Well welcome back to the nut house Ninth. Been awhile since we heard from ya. The thread has really slowed of late! Heck we only have 2400 replies and 19482 page views! This will not do got to muster up the militia and get this party back on track!
quote:Hooray ninth's back! Cool!
Well!...if it isn't El Sid...returned from his negligee night-flight and conquest of the Boorish Moors!
Loyal looner's have kept faith with risque' jibe and spar, your legacy thread whilst thou lust doth GAR.
Me thinks you hath pleasurably enjoyed

Buenos El Campeador! ~ I am the Zebra!

~ another pitifully striped plagiarizer come-laud, phonetically challenged Vedantic butcher, and socially irreverent misfit mutant newbie!


Ok, I have read, and re-read your last post Zebra and can honestly say that Zebra-speak is the most confusing text I have seen since early Japanese translations to English of manuals for electronic gadgets.
I think that is a compliment
I think that is a compliment

ChooChoo?...now you've got me laughing pretty doggone hard!!!!!!
[really was funny
] Blessings on you for THAT !
Sheesh! Am I that ancient?? El Cid? ->Moors? Man!-I'm really embarrassed now!
Maybe its cuz I been read'n a little too far back in this Epic-thread, and all that funny-insanity is still fresh on me mind! -- Ok..I'll do better to clean up my dribbles!
...but i'm gonna take it as a compliment anyway!

Sheesh! Am I that ancient?? El Cid? ->Moors? Man!-I'm really embarrassed now!

Maybe its cuz I been read'n a little too far back in this Epic-thread, and all that funny-insanity is still fresh on me mind! -- Ok..I'll do better to clean up my dribbles!

...but i'm gonna take it as a compliment anyway!
OMG Zeb. I coitinally hope yeave not ben reachin bak to da oily daes O' dis tread! T'would be ennae to drive a sane bloke insane in da membrane!
Dis tread hae all boot dis integrated ter a bunch O meaninless ramblin anyhow.
Spercially since da Choo-Meister hae not been fortcomin wit da details O' da rubber room E been farcibly stayin in fer da parst coupla weaks.
Choo, Donde esta Senorita Britney?
Dis tread hae all boot dis integrated ter a bunch O meaninless ramblin anyhow.
Spercially since da Choo-Meister hae not been fortcomin wit da details O' da rubber room E been farcibly stayin in fer da parst coupla weaks.
Choo, Donde esta Senorita Britney?
Hey boys how's it goin???
First of all..NINTH - truly awesome pic (tell me the truth...that's you two isn't it)
But more importantly (and this goes for Miss S too) Are the cookies gone yet??????? 
Poor Choo..stuck in that lil' rubber room all by yourself
Have they let you out of your restraints yet? BTW, it's because you're tryin too hard to understand Z's post...I get it tho, very good Zebra 
Hi my friend Taz..how are the pantaloons holdin up? I wonder if Miss S is gonna want them back? Although I'm sure they look better on you
Did you start the new job yet? Oh almost forgot, that auction was the best thing I've ever seen! Thanks for that link, it made my day!
And for God's sake PETE...come out of hiding, quit lurking, and POST will ya? Sheesh what..you don't love us anymore??? (You can tell I feel MUCH better) Back to normal (no remarks pls) and back to work.
Hey, I'm going to Ebay Live, for sure. It's right here in my hometown this summer about 1/2 hour away...I'm so excited I can't wait!!!!!!! I wish some of you were going too...let me know if you are.
Our poor thread hasn't had much of a workout lately, we have to keep it going. I get really bummed out when it's not still right up at the top
So I'll shut up for awhile now...hope everyone had a better weekend than I did 
First of all..NINTH - truly awesome pic (tell me the truth...that's you two isn't it)

Poor Choo..stuck in that lil' rubber room all by yourself

Hi my friend Taz..how are the pantaloons holdin up? I wonder if Miss S is gonna want them back? Although I'm sure they look better on you

Did you start the new job yet? Oh almost forgot, that auction was the best thing I've ever seen! Thanks for that link, it made my day!
And for God's sake PETE...come out of hiding, quit lurking, and POST will ya? Sheesh what..you don't love us anymore??? (You can tell I feel MUCH better) Back to normal (no remarks pls) and back to work.
Hey, I'm going to Ebay Live, for sure. It's right here in my hometown this summer about 1/2 hour away...I'm so excited I can't wait!!!!!!! I wish some of you were going too...let me know if you are.
Our poor thread hasn't had much of a workout lately, we have to keep it going. I get really bummed out when it's not still right up at the top

