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It's 4:10pm here in good old Blighty, and I can get auctiva to open now (tho. I haven't actually tried listing yet - too scared). But.... when I look on ebay at one of my auctions, I only seem to have one product in my auctiva store when I clink on the link on the showcase.


I was really hoping to get some stuff listed today on 10 day auctions to catch the next two Sundays.

LIH (Living in hope)

It's now noon in the store still says NO ITEMS AVAILABLE. I can't for the life of me understand why anyone would have used those words in the first place for someone's store window? Knowing that YOU are closed for business so should have thought ahead, about making that message say click on seller's other auctions. Geesh!!!!!!
It's even worse than I thought!. Not only does my store window say NO ITEMS AVAILABLE~~~~THEN when you click on get the says: THIS SELLER CURRENTLY HAS NO ITEMS FOR SALE!!!!
WHAT???? WHY would your programmer ever use those words in the first place????? I have 22 auctions running, and you say, NO items for sale? AGAIN, from day one, that message should have been something like "click on see sellers other items above"........that would have saved a bunch of the humiliation that you are now facing. Gosh, doesn't anyone think ahead over there? Never mind thinking out of the box....just ask yourself each time you devise some new message, how will this look if the site is down? Personally, I don't care about any upgrades....none....period. Just ease of posting auctions...your good pics & templates....your basic stuff....that is all I need, and I will gladly pay for that...especially if it always works. I think you are buying cheap host sites....maybe pay more (& charge us) or hunt harder for stable placements. JMHO.
Roll EyesDon't take this wrong Auctiva, I really appreciate all that you save me when I list my items on eBay. I often have items that do not list from your site and last night when eBay was giving discounts on listing, 4 of my items wern't listed. Your not listing them on time cost me $4.00. Now multiply that problem just about everytime I schedule listings and it can get to be real pain. Mad Today my ads' banner says that I have no auctions at this time and there is no link to my store items that work. I just tried to change it to say "try back later". I checked to see my store and all my items (26) are not even listed on your/my estore site here. I have also been checking the option to move my store banner to the bottom of my ads instead of at the top, and that is always ignored-I've been trying for at least 3 weeks. Of coarse there is also the same old problem of never being able to list during peak times and I use a high speed cable connection. Confused Regardless of all my frustrations, I still love you and hope you can work the bugs out more quickly than you have been. Wink
Originally posted by Mary H:
Roll EyesDon't take this wrong Auctiva, I really appreciate all that you save me when I list my items on eBay. I often have items that do not list from your site and last night when eBay was giving discounts on listing, 4 of my items wern't listed. Your not listing them on time cost me $4.00. Now multiply that problem just about everytime I schedule listings and it can get to be real pain. Mad Today my ads' banner says that I have no auctions at this time and there is no link to my store items that work. I just tried to change it to say "try back later". I checked to see my store and all my items (26) are not even listed on your/my estore site here. I have also been checking the option to move my store banner to the bottom of my ads instead of at the top, and that is always ignored-I've been trying for at least 3 weeks. Of coarse there is also the same old problem of never being able to list during peak times and I use a high speed cable connection. Confused Regardless of all my frustrations, I still love you and hope you can work the bugs out more quickly than you have been. Wink
Just want to add that your time is wrong too at the top of this posting-it should read closer to 4:15 pm est
Originally posted by Mary H:
Originally posted by Mary H:
Roll EyesDon't take this wrong Auctiva, I really appreciate all that you save me when I list my items on eBay. I often have items that do not list from your site and last night when eBay was giving discounts on listing, 4 of my items wern't listed. Your not listing them on time cost me $4.00. Now multiply that problem just about everytime I schedule listings and it can get to be real pain. Mad Today my ads' banner says that I have no auctions at this time and there is no link to my store items that work. I just tried to change it to say "try back later". I checked to see my store and all my items (26) are not even listed on your/my estore site here. I have also been checking the option to move my store banner to the bottom of my ads instead of at the top, and that is always ignored-I've been trying for at least 3 weeks. Of coarse there is also the same old problem of never being able to list during peak times and I use a high speed cable connection. Confused Regardless of all my frustrations, I still love you and hope you can work the bugs out more quickly than you have been. Wink
Just want to add that your time is wrong too at the top of this posting-it should read closer to 4:15 pm est

