Re: Worried.. Suddenly Pic in Listings Not Showing..
no images here on any of my listings - almost 400 of them! does the image server need a reboot?
Re: Somebody wanna jumpstart Auctiva this AM
Nope, it's not my browser cache - which is squeaky clean. But the good news is, it's sped up a good bit since I posted that it was so slow.
Re: Somebody wanna jumpstart Auctiva this AM
Fortunately I only have about a 90 minute drive to get to Suthernjewl's place. So Donna, have the beer and wings ready later today, how 'bout around 3 pm?
Re: Somebody wanna jumpstart Auctiva this AM
hehehe Kablona I've only been trying since around 7 am. I slept in too
Re: Somebody wanna jumpstart Auctiva this AM
I can't get into Auctiva to do anything either, so it's not just Suthernjewl. And btw, happy birthday!
Re: More Variables for Email Templates
A buyer's name variable would be VERY handy. It's so much nicer to say "hello, John" than just a generic "hello"
Re: Network With Other Sellers Auction Sellers Motivators
Well, speak for yourself, Donna hehehe
Re: BattleBids auto appended in our listings?
There are many reasons I don't want it in any of my listings. Looking corny is just one reason I don't want it - I sell stuff to adults (not adult-stuff, just stuff that only adults would be interested in). It's important to me and to my buyers that my listings look professional and this new "game" certainly detracts from that concept. Slowing down the page loading time is the main reason I don't want it, and is the same reason that I do not use the scrolling gallery thing. Another reason:...
Re: Announcing: the fun way to bid on eBay
Auctiva, you changed my settings without my permission in order to let you auto-append this stupid idea to all my listings. If you want to offer this as an option, fine. But please don't, ever again, let me repeat please don't, ever again, change my settings to auto-append some new feature and invade my listings without my permission. The next time it happens (it's happened twice now) will cause me to migrate elsewhere.
Re: scheduled maintenance all day thursday?
mid morning? Heck, it's now almost 4 pm my time (Eastern) It's been going on all day now, at least 6 or 7 hours. I can't even get a saved listing to come up, much less get anything done.
Re: Announcing: the fun way to bid on eBay
All I've got to say about this Battlebids thing is: You CAN'T be serious. The last thing sellers need is more stuff to slow down page loads.
What ARE the New Features???
I can't find any list of the new features being added today - can someone either point me to one, or can one of the Auctiva guys MAKE one? TIA
Re: Counter For Auctiva Store?
Yes Mandy we're aware of the Omniture service (that's what you're referring to above). But Omniture only tracks your EBAY store stuff. We're talking about adding a counter/tracking our AUCTIVA store - a different thing altogether. Omniture does NOT have anything to do with your Auctiva store.
Re: Insuring on Suppliers Insurance....?
why in the world would you want to offer insurance on an ebook? Or did I misunderstand??
Re: E-Bay Store, is it worth it?
my ebay store sales probably represent roughly 25 tp 30% of my total sales on ebay, possibly more from time to time. Definitely worth it!
Re: How many emails have you received about International rates from buyers lately?
roughly 50% of my sales are international. For me, it would be well worth it if I have to stand in line at the post office in order to get correct postage on a package - BUT, if you get yourself a decent scale, you can often avoid even doing that. I buy postage in advance (I go into the post office during a slow period when there's no line), weigh all packages and then affix the proper postage. Voila, no waiting in line. I don't think that's too burdensome for a significant amount of...
Re: Starting Price is Invalid! I keep getting this on all my listings, anyone know why?
nope, no dollar sign in front.... the same price (not changed) from hundreds of ads before
Re: Starting Price is Invalid! I keep getting this on all my listings, anyone know why?
I don't know why it's happening, but I thought I'd pop in and say that you're not the only one who is getting this. It happens to me occasionally, with no explanation - the price IS valid, there are no typos like a comma instead of a period. Completely clueless about why it happens as all of my listings are from "make similar" and have always worked (with valid prices) in the past. Aucitva guys, what's up with this?
Re: Buyer not paying due to death in family?
Sadly, this is just about the most common excuse for not paying that there is. Although I'm sure that some percentage of people saying they have a death in the family (or the variations of "severe illness" or "badly injured in a car accident") are telling the truth, you would be shocked to know how often this is lied about, and simply a case of a buyer changing their mind about the item and looking for a way out. They think the "death in the family" will make the seller sympathize and cancel...
Re: Ok folks, what's the deal today???
I couldn't get into Auctiva for several tries, then it finally let me in, and I stayed in long enough to write a listing, but it won't let me save it and I can't get in again. WHAT IS GOING ON? The site was unusable for much of the day yesterday, do we really have to go through this again TODAY?
Re: cant handle the waiting.....
