Oh I missed everyone again

TAZ I was wondering where you were! I never would have guessed computer problems. Glad the new job is going good, so I'm just getting home from work when you're starting (I never did like working nights) Heck we'll never get to talk now...Great, now I'm gonna be stuck talking to Choo, he's usually the only one online the same time as I am (did I say that out loud??)

I'm kidding Choo, you know I love ya

I'm even gonna look for a picture for ya tomorrow, something that will make you smile cuz I know you're usually grumpy.

And Miss S, my dear friend, I never seem to be here when you are (I'll email you tomorrow, promise) Hope things are going well with you...Got any extra brownies? I'm hungry

N, your avi should fit, it's the ame size as mine (I think) did you try yet?
Well g'night everyone...hope someone is around tomorrow.