api error??
I get thisd error and my item won't list! Either your Description, Location, or Checkout Instructions appear to have Java script in it according to eBay. eBay is very strict about anything that looks like it may be Java script. Try checking your description for parenthesis and try posting without them if they do exist.. I checked and removed some parenthesis, I have not idea what java script is. Help anyone?? Pam
Re: " Simplifies Shipping"
when I looked this site up... I see it is only for people with eBay stores? Pam
Re: Can I use Auctivia to list to other auction sites?
I signed up for Ebid today! My business model is to sell a little bit on Ebay and More on EBid. I really like the tools that I have been using here, So I will keep my Auctivia account for a while, currently as it is! Do You have any Idea how long it will take, or even If you are considering Ebid? I think EBay is too big for a small seller of Nic Nacs and Flea market items! Thank You very much for your prompt answers! I do appreciate that on this web site!Pam
Can I use Auctivia to list to other auction sites?
I am considering listing to Other auction sites. Does Auctivia work on other sites? if so which ones?
Re: Gallery Pic not showing up
I also had a simular problem. Al my pics loaded good on all the adds, but on my Auctivia Gallery there are dummy photos. I tried backing them out of the area where you load the Gallery and reenter it and that did not work. I wished the pictures were there I Think this is a great tool. I personally spent lots of time going to each Sellers ads, so I know It works! The 2 reasons I picked Auctvia is to get the Gallery, and to be able to ad more pictures free. Pam
Re: Loading shipping etc templates.
That worked well for me after I under stood how it worked. So, concievably I can have different combinations for the different things I sell. Now I am having problems with pictures? I will start a new post on that! Thank You Very Much! Pam
Re: Loading shipping etc templates.
Thank You Very Much I did not even see the Master list at the very top! I needed to know that before I could finish the listing! I made a combination of master lists that will suit each AD. I was afraid IF they were not loaded I would have blank areas! I tried It out and It worked! Thanks Also For the timely reply! Pam H
Loading shipping etc templates.
I listed 18 items today. I have templates for the Shipping, Contact Us etc. I see that there is a LOAD button. DO have to Load each one of these perimeters seperately on each section and Each listing?? OR when I select it in the Drop down box does it load?