I have been reading the posts,on this board,for the last week or so,and I have to say:" I COUD NOT BELIEVE,THE THINGS POSTED BY AUCTIVA".The comments,and words,used,were appauling!This is supposed to be a Professional Auction Host Company,to "Help",people "save money",on their auctions listed,and provide Courteous customer support,and use "Professionalism",in doing so.I was always taught,that "The customer is always right",even when they were not,and to treat them with the upmost respect;To give them caring and professional help with their problems and issues.I realize,that all the problems,cannot always be the fault of auctiva;nor the customer.Sometimes,it is the ISP,or a "bug" in the computer,or even problems with microsoft or windows.But answering,with such "tasteless",and vulgar language,is totally uncalled for! Giving sarcastic remarks,to a customer,is doing nothing,but making you look BAD,and your company.And sooner or later,if you continue to do this;and not care if your customers are upset or having problems,your business will go down hill,and OUT OF BUSINESS;Free or not! Word of mouth is the best or worst advertising, you can give someone or their company.If there is one thing I have learned,is that you do NOT insult,criticize,curse or ignore a customer who is upset,or not.GOOD Customer service will win,every time;And some genune care and concern;about their issues and problems.You should be ashamed of the things you are posted,on this board.It was rude,and tasteless,to say the least! If the problem is truly NOT the fault of auctiva,and exists somewhere else,the least you could/should do,is be kind and considerate,and let them know everything is being done to fix the peoblems,as quickly as possible,if you even care about this business at all.If you don't;then just be HONEST and tell them,and tell them NOT to send in a customer support case or complaint;because yo really don't care if it gets fixed or not; or if they are loosing money or not. You should realize,this may be the ONLY means of income,for some of us.....and when we cannot get listings posted,and have to spend days on end,trying to get some help with the problems;They are loosing money,that they may desperately need to pay a bill or something.My auctiva items have been doing well,and I hope they continue,to do so,even after I posted this.