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The GodMother (aka Fangmother) knows all...sees all...

But I still don't know Choo's name

For that to all be true I must be the Choo without a name, an ethereal blight on the FangMother brought about by the GodMothers own weird imagination.

Oh and she is getting slow, could have tweeaked far more out of calling me RvW, that's something else for Ms KIA & SIA to be concerned about Razz
Hi guys..
Before I forget, Zeb you have a clone here...I answered a post I thought was from you but it was by 'zebra' not ~Zebra~. I think I really confused the poor guy or girl, not to mention myself Smile

Well I just crawled out of my coffin, time to go prowling...I was right about Choo, he IS a Fangman. I came across his coffin (it looks like an outhouse) Big Grin Choo, how do ya sleep in that old rickety thing? Big Grin

Hey everyone, sorry I've not been in to say hello for a while - as well as being busy with work as I said before, Sally has been quite unwell, so I've been somewhat distracted. She had to have an operation and I am just about to head off to the hospital to hopefully bring her home (Yay!! Smile )

So, sorry, I have not been ignoring all my chums, honest!

Hope to be back some time soon, love and kisses to you all (well, to the ladies, strong manly handshakes to you fellas!)
Hi Everyone!
Hey!!... how come the thread has dropped down from the top slot? Eek -- Looks like it's suffering from a bit of neglect!! Frown

Anyway --
Just got back from a wonderful time at the beach! Smile

While I was there I was surprised to run across someone who looked a lot like somebody I've seen here. (At least I thought he looked a little familiar.) Roll Eyes

Didn't feel much like striking up a conversation with this character.... but I grabbed a quick snapshot anyway.

Does anyone recognize this guy? -- Seemed to me like he was trying to pick up chicks. Eek Big Grin

Big Grin
Looks like it's suffering from a bit of neglect!!

Hi guys...our poor thread is suffering from ALOT of neglect Frown

The beach huh?? I am SO jealous..I can't wait to go for a swim. Since I haven't picked on Choo for awhile, I'll have to bring him with me (yeah, I know you don't like the water hee hee)

-- Zeb where did you find that picture of Choo??? He looks MUCH better than the last time I saw him, although look what being in the sunlight has done to him Big Grin Eek Big Grin Poor Choo..better off staying in your little wooden box Big Grin
(Can you tell I've missed picking on you??) Big Grin
Hmm, and you really think your holiday snap will help, oh dear

ahh yeah...well.....perhaps you're right!


Ok then! -- a little more focus to put upon the task .... maybe there's an opening to a new (meaning fresh) approach here ~~ and thus a potential for psychic morphing.

the trick (as I see it) is to cast off the stodgy subliminal imprints... that is, the squelching reservations which bind and tether us just inside the 'out-of-bounds' marker of outrageous behavior. Ya know Choo?.... as far as we really know.. none of us really get any more than just a one-shot at this living merry-go-round anyway. So what should we decide is truly important?.. I mean really?

~~ anybody else here interested in Remote Viewing ?? -- Ok..then how about Casteneda's Nagual?

Taz?... I'd say we need a bit of yer 'argh!' as an astringent spritzer here.

C'mon Ninth... I'm calling your hand! Check out Cecil Balmond. His best work (in my opinion) is his "Search for the Sigma Code" (right up your alley). Because I'm something of a DaVinci disciple (engineer, ergo amateur mathematician) I can recommend it as the 'sacred-covenant' of mystical understanding thru numbers. Out of print of course. But if it blows your skirt up...I can send you a copy cuz it's a bit rare and pricey now. Grokking the fixed point in the wind is a true revelation. Also quite handy stuff when applied to any local casino (for those with any inclination).

For any interest in the cross-domains of contemporary physics and green-energy science, Dr. Harold Aspden is the man with the key insights on tomorrow's energy technology future. (He's from your neighborhood Choo). Congress can chide the petroleum tzars all they want..but the concepts underlying nuclear fusion will evolve.. and eventually emerge as the naturally intelligent energy imperative. Here's a hint.. Proton's are currently all the rage, but only because so few are paying close attention to the neutron.

