Hi Kathleen thanks for chiming in here. I have seen your posts about your log-in problem. Hopefully you can get it fixed soon.
Choo hope you got a charge out of the posts on that thread. One particular person on there really seemed to know everything and be able to do anything better than anyone else.
People like that annoy me severely but I guess I should let things slide off my back a bit.
For questions that have to be answered over and over, why not list them in FAQs in the Help section? Save some work by having some kind of contest where best answers could be voted on.
Hi everybody,
Been reading this thread with great interest!
First a few pleasantries...Taz, congrats on your first 'pink slap'... Trust me it only hurts for a little while
Choo, nice to see you again, was wondering where you were.
I have to agree with EVERYBODY, every single post has merit and good ideas, I really have nothing to add right now. Actually, I thought booklady had a good idea, but again, it comes down to NO ONE WANTS TO READ ANYTHING. I took all the tutorials when I first signed up, I am well versed with Ebay & Paypal policies (that helped too), but if I have a question I just do a search on these boards and I find my answer, voila! I am probably the most computer illiterate person I know, but I always have to think, if a person like me can figure this stuff out why can't everyone else?? (Choo, big 'duh' goes to me, you really lost me in one of your posts
because I know nothing about computers) But I can read and follow Auctiva's instructions, and I get by just fine. I think most of it is common sense, which is something I guess not everyone has.........Listing auctions is alot of work sometimes, but it should be fun too. Like they say 'knowlege is power'. Will be keeping an eye on this thread 
Been reading this thread with great interest!
First a few pleasantries...Taz, congrats on your first 'pink slap'... Trust me it only hurts for a little while

Choo, nice to see you again, was wondering where you were.
I have to agree with EVERYBODY, every single post has merit and good ideas, I really have nothing to add right now. Actually, I thought booklady had a good idea, but again, it comes down to NO ONE WANTS TO READ ANYTHING. I took all the tutorials when I first signed up, I am well versed with Ebay & Paypal policies (that helped too), but if I have a question I just do a search on these boards and I find my answer, voila! I am probably the most computer illiterate person I know, but I always have to think, if a person like me can figure this stuff out why can't everyone else?? (Choo, big 'duh' goes to me, you really lost me in one of your posts

Hmmmm.....Still thinking...I re-read Jeff's first post again (thank you Jeff) and it makes perfect sense. Put yourself in his place, no matter what he might do not everyone will be happy. I will be optomistic here..at least this is a site that has excellent services for FREE, a wonderful community center, and a CEO, engineering, and all the other Auctiva folks that will personally answer questions on the boards and in a support request. Where else can you find that? Sure there are problems now & then, but what website doesn't experience problems? I could see losing one's mind when things go wrong if we were paying alot for this, but we're not. We are free to use Auctiva or not use it. Granted, the problem the other night that sparked this whole thing was a big one, and something that none of us could have fixed, but it WASN'T Auctiva's fault. That's all I have for now...
Still gonna watch this thread...

Hi '8880 yes some of my posts have got a bit deep on this thread but they were mainly aimed at CEO Jeff who will be well versed in what my wife considers to be techno-babble. 
The important thing here is that the videos and tutorials are pitched at the correct level so those that want to learn how to use Auctiva but do not need to know how it works can quickly move on and go about what they are here to do. Sell items for money.
From what you say about the videos and tutorials the level and approach is good, just the matter of pointing the reluctant newbies to them

The important thing here is that the videos and tutorials are pitched at the correct level so those that want to learn how to use Auctiva but do not need to know how it works can quickly move on and go about what they are here to do. Sell items for money.
From what you say about the videos and tutorials the level and approach is good, just the matter of pointing the reluctant newbies to them