Hi there Missy M - Glad to see you back in the fray and feeling better. Glad you liked the pic. Ok, truth be told: Nope, they aint us, cuz our s**t eatin' grins is biggern' that. And as far as them thar cookies: I keep a gobblin' em up, cuz the secret ingredients have got me comin back for more. and Ima hopin they just keepa comin.
Well Zeb, you methinks correctly, 'misspellings' notwithstanding, the view has surely been pleasurably enjoyed, in fact, mighty nice indeed. And methinks you might be tryin' to fool us with that old man disguise, cuz I'm sure that was you we heard all night long in the next room.
Well Zeb, you methinks correctly, 'misspellings' notwithstanding, the view has surely been pleasurably enjoyed, in fact, mighty nice indeed. And methinks you might be tryin' to fool us with that old man disguise, cuz I'm sure that was you we heard all night long in the next room.

Hey Miss M glad to see you back again. Dem Pantaloons b 'oldin up radder well. Now da red shirt, dat b a difrunt madder. Ad to crak a coopla scalawags upside dere noggins at da waterin ole de udder nite.
I did start the new job and am loving it so far.
Glad you liked the auction, I thought it was so true and to the point.
Just got this from eBay, and cannot figure out why? Are they that desperate for powersellers right now? I had not listed anything since the beginning of the year and only put 5 items on last week.
I may jump in for a wee bit possibly I have not decided yet if it is worth it.
Well going to get ready for work, 2nd shift this week.
I did start the new job and am loving it so far.
Glad you liked the auction, I thought it was so true and to the point.
Just got this from eBay, and cannot figure out why? Are they that desperate for powersellers right now? I had not listed anything since the beginning of the year and only put 5 items on last week.
Dear tazfrompa,
Congratulations! Your recent selling activity entitles you to Bronze status in the eBay PowerSeller Program. Please visit www.ebay.com/powerseller and sign in to activate your free membership to enjoy these great benefits and services:
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I may jump in for a wee bit possibly I have not decided yet if it is worth it.
Well going to get ready for work, 2nd shift this week.
Here is another good auction for you. Hubbies a loser In my opinion he may be blind also!
Not picking on FeeBay at all but you will get a couple of laughs none the less.
Not picking on FeeBay at all but you will get a couple of laughs none the less.
quote:Free seller support via Live Chat, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for all Bronze PowerSellers
Means they only ignore you 99% of the time

quote:In my opinion he may be blind also!
Yep, one man's stupidity can be another's gain

quote:And for God's sake PETE...come out of hiding, quit lurking, and POST will ya?
Lets start another poll, like "where on earth is Pete" or "what he could he be so ashamed about" perhaps, come on a more catchy and sufficiently embarrassing poll that he would not be able to resist replying to

Hey Shadeaux, knocking this thread into 2nd for crumbs, and we ain't seen you here for ages, sabotage 

At least in the padded cell I knew I was talking to myself, or was I, Brit-any wots-er-name was supposed to be lurking in there too 

Hi everybody,
Taz, something jumped out at me--unless you've sold $1000.00 a month for 3 consecutive months...well you may have gotten a phishing email. I've heard of the ones inviting you to become a PS...just be careful or we'll have to toss you into the padded cell with Choo, and I don't think you'd want that
Taz, something jumped out at me--unless you've sold $1000.00 a month for 3 consecutive months...well you may have gotten a phishing email. I've heard of the ones inviting you to become a PS...just be careful or we'll have to toss you into the padded cell with Choo, and I don't think you'd want that

