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LORDY Miss-M!! You Shure have a way of messing around someone's Image-ination!! Eek

Just thought I'd check and look in on ya'll real quick before i have to leave (in about 10min). i'm prolly gonna' have all kinds of weird dreams tonight. Whhinnneeee!!

good grief!... i shoulda' known better! -- this herd is definitely outta conrol! Eek

Hey! where's that Apple! -- you Promised! [well..almost Roll Eyes ]
Tu hablo espanol?
N yes.Digo un pequeno espanol, pero no muy bien.
2 years of Espanol and 3 years of Francaise more years ago than I care to remember. Also one year of German but I remember Nada. Self taught Latin and still working on it. Interested in Chinese as well as Japanese but finding the time for such a mammoth undertaking is difficult.
OK and now a word from me to all of you. It so happens that I am quite proud of that outfit and still trying to figure how Miss M came to be in possession of it? This was taken whilst I was vacationing on the French Riviera last summer.of course we know what kind of beachwear is worn in France Big Grin This was never meant for less civilized eyes. My people will contacting your people Miss M. Eek
LOL Choo!! Not spongeboy, (are you messing with me??) Spongebob squarepants from the cartoon movie. I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt since you mentioned you don't watch alot of TV...

Head case?? HA - we all know who the head case is around here and it ain't me...
(now everyone is going to be wondering if it's them)
Heck it's ALL of us, you included Mr Choo Razz
(No name for me yet? I'm so offended you don't trust me) Frown
Surprised you did not mention an API error in your post to Flexney, Choo

Well Taz with no mention of what the person had actually done and getting late here did not seem much point.

in your last appearance at Parliament

Can't be me, too alert, I'd be sitting head rolling backwards fast asleep like other back benchers, ha Razz

OK Choo, if not a name, how 'bout an age?? 75? 80? Sorry I'm just getting silly now
as if you could get any sillier.

Let me see Ms M, young enough to mess around with the likes of you, and old enough to know better. Razz

Edit - boy my sales would probably slump if my customers knew about this thread, glad I keep my id's different Wink
Whoo HOOO Taz, I've seen that pic before and actually it made me think of Pete!

But you missed my edit Miss M.
BTW poor Pete is going to be scrambling to see all the posts that he has gotten Whacked on while he was away!
Good thing I have my Ducking Taz as my avi, by the time they take a Whack at me I can duck and hide!
Nothing is ever easy with you is it
you wouldn't respect me in the morning if I was Wink
too lazy right now
Hey Taz another one needing a good sorting out Big Grin

Besides now I really think you're just trying to get rid of me
why would I want to do that. Wow that should prompt some more viewers to join in, come on folks why would I, keep the posts short no more than a 1,000 words each please Smile

edit - goodnight all, weary old man signing off Wink
********* long ole annoyin' as 7734 beep *********
Yore irregularly unscheduled lunacy is being interrupted for an unimportant announcement...

This here message was 'bout to be a happenin' later in th' week. Time's a tickin' so here 'tis just a wee bit earlier.
As sumthin' like Choo says, life does get in the way of all this fun an' play. An' oh how I does love me lunacy an' fellow loonies! Big GrinBig Grin

Beezy is takin' over fer a spell, an' so I'm jus' gonna drop off th' face o' th' earth, so to speak, fer a sorter long spell. Now don't none o' you kind folks go an' be worryin' 'bout li'l ole me. Wink I'll be doin' jus' fine! Heck, I might even git a chance to lurk 'round these here parts a bit. 'Course I'd be a sayin' howdy then! Checkin' up on that thare posse. Makin' shore them thare decks are gettin' swabbed!

Who's in charge o' th' brown pants 'n' red shirt? Taz, ain't you a-keepin' an eye out on that? Ok, I won't give it'nother thought then. I Will be a wonderin' what sorta mutated pretzels yore gettin' yoreself tangled up with tho'. Eek
Oh yeh, an' gimme jus' a day or two with th' D'Lorean an' it'll be all yores. Ya really oughta consider givin' it back t' Choo after ya've had yer fun withit. Ok?

Pete, ya certainly are in fer some shockin' readin' when ya get back! Red Face

Ninth, this li'l spyder shore does 'preciate ya rescuin' me from th' perils o' Choo's cow catcher (not to be confus'd witha cattle guard)!!! Dunno how I'd 've gotten outa that thare mess I trapped myself into! Coulda gotten real gutsy kinda nasty! ewwwwwwwwwwww!!! Wink Wink

Choo, ya shore are a tricky one, ya are! Big Grin

Miss M, you keep all these ornery rascals in line, ya hear? I 'spect you'll 've drug Choo's name outa 'im 'fore long, or at least 'is age. Big Grin
I'll be talkin' to ya Missy. Cool

I shore do like seein' all these new faces 'round here! Oughta make fer a great continuation of such awesome silliness! I'm countin' on seein' ya'll still hangin' out in this here neck o' th' woods when I get back now, ya hear?!

