I am in the process of moving over too. I am not currently selling so I will probably let my SD membership go as of May 15th. I just need to figure out HOW to get all my images and all my templates over here! I have over 500 ITEMS I sell when I sell... and then all my images for my templates... oh boy.... Here comes the fun, Steph aka sobol on SD
Welcome Steph! Nice to see ya over here, your going to love it! Best customer service around!
Thanks Lisa, I uploaded all of my pics, now to figure out how to get my templates here too! ~Steph
quote:Originally posted by megnsamsgrace:
Thanks Lisa, I uploaded all of my pics, now to figure out how to get my templates here too! ~Steph
Welcome Steph!
If you have problems with the templates, send a help ticket to Auctiva and they'll back at you fast with the answer.
Glad to see you made it over here.
I'll answer your email now...I was out for the count over the holidays.
I'm glad to see the move of your pics went easy. It takes perseverance and just plain ole dig your heels in and a hard work ethic but once it's done, it's done! The hemming and hawing and beating around the bush is usually the deterrent for some.
Take care, Donna
I assume all you ex-SD users got the word about SpareDollar being acquired by InkFrog.
How are the current SpareDollar users reacting to this? Are they happy? Angry? Staying? Going?
Enquiring minds want to know.
How are the current SpareDollar users reacting to this? Are they happy? Angry? Staying? Going?
Enquiring minds want to know.
quote:Originally posted by rizzlet:
I assume all you ex-SD users got the word about SpareDollar being acquired by InkFrog.
How are the current SpareDollar users reacting to this? Are they happy? Angry? Staying? Going?
Enquiring minds want to know.
They're still watching the grass grow in their favorite front yard and loving it. Hey, whatever gets them through the night, day or life. Reading the sdBoards is as about as exciting as watching grass grow. Occasionally, I pop in read for a few and pop out. Same old thing just a different day. Said, 'Biddy Bunch' has taken over and currently dominates the AHL. Goody for them, lol.
quote:Originally posted by Magie Noire:quote:Originally posted by rizzlet:
I assume all you ex-SD users got the word about SpareDollar being acquired by InkFrog.
How are the current SpareDollar users reacting to this? Are they happy? Angry? Staying? Going?
Enquiring minds want to know.
Occasionally, I pop in read for a few and pop out.
That statement will cause a commotion! You'll have them all up in arms! Naughty Magie! <smile>
My take? SD was a third party that I once used for my online business. When it ceased to work to the abilities I wanted it to have. I made a business decision to leave and find a service that did serve my needs. Not Tom, not Dick, not Harry's business, but my online business. I left one service for another service. Auctiva serves my needs. Whereas the service may not suit others, it does mine.
SD? Served its purpose at one time. I don't think about it otherwise. Just as I don't think about my prior cellphone company. They served their purpose at the time. Another came along that gave me better customer service, better reliability, and more punch for my needs. The service more than serves my purpose, so I don't give it a moments thought that I once used the other cell phone service.
Bad analogy I know..but it works for me.
My Best!
quote:Originally posted by Suthrnjewl:quote:Originally posted by Magie Noire:quote:Originally posted by rizzlet:
I assume all you ex-SD users got the word about SpareDollar being acquired by InkFrog.
How are the current SpareDollar users reacting to this? Are they happy? Angry? Staying? Going?
Enquiring minds want to know.
Occasionally, I pop in read for a few and pop out.
That statement will cause a commotion! You'll have them all up in arms! Naughty Magie! <smile>
My Best!
I read there once a week or less, IF that. Not much to read there.
I promise to be good, good lady of the south. By the way, how are you and yours?
That's what happens when people get bored and no one is left to play the game, they have to go looking for more crap 
Talk about getting a life!

Talk about getting a life!
quote:Originally posted by wahm922:
That's what happens when people get bored and no one is left to play the game, they have to go looking for more crap
Talk about getting a life!