ChooChooGuy the Human–Computer Interaction is a definite control factor here. I feel that it is a bit advanced for this board but since you brought it up it needs addressed.
As such the user does need an ability to interface in a more effective way with the end product however the end usage does not need to be significantly complicated by glitches in the GUI that lead one to a less than favorable end-user experience.
Not all users are knowledgeable with computer terms and they do expect instant gratification rather than computer-ese.
quote:A basic goal of HCI is to improve the interactions between users and computers by making computers more usable and receptive to the user's needs. Specifically, HCI is concerned with:
* methodologies and processes for designing interfaces (i.e., given a task and a class of users, design the best possible interface within given constraints, optimizing for a desired property such as learnability or efficiency of use)
* methods for implementing interfaces (e.g. software toolkits and libraries; efficient algorithms)
* techniques for evaluating and comparing interfaces
* developing new interfaces and interaction techniques
* developing descriptive and predictive models and theories of interaction
A long term goal of HCI is to design systems that minimize the barrier between the human's cognitive model of what they want to accomplish and the computer's understanding of the user's task.
Professional practitioners in HCI are usually designers concerned with the practical application of design methodologies to real-world problems. Their work often revolves around designing graphical user interfaces and web interfaces.
As such the user does need an ability to interface in a more effective way with the end product however the end usage does not need to be significantly complicated by glitches in the GUI that lead one to a less than favorable end-user experience.
Not all users are knowledgeable with computer terms and they do expect instant gratification rather than computer-ese.
Hi Taz, where I last worked on a GUI HCI stood for Human Computer Interface where this was the actual layer of software between the application and the user which is what I was referring to.
The HCI as found and redirected within Wikipedia (and most other search results) refers to HCI as ... Interaction is essentially the study of man communicating with machine.
That subtlety aside my point was not so much as whether there were glitches in the GUI or not but whether the GUI was designed with the expectation of the user understanding the structure of the application or not to achieve their goal with it.
Use with knowledge of the structure is very much evident from software development toolsets right through to the most basic user in the Win98/NT Windows environment and in decreasing degrees through XP and Vista.
In other words software engineers used to inadvertently write the GUI from their knowledge rather than the end users, and when you think about the first users were computing engineers and mathematicians.
And yes I agree with you completely, the user has a task to do and expects the computer to simplify and quicken it and should not need to result to computer-ese.
The HCI as found and redirected within Wikipedia (and most other search results) refers to HCI as ... Interaction is essentially the study of man communicating with machine.
That subtlety aside my point was not so much as whether there were glitches in the GUI or not but whether the GUI was designed with the expectation of the user understanding the structure of the application or not to achieve their goal with it.
Use with knowledge of the structure is very much evident from software development toolsets right through to the most basic user in the Win98/NT Windows environment and in decreasing degrees through XP and Vista.
In other words software engineers used to inadvertently write the GUI from their knowledge rather than the end users, and when you think about the first users were computing engineers and mathematicians.
And yes I agree with you completely, the user has a task to do and expects the computer to simplify and quicken it and should not need to result to computer-ese.

Hi ChooChooGuy I hope you did not think I was being critical of your post
. I am fairly well versed in computers as I have certification in Network Administration and am self taught in alot of other things. Computers fascinate me and I spend alot of time in books 
I had a basic grasp of what you were saying in your post but being the Curious George I am I had to learn more.
I ran a Google search for Human Computer Interface to better figure out what you were talking about and the Wikipedia post was the first thing in the search results.
I posted the Wiki piece to try to help other viewers of the thread to understand a bit more as I saw member_8880 post
It does seem to me the 2 terms are very closely related and almost interchangeable but I will look at learning a bit more about it and will more than likely see the differences.

I had a basic grasp of what you were saying in your post but being the Curious George I am I had to learn more.
I ran a Google search for Human Computer Interface to better figure out what you were talking about and the Wikipedia post was the first thing in the search results.
I posted the Wiki piece to try to help other viewers of the thread to understand a bit more as I saw member_8880 post
.quote:(Choo, big 'duh' goes to me, you really lost me in one of your postsbecause I know nothing about computers)
It does seem to me the 2 terms are very closely related and almost interchangeable but I will look at learning a bit more about it and will more than likely see the differences.
Hi Taz, no problems
I enjoy a good debate on these things and the software/hardware world have more recycled objects i.e. terms, acronyms and abbreviations than the best green minded person could ever have.
Even Microsoft rename and reuse technology titles as the years go by and I think that computer chip manufacturers are not much better, in ten years time HCI will probably have mutated into something else again.
I have learnt a lot of what I know and much that I have since forgotten by the same route as yourself.

Even Microsoft rename and reuse technology titles as the years go by and I think that computer chip manufacturers are not much better, in ten years time HCI will probably have mutated into something else again.
I have learnt a lot of what I know and much that I have since forgotten by the same route as yourself.

