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KK852: Different problem. And your listings aren't delayed by Auctiva, they're delayed by eBay. There is a class action lawsuit going on over this now against eBay.

There are dozens or hundreds of threads on eBays message boards some with hundreds or thousands of replies. And those people are using Turbo Lister or other eBay products. Everyone in the threads thinks it has to do with the way they list. It doesn't. It has to do with eBay trying to prevent fraud on the site and the delays happen from all listing methods.

Futher posts about Search delays in this thread will be deleted since that's not what this thread is about. Use one of the threads on Auctiva about this or any of the hundreds on eBay.
Shouldn't one of the poll choices for this thread be that eBay should notify the seller when they temporarily hide listings so they can verify they aren't fraudulent? I mean they're the ones doing it and they know when they take them down and put them back up. We have no idea. We're not the ones doing it. Yet we're supposed to sprinkle warnings all over the place so that in case this happens people know why? It'd be pretty easy for eBay to send you an email or put a notice up in your eBay account. Those would be easily seen.

I think eBay is just trying to pull a fast one on sellers. They're already being sued for how long listings take to show up in the search. You know if they start telling people they're removing their listings from search sometimes after the listings are already running that'll just make that worse. Right now most sellers wouldn't know unless they happened to search for their own items, which I can't believe many do. New Auctiva sellers just happen to be doing those searches more frequently because it's the type of thing you'd do after signing up for a new listing service. eBay gets away with yanking your listings for 6 or so hours and the seller is none the wiser.

I discussed this with every eBay employee I could at eBay Live and I'll do it again this year and their summit with top seller's and certified providers in Washington D.C. at the end of this month.
With respect Jeff eBay already pitches private sellers against sponsored links, and hide store contents from default searches and take money from both sides, and this is not off topic because:-

They get extra business via you which probably costs you money and against that they do not want you providing free image hosting and taking users away from using their own turbo lister.

Strikes me that eBay Vs sellers is very similar to eBay Vs certified service providers like yourself.

So why would they worry if you are seen in bad light, and so why should they warn sellers about thier anit-hijack listing pulls if they go to a 3rd party.

I am afraid whilst they take this apparent stance of setting everyone against each other (and taking everyones $$) all you can do is put up the warning yourself. It appears to me that you like eBay have no near competition so why would it be a problem.

It is causing increasing frustration and ill feeling and as the problem is only seen when new clients join Auctiva with active listings on eBay so you unfortunately are going to get the blame regardless.

Unless you can get eBay to listen you are going to keep getting all the flack while eBay counts its $$ and like M$ I think very few if any organisations have the clout to take them on.
Hi Jeff, thanks for your input to this thread, it's appreciated.

While I understand your point about it really should be eBay that warns users of this issue, I think realistically that is not likely to happen. I think the main point we are trying to make is that if you (Auctiva) were to make it clear to new Auctiva members, in their welcome email perhaps, and/or add this point to the FAQ, making it clear that this would happen whether they use Auctiva or not, it would diffuse the obvious ill feeling that is currently being generated. We users will of course continue to help newbies who come on here in a state of panic, but I think it would a. help to reduce the number of those concerns, and b. make it clear and obvious to newbies that it is not Auctiva's fault.

All IMHO of course Smile
My sales are down more than 75% comp. to listings I normally do using Turbolister or SSB.
This is total BS and you know it! Show your supporting numbers or go back to FeeBay! You know you cannot as it is a crock!
I thought I'd give this service a try and save myself the $7 fee for using another service
This will happen with any 3rd party service!
Shouldn't one of the poll choices for this thread be that eBay should notify the seller when they temporarily hide listings so they can verify they aren't fraudulent? I mean they're the ones doing it and they know when they take them down and put them back up. We have no idea. We're not the ones doing it. Yet we're supposed to sprinkle warnings all over the place so that in case this happens people know why? It'd be pretty easy for eBay to send you an email or put a notice up in your eBay account. Those would be easily seen.
This poll is about Auctiva not FeeBay do you really think FeeBay will give this poll one iota of extra thought?
Jeff this sounds like a class action suit in itself, now I am understanding why this is such a delicate issue here!
One way to stay out of the fire is to say you did not start it so it does not pertain to you!
But for all of us volunteer firemen out here it really is an in convenience.
Come on people over 500 views on this thread and only 17 votes? Which by the way is running 100% for
I think notification should be done.

Is there really so much apathy out there that no-one cares? Please cast your votes and let your voices be heard.
One vote can make a difference here folks!
Please do not let this thread be buried and the complaints go unheard.
Steve, bear in mind the only ones who have a vested interest in this is those of us who take the time to answer the panic alerts from newbies, everyone else already knows about the issue and live with it - so I think the only ones who will take the time to vote on this are the hard core helpers. I amy be wrong, but that's how it seems to me.
Yes Pete, I am afraid I agree with your observation, especially as this pull event is a one off when you join.

I was going to post, might as well do so now the thought that most only come here to ask about problems and then are never heard from again. Personally I think that is very short sighted apart from being rather self centred.

I have found by being a contributer here that I have learnt as much probably more than assistance I have been able to offer. Learn by your own and others mistakes, why repeat them especially when they can cost a lot of money as well as time.

So if members only look when in trouble then votes are going to be slow and low, despite this I still support the need for notification whole heartedly. Smile

Addressing Auctiva's guys and gals we do support and defend you (e.g. the recent defence by Taz above) as well as being a pain in the backside at times Wink
Originally posted by ChooChooGuy:<snip>
Yes Pete, I am afraid I agree with your observation, ............
I was going to post, might as well do so now the thought that most only come here to ask about problems and then are never heard from again. Personally I think that is very short sighted apart from being rather self centred.
I have found by being a contributer here that I have learnt as much probably more than assistance I have been able to offer. Learn by your own and others mistakes, why repeat them especially when they can cost a lot of money as well as time.