Hair woman of the apocalypse??????????
Now you're just getting goofy Big Grin (But we already KNEW that)

C'mon, admit it...that is a gorgeous picture of me..Any guy in his right mind would LOVE to meet me (only not in a dark alley) Big Grin Eek

I thought I had a really handsome picture of YOU somewhere, I'll have to go find it...

(I love Taz's little devil that I stole..I don't think he'd mind) Smile
Any guy in his right mind would LOVE to meet me

H'mmm possible replies to this :-

1) You're typing is terrible, let me correct it :-
"Any guy in his right out of his mind would LOVE to meet me"

2) In practice any man when confronted by "C'mon, admit it...that is a gorgeous picture of me" has to nod, smile and inch away slowly and go tee-total before he chats up another woman/transvestite who looks like that.

Not sure which is the better, and wouldn't a dark alley be preferable Eek
I thought they were mean-tempered after Taz kicked them out of his bar but you should see them now ... Eek

Good, the worse their temper the more it clouds their judgement and reactions, they are cat food, just ordering the tins and getting the labels printed now.

I interrupt the lunacy for a commercial break :-

Sales on the UK site Specialist Auctions are better than I had in a greedbay store which does not say much. I really do not believe these other sites are going to mop up, there is very little evidence in the media here (UK) advertising their presence. Basically it looks to me they are going to miss out on a golden opportunity to expand. The Powersellers Unite website listing charts should be worth watching during the next few months

So I do not envisage doing much with other sites yet as they appear worse, I think I will spend some time trying to blog and traffic drive to the UK site I am with and drop certain sales from greedbay altogether for a few months and see what happens.

I have been busy selling off my more collectible wares on greedbay to minimise potential feedback problems due to e-yobs and e-vandals which is likely to start shortly. Some buyers seem to be getting tardy in paying already.

I am continuing to finish up my selling which tends to be autumn to spring seasonal then having a break which means having a little more time to play here as well.

Any joy for you with alternative sites ?

Normal lunacy will be resumed - shortly !!

edit - P.S. look forward to Auctiva's e-commerce store later this year as a serious alternative to greedbay. They have a least a higher profile than most in my view due to their greedbay services.
No, no joy for me either on alternative sites...waste of time really. I had listings on iOffer and Bidville forever with very little interest (I actually forgot about them). So I ended them, moved them to Ebay and WAM...sold for way more than I expected within a week. Sigh* I guess Ebay is the only place for me (other than my coffin)Smile

My heavy selling season is March thru August, then again November thru January, and I'm doing pretty well but dayum those invoiced are high! I think we'll all be MUCH happier when the Auctiva free standing stores are available.

Ok, back to our regularly scheduled

(I sure wish this button worked Big Grin
OK Miss M I leave for a week and you try to bring the Cuban national immigrants back? And threatening poor Choo! For shame Miss M I do believe you may have been hijacked by Igor?
And to think you are blaming all the damage to the Delorean on those poor transgendered individuals

Well I must say I have to put my foot down firmly for this one!

URM! Excuse me whilst I put my footwear on!
HI TAZ!!!!

Geez where ya been Smile How's everything goin? You've left me all alone with Choo which is too scary for me Wink So how did the benefit go? Tell us all about it. Hey, I don't think I see steel toes in those slippers Mister!

With everyone gone Frown I have no choice but to pick on him (you don't mind tho, do ya Choo) Razz

skeddadled = funny word
Yep I skeddadled for awhile but you know I always come back...whether ya want me to or not Big Grin

I can't believe our thread is 5 months old...
Yep, we can rely on that

What ever do you mean Choo?? You KNOW you would miss me if I wasn't here Wink

Taz you're really a workaholic arent ya? That's alot of hours, I thought I was bad....Hey, I'm gonna ask to borrow one of your steel toed fuzzy slippers to whack Choo with, OK? No one's gotten a whackin in a long time....sigh...miss it Razz

OOOh good news...someone bought my hospital (well not MY hospital, you know what I mean) so I WON'T have a ton of spare time to hang out here in the summer (I can see Choo doing the happy dance at that one)Smile

I'm workin the weekend and I'm GLAD Smile

Later ~
Another two days without jabbing at you, that's the trouble selling season winding up, DIY season starting, phew, and it has been scorching hot here since middle of last week, spring days hotter than many of our summer days !!