Okay here it is two days+ later and my eBay ads have 3 items rotating. There are 4 items listed in my Auctiva store and I am running 27 of them on eBay. I had 3 ads scheduled to list on eBay around lunch time and only one made it to eBay. The other 2 have disapeared completely-not even an error message on Auctiva. Just want to keep you posted as to what is happening so you can keep trying to update everything.

Well, this is Friday evening in the northeast and according to Auctiva I do not have any items listed, but alas, Ebay shows that I do. Also went to add a couple of photos to an item, but when I went to my Active listings, it showed that I had no listings, however, when I went to my Saved listings, it showed all of them there as having been posted Monday, October 23 --- this is October 27. JUST HOW FREE IS AUCTIVA IF IT COSTS ALL OF US SALES AND CUSTOMER FRUSTRATIONS ????? ALL THOSE FRUSTRATED CUSTOMERS ARE GOING SOMEWHERE ELSE.......
Hi Community,

We plan on completing the final step of our data migration, which began Wednesday night, tonight. After this is completed, we will be able to begin importing everyone's active listings once again, so, if your listing data is not currently present in your Auctiva account, you can expect your current eBay listings to be imported into your account and have the potential to be displayed in your store window by Saturday or Sunday.

Everyone's patience with this matter is greatly appreciated.

Last edited by auctivamiked
Great.... here I am in Australia on My biggest listing day - Saturday and Auctiva decides to finish its migration starting at 3:30 pm my time. I wonder if it would be posible in future to alternate the times of these major outages to allow the down time to be shared accross more of the timezones. Its bad enough that we lose every friday evening and now my Saturday is stuffed around.... back to Turbo lister
Well, that was on Friday and its now Sunday so what's your problem this time!!
It strikes that everyones time to be able to do any work revolves around how much time Auctiva allows us.
I know its a free site, GET IT RIGHT and make a small charge for it, I am sure that would be better than what is happening to us all at present which is HIT or MISS wether we can do any work at all from day to day.
I have about 2.000 items just waiting to be listed but, thanks to Auctiva they are just sitting around me redundant making no money.
I have about 2.000 items just waiting to be listed but, thanks to Auctiva they are just sitting around me redundant making no money.
if you have 2000 items lying around it has nothing to do with Auctiva... what the hell did you do before Auctiva? there are other ways to add your lots! So if your losing money you have no one to blame but your self...
so, i've filed at least 4 UNRESPONDED TO support requests because my store window has worked in TWO DAYS and I get run time errors in the help, listings, images & home pages sections of your website. I tried emailing and finally got a response to fule a support request. PLEASE HELP!! Oh yes, it's happend on IE & Mozilla and YES, my cookies are cleard, my files (incl off line) are deleted and NO I won't disable my antivirus, anti spyware or firewall. PLEASE ADVISE
Originally posted by MDMA2004:
I have about 2.000 items just waiting to be listed but, thanks to Auctiva they are just sitting around me redundant making no money.
if you have 2000 items lying around it has nothing to do with Auctiva... what the hell did you do before Auctiva? there are other ways to add your lots! So if your losing money you have no one to blame but your self...

To some people this is a game (1, 2 or 3 items listed), to others - it's a living (1,800+ items listed).
Auctiva's home page says it all - "Simple & Free selling solution for eBay sellers".
If you multiply your fees by my quantity - you'll see why I use Auctiva!
Of course this is all a waste of time if my customers can not see my listings or I can not list new items for them.
I see that you have been registered a whole week before leaving this comment, well that's fine - I believe in free speech - but, wait until you have some experience of the problem before you do so.
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