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Well now Miss M. maybe he needs a little more of the RELENTLESS bit of cajoling that had my defenses crumbling in no time. I bet he is already a bit nervous and hoping this subject would just quietly go away. FAT CHANCE CHOO! It's your turn good buddy! Now I still have that Louisville Slugger around here someplace I tried to fend you off with, but turned out to be totally worthless. I'm sure however, that in the hands of a skilled whacker such as yourself, it would be an effective persuader upon our recalcitrant Mr. Choo.

Did you read what Miss M just said about us Miss S? Now Miss M, we were only trying to provide a little entertainment for our little 16000+ hit thread here. Nothing extravagant, just a little song and dance routine. So there. Wink
Darn, I already donned me red shirt and brown pants! Got me rollin' pin all ready. Oars too. Oughta be worth somethin' for whackin'!
brb *quick change*
Oh my! You sweet li'l fly, dangling visions of fly bites... how can I not put your buds in my brew! They're toast, I tell ya! Toast!Wink

Miss M, surely you jest!Eek Oh, what's a spider to do!!Roll Eyes

Choo, you best be gettin' up Real early... your avi is at stake! Big GrinBig Grin Jeff, won't that keep us on our toes! Confused
I want some o' that ticket action Ninth if ya don't mind sharin'! Pleasssse??
What's gonna happen now...
Who's gonna change their avi? Will it be Jeff, who has been registered the longest??? Will it be Choo, who we see the most hangin' 'round these here parts??? Will it be Neither???
Oh, this is gonna be good!Big Grin
Miss S, ok go ahead and put them buds in your brew. I don't want no stinkin' competition anywho. I is kinda hankerin to have that big spider belly all to myself, so get cherself ready for some o' them thar bites!

Choo, its up to you now good buddy. Looks to me this here Jeff feller done threw down the gauntlet wouldn't ya say? Best not let this one go unanswered, your reputation's on the line. Big Grin
Choo you have been judged lacking by a jury of your peers!(Me as I am de only one ere at da moment)( Due to yer obious impertince of not promptly answerin dis post) Punishment is deemed to be assimilation.We are Borg and you are now to be considered one of none!
As such your duties will be relegated to swabbin da decks and custodian of da brown pants.
JeffS ye have been promoted to custodian of da Red shirt!
Guard it well as the imposter may be lurkin about and tryin to steal it frum ya!
(Danger Will Robinson! Choo does not Play Well with OTHERS!
Edit: Lessn dere names be equated with DSG!
Ye've nae been warned and forewarned and bakerds warned!
Proceed at yer own risk swabbie!
Alright then and there, that's the spirit! I knew the ol' Choo wouldn't let us down! Freight trains at dawn? Single track? Holy smokes! I this gonna be GOOD or what?! "Steamed up and ready to go"!!!!

Stand by folks. This could go nuclear if i know the ChooGuy! Ya gots a pretty good claim there with your name an all. That carries some pretty heavy freight were I come from. I think we'd best stand back aways!!! Eek Eek Eek

Just a few tickets left folks, get while they're hot! Don't be left in the dust, sittin on the side of the tracks!!! Tickets! Tickets! Get yur tickets here!!!!

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