C'mon, throw the tomatos now.......

Ok, anything to oblige, 1 ton of over ripe toms on their way by air to be literally dropped on you when you venture outside of your house courtesy of our Veggie Atlantic airline. Big Grin
Did ya hear that?? Choo how did ya get that airliner over here so fast? My whole neighborhood is covered in tomatos Eek Eek Eek
But ya MISSED ME nah nah nah Razz Razz
Yeah 2 days without hearing from you, I thought you were dead. (or undead?) Wink My selling season is in full swing too, (and I'm a PS again, big whoop huh?)Smile but I can tell it's not as 'busy' as it was last year at this time. Maybe the boycott is really working?? Dunno.....

Shoot we've only had a couple 70+ degree days, mostly it's cool & rainy. Y u c k...I want summer!! Cool

Well gotta hit the hay before I break my nose on the keyboard......... Wink

Sorry, just couldn't resist Wink Actually I was just thinking (Choo are you reading my mind??) how slow Ebay is....even tho I made PS, my sales are obviously good, but they're in the tank compared to last year Frown I thought maybe you put a hex on me?? Oh I wish I still had my frozen rats, I'd definitely send them to ya Big Grin

Ah...which reminds me..I owe you a package don't I
I thought maybe you put a hex on me??

If you mean a curse, no, don't dislike you that much . . . yet Razz

The old DSR watch blips up and down the odd 0.1% now as even that is based on the last 12 months sales rather than since it started.

Just think between selling seasons your figures will fluctuate without doing anything, one really needs to end a season upbeat on the scores otherwise it will make the next seasons start look bad especially if a difficult buyer drops a neg on you near the end !

Really do not like the fact your lifetime positives no longer shows at all, nevermind just think a bad seller only needs to stop selling until their bad feedback and DSR's filter through then start all over again.

ho hum Roll Eyes
Oh this FB change is ghastly! I'm now at 99.4 instead of 100 because of 2 stupid neutrals...and then I see this when I went to leave FB this AM on my buying act:

Important changes to Feedback

Buyers, you can no longer receive negative or neutral Feedback from sellers.
You should leave honest and accurate Feedback without the fear of receiving negative or neutral ratings.

On the leave feedback page, I see:

Sellers can no longer leave negative or neutral Feedback for buyers.
Buyers should leave honest Feedback without the fear of receiving negative or neutral ratings. Read more...

As a seller, I see the following two choices:
Rate this transaction.
Positive / I will leave Feedback later

I am just in shock.

And Choo, I don't know how, but somehow this is YOUR fault Razz Razz Razz
Hopefully buyers will believe that greedbay is full of dodgey sellers as they all know from word of mouth keep away from anyone below 98% and realise they might just as well go elsewhere.

So all this could backfire (hopefully). Recently I was trying to determine whether a buyer was being truthful or not over a delayed payment issue by referring to his history, won't be possible soon as they can only be green.

Yep I saw that message when leaving feedback for a recent purchase so greedbay are thrusting it in buyers faces Frown

And just think as you complete your season and your sales drop off these nasty neutrals become more significant wrt your positives.

I can assure you if it was my fault it would not have been applied to the UK site !! Big Grin
Yo! How's ya all? I've been sorta lurkin' again; getting the messages forwarded to my gmail so I kept up with the nonsense, errrr I mean wit!
Big Grin
OMG what a shock to hear Ms N is out of that is a shocker! But am soooo glad. Now it's the fangs to worry about.
I also noticed some of the last of the ninth are essentially missing....only a few left to romp. It won't die tho', nah!

