quote:Originally posted by Suthrnjewl:quote:Originally posted by dmhcollectibles:
Anyone know how things are going over on SD lately? Any improvements or upgrades? (or support?)
This is heresay..I don't know personally. I don't keep up, there's no need to.
Basically this is what my emails tell me from person's that are still over there and using the beta until the holidays are over or their pre-paid subscriptions are up before making the move.
The beta that was released to everyone was the same beta that others were testing in the spring of 2005. Not many changes to it, I'm told..but I don't know. As I said it's heresay so don't go by me.
Tomas implemented a ticket for help. It's just like the way we have had here all along. I've been told that Merry and others are still answering questions on the boards.
I was told there is no phone number still in which to call for help and that members had to call rackspace recently to get some help. Tomas has made appearances on the board alot more than he used to. I was told that Bill is on hand for writing code..I don't know...as I said this is all heresay.
That's bout all I know. Sorry it's not more info for you.
The emails are mostly family info, checking in and such, very rarely discussed is Sparedollar or Auctiva or any other service. The emails are of a more personal level with news of their family and such.
How'd your Florida Christmas go?
I loved the weather in the 30s on Wednesday...wasn't that great?
Happy New Year,
Heya Suthern (Donna) - thanks for all the info. I was just curious how things were going over there, is all. I'm a bit surprised to hear that Bill might be back (I thought they had a big falling out long ago), but I *guess* that's good news. I can't believe his customers had to call Rackspace directly, but I heard that elsewhere too so maybe it's true. How sad. Pathetic really. And if the beta is essentially the same as it was a year ago, that's pathetic too. I know from reading the boards over there (when I still could) that many of the beta testers thought it was a piece of cra*. (feel free to supply your own "p" there).
Weather here for Christmas was glorious - high 60s. I don't miss snow, ice, freezing cold even one little bit!