Good crap makes an excellent fertilizer. The grass will grow extra fast now. Some say, how bad it is how some read the AHL...yet, here they are reading Auctiva's boards. Dare I say, hypocrite? Nah, I dare not. Time to go to work. I can't let the grass start growing under my feet.
quote:Originally posted by Suthrnjewl:
That statement will cause a commotion! You'll have them all up in arms! Naughty Magie! <smile>
My take? SD was a third party that I once used for my online business. When it ceased to work to the abilities I wanted it to have. I made a business decision to leave and find a service that did serve my needs. Not Tom, not Dick, not Harry's business, but my online business. I left one service for another service. Auctiva serves my needs. Whereas the service may not suit others, it does mine.
SD? Served its purpose at one time. I don't think about it otherwise. Just as I don't think about my prior cellphone company. They served their purpose at the time. Another came along that gave me better customer service, better reliability, and more punch for my needs. The service more than serves my purpose, so I don't give it a moments thought that I once used the other cell phone service.
Bad analogy I know..but it works for me.
My Best!
You know, with any other service I have used this would normally be the case.
I think the reason why people (including me) actually have residual emotion about SD is because of the nature of that service.
You have a problem with something not working correctly. Normally you would e-mail tech support, and they would fix it. Or tell you what to do to fix it if the problem is on your end. End of story.
Sparedollar? It's a whole other animal.
You have a problem. You e-mail tech support. No response. Two days later you e-mail again. Still no response. So you are forced to go to the message boards to get help. (You're already annoyed.) You post your problem there, and often get some kind of insulting response (generally from He Who Shall Remain Nameless; I know he does searches for his name over here).
The response may or may not solve your problem. Even if it does, it's been three days since you originally asked for help and you are now pissed off both at Tomas and at you-know-who.
It's not like my cell phone company (not that I haven't ever had problems with them!). It's just that the scenario at SD made every technical problem into a personal - and often confrontational - interchange with people who shouldn't have been involved to begin with.
If it wasn't for the non-existent customer service, I would probably have never gone near the SD message board, no less gotten into battles on them. I'm sure my cell phone company has a community board somewhere, and I've never gone there.
quote:Originally posted by Magie Noire:quote:Originally posted by Suthrnjewl:quote:Originally posted by Magie Noire:quote:Originally posted by rizzlet:
I assume all you ex-SD users got the word about SpareDollar being acquired by InkFrog.
How are the current SpareDollar users reacting to this? Are they happy? Angry? Staying? Going?
Enquiring minds want to know.
Occasionally, I pop in read for a few and pop out.
That statement will cause a commotion! You'll have them all up in arms! Naughty Magie! <smile>
My Best!
I read there once a week or less, IF that. Not much to read there.
I promise to be good, good lady of the south. By the way, how are you and yours?
Yup, you got the biddies all riled up now! They are watching grass grow and seeing things but at least you gave them something to work on LOL! Biddies are in a tizzie!
Here we go again 

quote:Originally posted by Magie Noire:
I promise to be good, good lady of the south. By the way, how are you and yours?
Doing well, Doing well.
Life is busy as always. I've been trying to get my website up and running along with ironchicks (beth) help. It's the cubecart that has me stumped and I'm absolutely at a standstill. I haven't been able to work on it for the past four days and really need to dig in. There are several others that have done it step by step so I bet I'm just at a wall because I've missed a step.
I've branched out to EExpress and have sold four items. It was one three as of this afternoon but I just logged in to find another sale.
I've also branched out to a MSN space for more search engine placement along with my Yahoo 360. I'm getting ready to add another eCrater store..this time a bookstore. I find the ecraters successful and have yet to go a day without at least one sale.
My youngest ends her school year soon. My oldest went to the Bahama's for spring break and swears he'll never drink rum again. <smile> My middle son will be taking more classes at college than his previous load and wanting to move out in the fall. <sigh> Before I know it I'll have empty nest syndrome and that won't be pretty!
