Hi All, I'm a newbie, so please be patient...
I've been meandering around the forums/boards trying to get a bit familiarized, have had a lot of unasked questions answered (thanks!!), but I have one that seems rather elementary, and I need to make a fool of myself now while claiming to be a newbie...
The Search, Keyword functions: just a short time ago I did a search for Get HTML not working because it isn't currently for me. I'm trying to add some new pics to active listings (posted originally via eBay). During My Meanderings, I found concise and explicit instructions (thanks ninth_wave and Dave), but Get HTML isn't working, so I did a search by keyword...and it brings up a discussion that goes back to May '06. So I posted a question explaining that I followed instructions, cleared cache/cookie/popup blocker,(etc) any other suggestions, posted the question, then find to my horror, it's being addressed right there in the first page. It happened a couple of days ago when I posted my very first question--the search defaults to the oldest postings?? During My Meanderings I remember reading that a posting can be deleted within 20 minutes--so I deleted before raising the ire and wrath of patient posters. So what is the deal with the search function? It defaults to the oldest postings/answers first? Do I need to go thru the first few pages of each forum to see if my issue is being addressed somewhere? Hopefully it is a preference, somewhere? to have search functions listed newest first? Can't find it...please enlighten? Thanks! (and yes, I did a search for Keyword/search function: returned zero results)
thanks again!
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