Oh man am I wondering about this FB thing myself. Pretty iffy stuff. They make it sound like how great it'll be, but I don't think so. I've never left a neg for anyone, except once a postive with a qualifier as a buyer, as it took forever to get a cd. Like 3 weeks and no communication. All I said was deal was ok, but took a long time. The guy pm'd me railing me! Very sore about it. Never left a neg on a buyer....almost did once.
I am lucky at 100% but it's so iffy. I don't like s & h together in one choice. If someone doesn't want to pay the handling they ding ya on both. Not fair. Now I have to list a shipping price starting in o man....these tiny things I ship, I hate saying minimum priority, it's ridiculous. But ebay calculator won't let me figure 1st class for an invoice. I think the racket is just getting bigger. I wonder if they get something back for using Priority or higher.
Which reminds me I have a question I gotta ask in one of the other info threads.....
I am kinda new still ya know? But I am up to 54 now since mid Dec. They send me little notes saying that is good, but I didn't do it by listing high priced shipping, I let people they change it!
Poor manners Red Face, coming by to rag on GB...after being gone so long.
I haven't forgotten one of yas, like I say been lurking.
Hven't even seen the zeb, what is with that.....or ninth emself! Steve, Jeff, etc. what's the deal? All been busy, like me I spect.

Hail to those who won't let 'er die!

Hi N, good to see you drop in, most of the others don't appear to be on any of the boards much lately, out of the Dec 2007 crew I have only seen the FangMother doing the ward rounds . . . Eek

This thread is only having a snooze, it lives on like a slumbering giant to take off again when least expected when the lounge lizards once more congregate for a major lune summit Smile
I guess no one likes us anymore Choo Frown
Yeah, I think the regulars will come back from time to time, I know Miss S is very busy right now but I still 'talk' to her now & then.

Hey there N, can't help ya with the postage question..I always use first class and have never used the always seemed to overcharge for me. As long as you have a scale you should be able to use first class shouldn't you? Unless you ship international? I don't know anything about that...although I can tell you it's pretty darn expensive to ship a crate of mens thongs to the UK Wink
Hellow! yep a quiet place.
Probably not an issue of likin yas, but of business..whoa, I am always busy it seems, and I don't really know why.

Postage, well, yes I have a digi scale. Thing is I have (almost no), with exception of about 10 items out of a couple thousand items that are the same. I can't pack them all up, weigh them and then store them packaged cause I don't have the room! This is a huge collection of miniatures. I keep them in boxes and labeled by what is photo'd edited and listed. Altho, most weigh under 13 oz. not all do. So in many cases I have to either guess or figure I get a loss on shipping if I underestimate when I list the cost. Another thing that annoys me is the ebay invoices won't work right with 1st class, all I can ever get it to do is calculate Priority, so I have to go to Pay Pal to make the invoice. But you're right I could just figure 1st class, post it and average it out on 13 oz. and go with that. That's a good idea. Actually, I don't think you said exactly that, but that's where I'm at... dudududududuuuu
N, check out these links for first class postage:

I believe first class is the same cost no matter where (in the U.S.) the destination is. I don't pre-pack my items either because I have lots of buyers with multiple wins. Like I said before, I always found calculated shipping to be a PITA, maybe look at some similar items to the ones you sell and see what kind of postage is being charged. Or just weigh it and add a small handling fee. It's unbelievably easy for me to just use first class, print the PP label, and put pkg in the mailbox. Piece o' cake Smile
Originally posted by member_8880:
N, check out these links for first class postage:

I believe first class is the same cost no matter where (in the U.S.) the destination is. I don't pre-pack my items either because I have lots of buyers with multiple wins. Like I said before, I always found calculated shipping to be a PITA, maybe look at some similar items to the ones you sell and see what kind of postage is being charged. Or just weigh it and add a small handling fee. It's unbelievably easy for me to just use first class, print the PP label, and put pkg in the mailbox. Piece o' cake Smile
Thanks I will.... I did go check the first one and it looks like anything under 13 oz is 3.21 so that will work.
I have given up on handling chgs too, but with the gas costs etc going up, I don't think I will continue.
The other thing is finding boxes for 1st class. The boxes can be sooo small that a printed label won't fit, so I am trying to figure out how to print one smaller...which I can't do on PP.
Many of my items can go in a typical jewlery box, 3x3 or so, but they won't let me put a printed lable on it. Do you know how to make those dang lables small on PP?
The 2nd link won't calc a small 1st class package either. I can make pp calc it but not make a little label. So sometimes maybe just going to the P.O. is just easier?!
Oh funny (much sarcasm here) Wink

I really haven't been ignoring the boards, honest (fingers crossed behind my back) Smile just really busy with many listings. I have so much more inventory than I realized and I want to get rid of all of it this season.