I'm busy mentoring in a neighborhood elementary school. I try to volunteer in where I can and when I can. But since moving further out of town (out to BFE) it's harder to find the opportunities that once were abundant. I'm thinking of joining a civic organization out this way.
Hope all finds you well and you sweet son, too!
Thank you for asking.
quote:Originally posted by rizzlet:
I think the reason why people (including me) actually have residual emotion about SD is because of the nature of that service.
You have a problem with something not working correctly. Normally you would e-mail tech support, and they would fix it. Or tell you what to do to fix it if the problem is on your end. End of story.
If it wasn't for the non-existent customer service, I would probably have never gone near the SD message board, no less gotten into battles on them.
Blessings your way Rizzlet and I understand.
Do me a favor and visit us more often. Your intelligence shows and we would be well served by your knowledge in eBay talk.
Take care, Donna
quote:Originally posted by Pawkeeper:quote:Originally posted by Magie Noire:quote:Originally posted by Suthrnjewl:quote:Originally posted by Magie Noire:quote:Originally posted by rizzlet:
I assume all you ex-SD users got the word about SpareDollar being acquired by InkFrog.
How are the current SpareDollar users reacting to this? Are they happy? Angry? Staying? Going?
Enquiring minds want to know.
Occasionally, I pop in read for a few and pop out.
That statement will cause a commotion! You'll have them all up in arms! Naughty Magie! <smile>
My Best!
I read there once a week or less, IF that. Not much to read there.
I promise to be good, good lady of the south. By the way, how are you and yours?
Yup, you got the biddies all riled up now! They are watching grass grow and seeing things but at least you gave them something to work on LOL! Biddies are in a tizzie!
To be honest, when I responded to Rizzlet, I didn't even consider, 'they' would read my post. In fact, I had no idea 'they' had, until someone IM'd me and told me. They told me, 'they' were mentioning my post in the AHL. Which I found bizzare because I no longer belong to SpareDollar and do not post there. So, 'they' are coming to the Auctiva boards and reading them it seems. After so and so IM'd me I went over and read the dramarama. Villians, snakes and foes, oh my! Lawnmowers and so forth. Talk about making something out of nothing. Hey, if it makes them happy, so be it.
The funny thing is, I didn't create the name, The Biddy Bunch. I used it, but I didn't think of it. Oh well, life goes on. Enough about 'them'. One last thing, 'they' seem to think it's okay to sit in their grassy yard BUT it wasn't okay for you and a few others to hang out on an island paradise. Highly illogical and yet very typical of 'them'.
I'm done with the direction of this conversation. Moving on. Nice to see you, Paws!
Isn't that the pot calling the kettle black?quote:It seems to me that certain memebers here are so bored with Auctiva and their lives they have to go to Sparedollar just to get some excitement in their life.
Let's keep posts friendly here, so I don't have to.
quote:They told me, 'they' were mentioning my post in the AHL. Which I found bizzare because I no longer belong to SpareDollar and do not post there. So, 'they' are coming to the Auctiva boards and reading them it seems.
What is "the AHL"?
quote:Originally posted by Magie Noire:
To be honest, when I responded to Rizzlet, I didn't even consider, 'they' would read my post. In fact, I had no idea 'they' had, until someone IM'd me and told me. They told me, 'they' were mentioning my post in the AHL. Which I found bizzare because I no longer belong to SpareDollar and do not post there. So, 'they' are coming to the Auctiva boards and reading them it seems. After so and so IM'd me I went over and read the dramarama. Villians, snakes and foes, oh my! Lawnmowers and so forth. Talk about making something out of nothing. Hey, if it makes them happy, so be it.
I'm confused.
Who are these people?
quote:Originally posted by rizzlet:
I'm confused.
Who arethese people?
I'm busy listing for .10 listing day and then off to life. Busy, Busy, Busy and happily so.
I don't care or have want to find out who it is posting.
My Best to you Rizz,