I'm having the same problem. No enlarged pics and nothing in the store window. I wish I had known about the update sooner
I don't normally visit the boards and I would have worked more last night, had I known.

quote:It will be down after today and you can use the normal Auctiva site just like normal.
function is not yet visible/available. is in update that theyre releasing today.quote:Originally posted by queen_mab:
i saw some peeps mention auto feedback service; i've never noticed that; where is it exactly?
and here's the biggie... what exactly is beta
there wont be two versions, no. and unlike microsoft and ebay, who both seem to constantly keep their products in "beta testing" mode, site wont be switched to betaquote:
and does that mean there will be two versions of auctiva, or is the site switching to beta...
and finally, what's the diff. btwn listing on auctiva, and using the 'classic software', and is the old software still available?
welcome to auctiva! kick your shoes off, sit back, relax, and enjoy your stayquote:
and btw, i'm really glad i found auctiva... i've been talking about selling on ebay for so long, but don't know if i ever would have done it w/o this site! *cheers*
quote:Originally posted by queen_mab:
I noticed before there was a 'seller details' section under profiles.. now there is the link in the 'menu bar',but it doesn't go anywhere.. this seems kinda like 'shipping details' that we can add; is it the same, and where'd it go?