quote:Originally posted by ChooChooGuy:
....if were still in the dark old days of DOS....
I do enjoy reading all these discussion posts. Really makes me realize just how much of a dinosaur I am, though.
I was happy as a clam back in the dark old days of DOS (particularly since DOS was such an improvement over what things were like before the introduction of IBM-compatible fixed-disk systems (although, I admit, dealing with RS-232 did make me REALLY crabby). The advent of GUIs and HCI development is what killed my interest in understanding how computers work. Maybe it's not so bad with other platforms, but WIN's hijack of my ability to control my system and peripherals in a straightforward manner is a real turn-off for me.
I understand why things had to change, and I know overall it's for the best, but the fun has all gone out of it for me. Now my computer is just another tool that I hope doesn't break, which is kinda sad.
Hi lapzo, before I got into Windows progamming I much preferred designing and programming microcontroller based systems . . . bliss
Do it all yourself ...aaaah !
But then I got hooked into Windows and liked the challenge even better but really disliked the macro laden MFC/VC6 environment where you did not know what on earth was going on, (I guess that is what turned you off).
I do like the evolving .Net scene and really must get deeper into that, hmmm, this thread has diverged a bit
Do it all yourself ...aaaah !
But then I got hooked into Windows and liked the challenge even better but really disliked the macro laden MFC/VC6 environment where you did not know what on earth was going on, (I guess that is what turned you off).
I do like the evolving .Net scene and really must get deeper into that, hmmm, this thread has diverged a bit

Hi all, you are right Choo the thread is moving in a bit of a different direction form its original intention but then intelligent conversation is nice also.
I am enjoying the banter evolving in here
You have pulled a new term out for me to Google
I am more hardware oriented than environment I must confess
I am enjoying the banter evolving in here

quote:MFC/VC6 environment
I am more hardware oriented than environment I must confess
Bumping the thread and bringing it back on track with my ORIGINAL post.
quote:Let me start by saying I am not slamming the service! I love it, however the ongoing problem of newbies coming and running away because their auctions disappear for indexing and losing listings due to maintenance is crazy! A simple fix from Auctiva would be to CLEARLY post some of the known issues that Newbies may experience in a readily accessible place. My suggestion would be a page that comes up when signing up for the service that clearly details issues and provides the answer to the problem.Maintenance is a particular bone of mine.
Every Thursday night without fail someone new and many times experienced users complain about maintenance. I posted a rather scathing reply 2 Thursdays ago.
Last night I spent several hours of my own time trying to help someone with an issue that eBay was blaming on Auctiva. I was on the eBay discussion board until after 3 AM last night.
I notice that Jeff made it to the thread and posted and would like to thank him for his concern and answers.
But damage control after the fact is not the answer.
Please I reiterate get some system set up that explains to Newbies how Auctiva works what they can and cannot expect. It is preposterous to expect the Community to constantly defend Auctivas integrity when they refuse to Address a simple issue such as this.
In case you think I have not been around Auctiva much I used it as a paying customer under another SN in 2001 and 2002. This issue has been broached countless times and so far nothing.
Remember one disgruntled customer does more damage to a companies reputation than 100 satisfied users can repair.
Simple math would prove that addressing these issues prior to someone signing up would go MILES towards overall satisfaction not mention improving Auctiva's bottom line!
I was thinking about this thread earlier while answering a question about this very thing. Just a little blurb that jumps out to someone like me that could miss it if it's right in front of me... surely that's not too much to ask? Please?
edit- I see Miss M also answered the same question for someone else in Getting Started.
edit- I see Miss M also answered the same question for someone else in Getting Started.

quote:But damage control after the fact is not the answer.
This is it in a nutshell. Please, to save people from that frantic feeling... surely you know what it feels like to lose (or think you lost) something you've worked so hard to finish.

So what if there was a thread pinned to the top like the READ THIS FIRST ones, in a few places on here???
or something. That would at least be some help, would it not?
or something. That would at least be some help, would it not?
I started a Poll in Getting Started. If enough posters respond, maybe Auctiva will do something.
These are some great ideas.
Hopefully Jeff reads this and finds the validity in it and follows through with some new ideas.
quote:So what if there was a thread pinned to the top like the READ THIS FIRST ones, in a few places on here???
or something. That would at least be some help, would it not?
quote:I started a Poll in Getting Started. If enough posters respond, maybe Auctiva will do something.
Hopefully Jeff reads this and finds the validity in it and follows through with some new ideas.
I think it's an excellent idea..I like the POLL format. Way to go booklady!
Good idea Shadeaux, that's a good second resort at least the panicked seller with hours of listing creation seemingly blasted into billions of individual electrons can get some instant pain relief assuming they join the community (smiley for dispair).
Another good idea booklady, just seen it via the lounge epic-thread, I'm off to the polls having corrected my spelling above . . .
Another good idea booklady, just seen it via the lounge epic-thread, I'm off to the polls having corrected my spelling above . . .
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