So without further much ado 'bout nothin', all o' ya'll take care! TTFN! Or if ya 'druther, BFN! Smile

********* 'nother long ole annoyin' as 7734 beep *********
Yore now bein' returned to yore irregularly unscheduled lunacy...
Namaste Taz,
Takin a break already?? As Miss S would say 'BAD Taz'! Big Grin You sure seem to work alot!

Speakin of Miss S...You BETTER do more than lurk here while you're away!! I miss you already..don't worry, I'll do my best to keep these guys in line Wink (oh that should be a trip) But I think I have Taz to help me..I hope Confused I think of Taz as a bodyguard ya know? That's a compliment Taz BTW. Just be sure to try and post a couple of times while you're gone. You know if you don't you'll never be able to catch up Smile

Oh hey Zebra, got your apple (you gotta eat it before it eats you, much like Taz's pretzels)

I think of Taz as a bodyguard
good grief I thought tough as he is you were his bodyguard, what with the apples you offer to your Zebra friend

Almost puts me off apples it looks so disturbing Eek

TTFN Shadeaux, pop in again soon don't let too many pages pass you by, you probably need to convalesce after riding my ghost train to hell Big Grin
No work at Magoo's yesterday Miss M, strictly pleasure. Big Grin That is one vicious looking apple Miss M,ya tryin to skeer da Zebra away? Red Face Confused. Never been a bodyguard,did have a couple in a past profession.(Long story!)
Worked as a bouncer at several local night clubs though, so bodyguard is not a far stretch.
I'll keep me steel toes at da ready!
Gotta to be able to wear me slippers occasionally doh!

Quite fetchin doncha yer tink?
Last edited by tazfrompa
Choo, it looks like a lil' vampire apple doesn't it Eek I have more apple pics but if you didn't like this one you won't like the others either...

Ooo Taz those slippers look real comfy right about now..I don't know why I thought you were working, I do remember you saying you were going out with yer sweetie...chalk it up to my increasing senility Big Grin

Those don't look like steel toes in there're in BIG trouble Mister!

EDIT---Choo can you eat apples with your dentures??
SORRY...I couldn't resist Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin

And I think I know what you sell..underwear? Boxer shorts? THONGS for men???
Last edited by member8880
Choo can you eat apples with your dentures??
dunno' yet, never could wiv' me teef Wink

And I think I know what you sell..underwear? Boxer shorts? THONGS for men???
you added thongs afterwards didn't you, I could probably do you one to suit Razz

Afterall if Taz is in to pink & fluffies you are probably into boys things, sorry thongs Razz
I just got back online...BUT I reported this mess almost 4 HOURS ago (3 different times no less) and NADA!
There's no report button anywhere that I can find, or a reply button for that matter?? I can't find your reply at all...
Where the hell is Jeff when we need him??? I had to put in a support request because there are no buttons ?? What's up with that?
Thank GOD it is gone now! That was FOUL! The Gods ave eard me prayers. Tout I may have to call me Sweetie to help me recover me wits! ( Strickly medicinal Ya know!)
EDIT: Me tinks dis may be one of our spam bandits come back to aunt us. Wadder ya tink? We/I did get a bit brutal( Under da auspices of AJ's invertation)
Now yeave gone and done done er Bluto yeave angered da Taz in me! (Sickened me to me guts too)Blech yuk GAG GAG dat was disgustin ! No?
Taz, seriously, there were none of the buttons for report, edit, etc. No reply button either. I tried to see your replies but the page wouldn't move. No did they do that? But 4 hours for God sake..I filed support almost as soon as it was posted, came back just now and it was still there. Unbelievable..someone at Auctiva was sure asleep at the switch!

Oh, I emailed Miss S and she saw it too, she had no buttons either. ???
Look at my new thread in the lounge! look like something yeave seen before? But a lot more tasteful!
EDIT - wonder if we'll get an apology for the fact that it was left up for 4 hours (doubt it)

Gotta side with Auctiva on this one Miss M apology is not to be expected. This is a little used feature that some scalawag took advantage of. I reported the post Via the tab inside of the posting and within 15 to 20 minutes it was gone.
I believe they were on the job. Hard to keep track of every single post.
That's true,

I'm just so used to getting an almost instant response the few times I had to file a support request...I wish I would have used that comment button 4 hours ago, darn Mad Going on 5 now..

I think out of out little group here, you, me, and Miss S were the only ones to see that piece of crap...You might be right, it could very well have been one of the spammers.