Hey all my sweet asylum maties! 
Com'on Choo, you know better than that! It was already boosted and I just replied to the post.
I thought you were escaped from th' padded cell. What'd I miss? Darn, I always miss stuff or else you'd not have trapped me with that VIP ticket! Heck, I don't even have to be in a padded cell to be talkin' to myself... shhh! Don't tell, lest they come an' take me away!!
Taz, there's somethin' else I missed - I thought the brown pants went to Zebra (or was it Jeff S?) cause they match the lawn or some goofy thing like that? I know ya had the red shirt. Either way, Miss M's right 'bout 'em lookin' better on you than me.
Miss M, sure am glad you're feelin' better! Did Ninth do us right proud with that pic or what?! lol Now don't you worry 'bout there bein' any cookie ODin' either! And I understood what Zeb said too. Choo, how'd you not follow that - and even after re-reading too? I'm shocked!
Zebra, keep 'em comin'!!! Love your posts! Oh, and I saw over there somewhere that you included me in a thanks of sorts for stuff you've learned. hmmm, dunno what in the world That could be but sure do appreciate th' kind words. Hey, I can even relate to wearin' the tall boots - whatever that was ya said a fair piece back there. Must be a Texan thang?
Sexy St. Pete, where you be man? Ya shore are missed 'round these here parts! Get yoreself on back here an' let us all know you're fairin' alright! Ya hear?
Ninth, more cookies comin' right up! Or should we make it brownies this time? Nah! How 'bout both?!

edit: Taz, I agree with Miss M. First thing I thought was a spoof email. Forward it to spoof at eBay.com and they'll tell ya real fast. That's ONE thing they do fast at least.

Com'on Choo, you know better than that! It was already boosted and I just replied to the post.

I thought you were escaped from th' padded cell. What'd I miss? Darn, I always miss stuff or else you'd not have trapped me with that VIP ticket! Heck, I don't even have to be in a padded cell to be talkin' to myself... shhh! Don't tell, lest they come an' take me away!!

Taz, there's somethin' else I missed - I thought the brown pants went to Zebra (or was it Jeff S?) cause they match the lawn or some goofy thing like that? I know ya had the red shirt. Either way, Miss M's right 'bout 'em lookin' better on you than me.

Miss M, sure am glad you're feelin' better! Did Ninth do us right proud with that pic or what?! lol Now don't you worry 'bout there bein' any cookie ODin' either! And I understood what Zeb said too. Choo, how'd you not follow that - and even after re-reading too? I'm shocked!
Zebra, keep 'em comin'!!! Love your posts! Oh, and I saw over there somewhere that you included me in a thanks of sorts for stuff you've learned. hmmm, dunno what in the world That could be but sure do appreciate th' kind words. Hey, I can even relate to wearin' the tall boots - whatever that was ya said a fair piece back there. Must be a Texan thang?

Sexy St. Pete, where you be man? Ya shore are missed 'round these here parts! Get yoreself on back here an' let us all know you're fairin' alright! Ya hear?

Ninth, more cookies comin' right up! Or should we make it brownies this time? Nah! How 'bout both?!

edit: Taz, I agree with Miss M. First thing I thought was a spoof email. Forward it to spoof at eBay.com and they'll tell ya real fast. That's ONE thing they do fast at least.

Well hey there Miss S!
About time you showed up
LOVE the avatar...looks familiar
(Long Live GAR) 
Yeah I followed Zebra's post easily enough and I'm a YANKEE
Choo's been in the loony bin WAY too long I guess...
I really do seriously wonder what happened to Pete ya know?? Very odd of him not to stop by...
Did you get my email??
About time you showed up

Yeah I followed Zebra's post easily enough and I'm a YANKEE

I really do seriously wonder what happened to Pete ya know?? Very odd of him not to stop by...
Did you get my email??
'Bout Pete, very odd indeed. Yes, I'm worried about him.
I Love the avi too. Thanks again!
Yeah! Long Live GAR 
I still think Choo's outa the loony bin, 'cept for with all us here. Tell me doggone it, what'm I missin'?
I got your email and see I now have two more to go read. Will reply soon, maybe in the a.m.

I Love the avi too. Thanks again!

I still think Choo's outa the loony bin, 'cept for with all us here. Tell me doggone it, what'm I missin'?

I got your email and see I now have two more to go read. Will reply soon, maybe in the a.m.

quote:Will reply soon, maybe in the a.m
I know Miss S...you've been busy, what with the cookies and brownies & all

I'm getting hungry now......
Miss M and Miss S here be da linky to prove I is parfulseller http://myworld.ebay.com/tazfrompa/
FeeBay must b realizin da par of da Taz Devil and dey want to placate Lil ole me? Truly weird. Of course I ad ter accpet it. Could b'cause Taz navergated da playgroun an helped Miss S find da landin zone radder dan da plank she were walkin afore. LOL
FeeBay must b realizin da par of da Taz Devil and dey want to placate Lil ole me? Truly weird. Of course I ad ter accpet it. Could b'cause Taz navergated da playgroun an helped Miss S find da landin zone radder dan da plank she were walkin afore. LOL
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