I believe loco is referring to the time period lag that occurs when Auctiva acknowledges that there has been a SALE (or a bid, even), not when an item gets posted up to ebay. Sometimes Auctiva doesn't register my sales for a WEEK or TWO afterward. It gets hard to deal with, as loco says. You can speed up this time lag by asking Auctiva support to look at it, but if I did that for every sale that's all I would be doing
Re: Web server unavailable
I'm still getting server errors intermittently - currently I can't do anything on the site.
Re: Image Host Space?
Hi Retrorave, welcome back to the wacky world of ebay. Currently the image space at Auctiva is unlimited. They've not announced any plans to change that (that I'm aware of). Some of us do try to diligently delete scans once we're done with them, to lighten the load on the image servers. Diane
Re: Regular Auction eBay fee .45? Should be .40
I've been seeing this 45 cents too, when Auctiva estimates fees.
It's my understanding that "revise your item" has always been intended for sellers to be able toweak and revise a listing of THE SAME ITEM, not a completely different one. If you have been ending a listing and then revising it so that you can use it for a completely different item than the one it originally related to, then yes, JeffS is correct, and it is fee avoidance , and cheating .
Re: Error Msg: SERVER APPLICATION UNAVAILABLE in BIG Red Letters -Can't get into Auctiva
I'm getting server errors - it's 8:42 pm Wednesday eastern time
Re: When is 'Phase II' happening....../
Mike, you've asked questions that I would love to know also. But I've never seen an answer that was straightforward
Re: How to get Auctiva listings to not allow non-PayPal bidders?
no Kablona, they want the OPPOSITE of what you suggested ... they want to ONLY accept bids from people who have PayPal accounts.
Re: Site is unavailable
I've been posting auctions all day, but now I'm getting server errors and can't do anything.
Re: FYI - (eBay) 20¢ Auction-Style and Fixed Price Listing Day Tomorrow, January 18
Nope, no calendar, and very little notice. I seem to always get the email about it roughly 10 hours AFTER the listing day has started! It's 7 am here on the day of the sale and I just now got it even though I've been online for hours now.
Re: Are listings created in Auctiva showing up in ebay express yet?
Don't forget you have to set your eBay selling preferences to have your items included in exbay express. If your preferences are set to NOT include them they won't be, no matter what.
Re: Is ecrater worth the time?
Actually that's not true in my experience. I have two websites with my own domains, and also two ecrater stores. I promote them all more or less equally, but my websites' traffic is at least 100 times more than my ecraters traffic. I don't know why, but it's true. I get hundreds of hits every day on my websites. A good day on ecrater is 2 or 3 hits.
Auctiva Acquires Sellathon, Publisher of eBay Analytics Tool By Ina Steiner January 05, 2007 Auctiva, a provider of free tools for eBay sellers, has acquired Sellathon, publisher of eBay analytics tool ViewTracker. Auctiva will continue to operate Sellathon separately and plans few changes to the ViewTracker tool. Wayne Yeager, who founded Sellathon in 2003, said Auctiva is a good home for Sellathon. "It's a good strategic fit," Yeager said. "Our customers will be taken care...
Re: Counter For Auctiva Store?
Bonnie, I completely agree - a counter for the Auctiva storefront would be very helpful.
Re: Anyone else also having trouble listing?
I can't pick a category, I can't save, I can't pick an image, I can't do much of anything.
Re: Enough is enough
watchinu, YOU obviously have not been around long enough to know that Auctiva is actually one of the oldest third party ebay service providers there is. gardenboy, I wasn't complaining about Auctiva, I was merely stating that Auctiva is not a "brand new baby," as watchinu seems to think.
Re: Wagglepop? Don't bother
yep the weather's glorious here, Suthernjewl - makes me realize why I moved to FL. Played golf yesterday, will play again in an hour or so ..... etc etc.
Re: Enough is enough
"brand new baby"? Where did you get THAT? Auctiva's been around for YEARS. Heck, I'VE been using it for over a year now, and others here have used it for even longer.
Re: Wagglepop? Don't bother
I feel your pain, although I never signed up for WP. I can't understand why anyone would have, after their first flop and withdrawal. But to each his own
Re: eBay Info Not Current
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Auctiva Mike D.: Hi Community, Our listing maintenance, which updates title, current price, high bidder, high bidder feedback, bid count, currency, and end time on your active listings page is done about every 6 hours. Once your updated prices are reflected on your active listings page, they should be displayed in your store window the next time it refreshes, which it does about every 2 hours. If you would like further assistance with any related questions, please...
Re: shipping a $370++ item to unconfirmed addy
to all you newbies out there reading this thread, please know that just about EVERYTHING that Daily Bugle has said is WRONG.
Re: shipping a $370++ item to unconfirmed addy
It may be BS, but that's their policy. NO seller protection if the address is unconfirmed, even if you do have delivery confirmation, tracking number, or anything else. Rick is unfortunately correct.