Might be good to implement a little bit more strict criteria of who can sign up..just thinkin out loud, I know that's probably not possible...Maybe at least have to be an ebay member or somethin...
It showed having 28 views when I reported it. Very few people saw it and I do not think anyone was able to figure the way to answer it or report it until I did. Very tricky to navigate if you are used to the normal Auctiva forum, and very poor design by Auctiva IMHO!
Edit: I did save da evidence of da crime if anyone from da group wants to be sickened! Just could not believe it and thought I was the only one to have seen it. But I am like a wolf on a lamb or a spider on a fly! Hmm, sounds like our Miss S!
You know me I submit my opinion and vehemently defend it, like it or not!
Just so youse all knows da truth. Da Ninth was amonst da select few ta view da disgustin cow, or was it a pig? Anyways, bestiality aint da Ninths style. Tanks to youse both fer yer most diligent efforts ta clean up da pond scum. Much obliged, and speakin for da spider too ifin she don't feel fit ta comment on such an egregious assault on her delicate constitution. Eek
you have NO idea what you missed here tonite
was it anything like Pete's uglypeople site which had some fine mates for Jabba the Hutt one was possibly even his mother-in-law. Eek

Never mind it all pales into insignificance due to the storm blowing in from ebay over the removal of our rights as sellers to red or even neutral a bad buyer today Mad
Hi ninth (waving)..long time no see.

Hi Choo..oooo I just saw that myself, I even found a link:

But believe me when I say it's NOTHING compared to what we saw last night!

But in all seriousness, about the FB thing,,,What IDIOT thought up this bright idea?? Those people at ebay have nothing better to do than think up new stupid policies and change change and more change on each & every's a wonder that a new person can even navigate the site. I don't now if you've bought anything lately, but now when you go to pay, you still sign into paypal, but you never actually get into your account..all the pages are still ebay. I find it very annoying. I guess they don't realize that they're going to end up with NO sellers...which will = NO buyers...I'm beginning to see their downfall and they have no one to blame but themselves.

And nope, I'm NOT gettin off this soapbox Smile

EDIT - I just got this bit of news from kbalona (hope you don't mind K, gonna post it here)
Fees - not exactly what we were all hoping for..

Now WHERE did I put that Valium???????
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But believe me when I say it's NOTHING compared to what we saw last night!
, well it would take my mind off effbay.

Just think we will probably chatting away on this thread when ebay has flushed itself down the loo providing Auctiva is not dragged down with it.

Do you think this was what some insiders were hinting about in PayPal that they should distance themselves from effbay this year ?
Perhaps they announced this well in advance to test the water which is the only positive side I can see and I shall be watching the listing stats on the powersellersunite site very closely.

Most go have a look there about this, perhaps they will rise again.

I think I can sell up my more valuable bits and pieces before May then seriously look at my own website as hosting 'rent' and domain names are becoming so cheap these days.

The low value items will be best now on a smaller UK site and I think I need to confirm the the cost of a effbay store is even worse now per item.

Even this thread is suffereing, we need a massive injection of lunacy, pleeeasssee Eek
Yes I did see it, learning about the AuctionBytes and Powersellerunite sites are some of the most useful things I have learnt on here.

I subscribe to the AB newsletters, most interesting and full of effbays misdeeds, they have a blog on the feedback issue growing fast and similar on effbay, had to turn off the mail notification on effbay's, they were coming in faster than a spider-fly epsiode. Trouble is they only supply a link, at least from here you see what someone posted before they edited it Wink
Oh carp, see how upset I am with all of this bad news...I know you're 6 hours ahead of me and yet I was thinking 4:30 in the morning. Aarrgghh! Roll Eyes

I'm a powerseller every summer (my items are seasonal) I am not looking forward to see what this is gonna cost me, ugh!

Ok enough of that on out thread...I'll see if I can dig up somethin to cheer you up Wink
Ok enough of that on out thread...
Confused spellung chugger blown up again ?

Well, until Taz steps in with his mutant pretzels straining at the lead, did you know he was going to take up breeding them now, rottweillers are no longer mean enough.

Train them and start selling them outside of certain offices, hey throw in some of your vampire apples to appeal to the healthy eaters, yeah, "I like it when a plan comes together" Big Grin
No nightmares. Guess I was lucky. Hopefully no brain damage from viewing such guff!
Choo yer lucky ye did not se er. She were a foul creature from the ocean depths! Almost made me wanna wear de Brown Pantaloons! Tout bout wearin de red shirt round me head to protect from bleedin from da ears!
Did you know a photo gallery was possible on here?
I never saw a need for one and really think it is poorly designed. I am assuming you saw my post "Taz test"?

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