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Wink ul-ul a saw taht dna taolb doog a yojne I peY

Choo, forgive my interjection.. I for one..very much appreciate your sharing on the UK alternatives including conclusions drawn from an evaluation of your approach in assessing them. Frankly, I believe your point of establishing an independent (and more controllable) merchant presence vis-a-vis a hosted site (or equivalent stratagem) is very well taken; .. and really the only sensible choice toward achieving long-term stability and survival. You are also absolutely correct in the observation that many are ill-equipped to take on such an endeavor, and they would undoubtedly suffer in the attempt. For those who can muster sufficient resources and apply them with the necessary savvy to successfully establish themselves, the prospects of meaningful profitability are in my view, ultimately much better. The key issue of the question of what it means to be 'savvy' enough. Anyway..that's just my 2-cents worth. (btw.. thanks! I couldn't find the 'cropper' idiom anywhere, and I'm fully aware of your challenges in dealing with our 'american' idiomatic bs Wink )
Alright then! If there ain't no "funny-stuff" in them brownies (we'll take your word for it Shadeaux) ...then ChooChoo! ~ you're just gonna' have to 'cropper' for all this weird bass-ackwards kaeps-oohC going on! Missy's got a headache,.. and now I'm gettin' one, ....and the spelling-checker has gone 'bonkers'! Frown

Big Grin Mad Eek ! tluaf s'oohCoohC gnieb ot nwod sliob yletamitlu ssem siht lla yas I

p.s. well its about time ya' got yer fuzzy-arse back in here Taz! What happened?..start chew'n on the HDD again? Roll Eyes Wink

Big Grin Eek !taht rof yad 'ht ni ylrae tib a tsuj ti t'nsi woN

Not too sure about that one! My workday starts at 11 PM nd ends at 7 AM! If I was going to have a few I would need to be finishing up right about now! Confused My system is so confused right now!
The new job is great and the benefits are out of this world (401 K match varies between $1.25 and $1.75 per dollar I contribute! They change it every quarter but never lower than $1.25 per $1), but swing shift BLOWS!
p.s. well its about time ya' got yer fuzzy-arse back in here Taz! What happened?..start chew'n on the HDD again? Roll Eyes Wink

Well it is better than Neanderthalically chewin on da keyboard! Speakin O' Neanderthals has anyone heard anymore from that fool? For that matter the udder clown that were givin da Choo Meister a ruff time?
I really fell outta touch whilst the PC was befuddled! Had a big argument with the GF about downloading things and not virus scanning before opening them. But I checked out what she did and unless you are Uber-paranoid you would have never caught the problem. The zip file scanned fine and when you extracted it fooled the Virus Scanner into dropping off the screen. it popped up fer about 1 second and disappeared! Still no idea of what little insidious thing it was? It totally kept me from going online but did not corrupt my files? Luckily I was able to back up my recent work and do a fresh install and fix things.
System recovery would not even work!
Gotta buy another puter for the GF to play with so she does not moider mine again!
Originally posted by TazFromPA:
Not too sure about that one! My workday starts at 11 PM nd ends at 7 AM! If I was going to have a few I would need to be finishing up right about now! Confused My system is so confused right now!

Hey Taz, been there more years than I care to remember. Actually was the second best job I ever had (like midnight accountingSmile) and left it to move to th' panhandle. First was carpentry which goes right with whackin' one with a hammer if'n they mess with me. Razz
So breakfast in th' evenin', brews in the a.m.!
Smile !em rof skroW

Wink !ti rof drow ym ekat nac ay ,beZ peY
Big Grin Mad Eek ! tluaf s'oohCoohC gnieb ot nwod sliob yletamitlu ssem siht lla yas I

Big Grin !ti did oohC ...eerga I
Oh I missed everyone again Frown TAZ I was wondering where you were! I never would have guessed computer problems. Glad the new job is going good, so I'm just getting home from work when you're starting (I never did like working nights) Heck we'll never get to talk now...Great, now I'm gonna be stuck talking to Choo, he's usually the only one online the same time as I am (did I say that out loud??) Big Grin I'm kidding Choo, you know I love ya Wink I'm even gonna look for a picture for ya tomorrow, something that will make you smile cuz I know you're usually grumpy. Mad

And Miss S, my dear friend, I never seem to be here when you are (I'll email you tomorrow, promise) Hope things are going well with you...Got any extra brownies? I'm hungry Big Grin Wink

N, your avi should fit, it's the ame size as mine (I think) did you try yet?

Well g'night everyone...hope someone is around tomorrow.
Howdy N -- So sorry Amigo(a?)... I didn't realize you were wanting to use that avi. I guess I thought you were still looking for something more 'tentative' Big Grin . Just replace your current avi with the turtle (size shouldn't be a problem). Just in case you're unsure about doing's how:
First: nav to your images area & copy the img URL into your clipboard (sugg: put your avi into it's own folder & never move it!)
Then nav back here and click-thru the following:
go -> personal_zone -> profile -> view_edit_complete -> edit(avatar/pictureURL) -> custom_avatar -> [paste avi-image URL] -> update_avatar
Hope that helps! Smile Cool
Last edited by zebra

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