Why haven't we heard from Taz yet?? (Or ANYBODY for that matter). Do you think there's life outside these boards??? Nah, impossible.. Big Grin

Choo, the lieutenants should almost be there by now, with a BIG surprise for you Eek
This is disgraceful, not only that you could forget Beavis & Butthead's names, sorry Meavis & Mutthead on the rash assumption they are more female then male, (not that I wish to receive proof, yuck).

But no one has written anything remotely useless on this thread for 3 days, where are you all.

errrm, whoops, ok where on earth was I too !!

Self knuckle wrap Eek

Is that anything like 'senile' ? YES I am! Big Grin
I've been actively ignoring you Choo (kidding!) Actually I've been doing a ton of listings, working alot etc etc... I'm seriously doubting that I will sell next year, I'm trying to get rid of all my inventory NOW. Lotsa work Smile I'm even getting a second job.(what the HECK was I thinking..there goes my summer) Frown

Yeah, kbalona is like a hit & run, now ya see him, now ya don't Smile
Oh....NOW I get it Big Grin
I need a nap (seriously) my brain is so foggy from all the computer work and stabbing I do daily Razz Got my PS back a couple months ago, only bronze with a whopping 5% discount. (That was sarcastic) It doesn't even make a dent Frown
Haven't found the great e-god yet, it ain't ebay that's for sure Wink

Gonna go close my peepers for awhile...
I haven't touched Auctiva for a couple months now. I haven't been doing any serious ebay selling since march...or so. But my online store has exploded. There's only one of me doing the online sales side of the business, and it keeps me super duper busy, plus I have my regular work to do. I'm working 15-16 hour days, with breaks of courseBig Grin
I'm on the verge of grossing $3k per month online(EBAY YOU DID NOT GET ONE CENT) ...more than I've ever sold on ebay/month (Of course, I have never done ebay selling full-time). Sales have nearly doubled at my online store, every month since Jan. 08.
Now you know why I don't show up on here much...but I have a ton of stuff piling up to sell on ebay, so as soon as winter comes I'll be hitting Auctiva & the boards again.

YaY kbalona!! That's showin 'em Big Grin
Geez not too shabby, what do you sell?

I had to jump in here & save our thread from being buried any more than it already is...I almost couldn't find it Eek Choo hasn't been here either, misbehaving again are ya??

Gotta go fire up the's (finally) a gorgeous, perfect day guys can each have a steak if ya want (yum) Smile
Like K not on Auctiva at the moment and heavily into the DIY season, but wow three more items bought and paid for today on the UK Specialist Auctions site, was beginning to think the earlier sales were just an optimistic blip.

Whoopee, and not a penny to eBay although a few bob to PP though, nevermind with no insertion fee and only 3% FVF I might get rich by 2050, errm, but may not reach 2050, oh well, that's life or is it death Big Grin
Epic thread rules - just !

Still in the top 5 of the lounge after 6 months now just lacking the lunatic fringe who got it going last December, all very busy off greedbay and Auctiva at present. The volume of replies and views are still probably the highest around here.

This thread grows and flowers during the darker months and takes a rest during the summer months, tended by the FangMother and myself with moments to spare like the faithful old gardeners of an estate garden.

Well., oil jus' go an watter the ol' dandelions and and pull up der' roses, errrrm, or is it the uvver way aroun'.

Jus' found out oi can be considered antique if oi reach 60, co'r, luv a duck, and for FangMother, a special message to give 'er an 'eadache . . .

! naiga yvval edistuo eht ni gnidih uoy erA


Edited by dis ol' duffer to correct views/reply wordy bits, really must take me memory pills before I forget where I keep 'em, oh dear, too late . . .

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