I wish I could do some Quotes

quote:Originally posted by Suthrnjewl:
You'll have till the eve of the 14th to keep visiting the boards. (if that's your choice)
Never know...you might receive free bonus time offer from Tomas. Even though I think if it's a free bonus time offer, somebody oughta drop an email to the "winner" of this bonus time and let them know.
I was the "lucky" recipient of ALOT longer free time than anybody knew (I have no idea why either, didn't ask 4 it, didn't want it, had everything cleared out & could definitely afford to pay for SD if it had been my choice)
Why Tomas' choice was to offer me free time when there were those who LOVE, LIVE and BREATH SD and to them it was a hardship to come up with nine bucks a month and yet..he gave me free bonus time? It's still puzzling. (I never missed a payment to SD for over 2 years)
Over the years, I'd offered to pay for members who would post on the boards they couldn't pay for their SD subscriptions..he could've/should've give them what I didn't want. I never received answers to my request to pay for fellow members over the years. It just doesn't make sense..I receive free bonus time? When there are others that are needy out there? Doesn't make sense, does it?
Heck, all accusations about returning members using new IDs is silly. Just fodder for fighting or the current "choice" of whose the target. Those discussions could easily be stopped/locked. I know the majority of those slinging around accusations know about IP numbers. Geesh! If it mattered the owner would nip all of those that have IP numbers he doesn't want posting on the board banned.
It's silly and can be nipped in the bud unless stirring of the pot is what is wanted to keep members interested in coming back to view the car wreck postings in a thread.
My choice is to be where the postings are positive in regards to life, my online business and selling. I'm not just talking about this board but other online seller boards I belong to also, OTWA, TULIP Tools, PowerSellersUnite, etc. etc. and of course, Auction Sellers Motivators!!!!
Just my thoughts, it's better to go forth and be around those with a positive outlook than negative.
Now everyone, Get out there and make Moolah.
Best of luck for the New Year and many, many eBay sales!
My wish is that everyone have much green to count.
quote:Originally posted by brightgems:
Donna. You are so right about having and keeping a positive attitude as much as possible. It does work, and makes one a much happier person to be aroundI just quietly go away, AND I DON'T PUT DOWN WHAT OTHERS CHOOSE TO DO OR NOT DO. I will never understand blind loyalty to any site or auction. It is crazy. This is business to me, and I do what will make the most $$ for me, and try to help out others if I can. Other then that, I try to keep quiet.
quote:Originally posted by Creole:
Hi All SD's
I got taken down by Hurricane Rita but plan on starting the New Year here. If I can only slow down long enough to learn this new Site. I am HTML challenged so it is difficult getting all the photo links changed around ... Danielle has been a absolute doll... Thanks!! She converted my SD templates.Now I just have to figure out the image url links and I am outta there! Happy to see so many familar people here!
Creole Trader
quote:Originally posted by debkwek:
Suthrnjewl I have just opened my Yahoo 360. how do I get included in yours:
quote:Originally posted by dmhcollectibles:
Hey Donna or anyone else
I don't mean to sound stupid but I guess if the shoe fits ....
what is a Yahoo 360???
I'm all for cross-selling tools and other marketing outlets!!
quote:Originally posted by debkwek:
Thanks suthrnjewel can you tell me how I can put my own banner in I have tryed but I have a (gif)image a they don't accept that how do I change my image to what they accept.
Well, if they saw the same photos that I did when I clicked on your link, I can see where they probably thought they'd come to the right place.quote:Originally posted by Suthrnjewl:
the only other persons that wanted to add me as a contact were males looking for "other" interests besides online selling. (if you catch my drift)