventory, you would first need to enter each of your products into the inventory section of your Auctiva account. You can reach the form for entering an item into inventory by mousing over the "Inventory" tab within your account and selecting the "Add Item" option.

Once you have done so, when you are posting a listing through Auctiva, you can associate it with your inventory item by checking the box labeled "Is this an inventory item?" under the description editor and then choosing the appropriate inventory item from the interface. The quantity you post will then be deducted from the quantity you have in inventory and any items that remain unsold when the listing ends will be automatically added back to your inventory.

Unfortunately, we do not have anything in place that allows users to associate listings that are already active with inventory items in Auctiva so it would not be possible to link the listings you have already posted with your Auctiva inventory items.

I hope this helps.


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