I agree with your observation. Or it could be those savvy enough to figure it out; (don't know which emoticon is blushing but that would be me) or may have heard about it already before; like the guy I mentioned in another post somewhere....I told him when I was in a panic but then told him why later.
I am mod/admin on a travel club forum; we have over 5000 registered but/and unless you get the attention of everyone concerned about an issue that is hurting them in the pocket, they don't respond. Maybe 10 %. Look at the national elections....
OK OT long enough, but good observations "y'all".

I am trying some of the add ons bold etc. Lets see how they work.isn't there a preveiw with this forum program?
As a new member here and still learning I am compelled to reply to KK852's post:

I am new to Auctiva and I have to say this is total BS. My listings have REALLY REALLY suffered because of this nonsense, as have my sales. It took me several days to figure out that it was because of AUCTIVA that my listings were being delayed by 8+ hours and not the other various reasons ebay support offered. Unfortunately, I've already listed all that I have for now and I have to sit and watch them tank thanks to this "service". My sales are down more than 75% comp. to listings I normally do using Turbolister or SSB.

I thought I'd give this service a try and save myself the $7 fee for using another service...SO not worth it. Auctiva and this ridiculous lag time have cost me hundreds of dollars in BIN sales...down the drain, kaput.

Never again. You really should have warned a new user that this would happen- I never would have continued with the service.

I'm an extremely disgruntled, dissatisfied *FORMER* user. Hopefully this poll will cause the company to warn future users so that they don't go through the heartache I have...

You of all people (being apparently an experienced seller) should have taken the time to read the MANY, MANY, MANY posts regarding this topic PRIOR TO ever generating listings through Auctiva. You would have known THEN your listings would have possibly been delayed. As it has been mentioned numerous times throughout Auctiva's forums it is eBay's issue, NOT Auctiva's. Auctiva doesn't set eBay's policies - eBay does.

As a newbie I have yet to create any listings through Auctiva until I do my research FIRST. I want to know what problems (if any) may arise by using Auctiva, something you apparently should have done but did not.

You really should have warned a new user that this would happen- I never would have continued with the service.

No, you should have done your research and read more first. There WAS fair warning in all the posts I have read from new people here stating their listings were not just didn't bother to read them. In defense of Auctiva don't blame Auctiva for your own incompetence and your own shortcomings having not done your homework first by simply reading the forums beforehand. "disgruntled, dissatisfied?"...blame yourself, not others for not following through. Try being a part of the solution and not part of the problem.

(stepping off of soapbox...)
Hi all.
Jeff, it's great to see your participation in this thread. To me, that's one giant step for all of us with a 'vested interest' that feel so strongly about it. This of course includes Yourself.
And your listings aren't delayed by Auctiva, they're delayed by eBay.

That is the gist of it and IMO, all else is getting us nowhere. We can go back and forth for the rest of this year, for what? I can't grasp what could possibly make this such a big issue to resolve somehow, though I do realize what I think about it means nothing in the end.

I agree it would be a bit tacky to go sprinkle warnings about the site.
Surely one or two, strategically placed wouldn't mar it.

When we log in, there's the page that shows us the domain purchase option. It changes periodically, is of little consequence to me now and I fly by it toward my destination... in other words, I ignore it now. Until it next changes.

What would be wrong with using some of that space? Is it that you can't mention eBay when alerting newcomers of temporarily disappearing listings? I could see various reasons this may be true. What if we managed to compose something properly worded that everyone would be happy with? Could it be done?

It looks like we're putting it all out there, so I'll say this now... I don't like the poll options either, Jeff. (sorry guys and gals but I don't). However, the options don't really matter because that's not the point. Should this thread make it possible for the issue to be openly discussed, that's the ultimate goal anyway, isn't it? At least, for the 'firefighters' out here, I believe it is.

Are you suggesting that eBay send out a note, and it being on the poll, as a tongue in cheek comment? I don't always pick up on these things. I can't see eBay even caring enough to consider it. It puzzles me why you're so adamant about not warning new users, because you obviously care or we wouldn't have Auctiva. Thank you for that.

N, glad to see you're staying around! No, there's not a preview but you can sure edit, and even delete. SmileSmile
oh, and there's not a blush emoti. I use *blush* or this one. Roll Eyes
Welcome Marketplacebazaar and well put, I am investigating UK sites to sell on in addition to eBay.

As part of this activity I have taken a proactive part on thier community boards probing, asking and sounding out their support and experienced sellers for something like a month before even considering writing or adapting a single listing. Very revealing.

I am a minor seller compared with KKB52 'figures', but an experienced seller on eBay and just over a year enjoying the benefits of Auctiva (although very recent to these boards).

So if I can think of doing this why not someone with a big turnover Roll Eyes

I meant to say this earlier in this thread Smile
Voluntary Firefighter to owner this is not a post to bump this thread but one by an increasingly irritated user and supporter of Auctiva.

Latest (KNOWN) victim -> "Getting Started -> New to Auctiva"

Please stop assuming new clients are all experts and as threads like this slide down the list more injuries occur, come on why not a short post pinned to Getting Started clearly titled as suggested by one of your other loyal supporting volunteers. Please remember we are helping you make $$

I am sure any fire department in the physical world being called out repeatdly to the same site for the same problem would not put up with this. And when you consider e -selling is no longer just a hobby, for many it becomes a significant if not total part of their income as shown in recent stats particulalry in the USA.

If you want to get a bad reputation fine, ok annoy and frighten off more users but it will be your livelihood at stake not mine, I'm retiring soon !!!

Edited by me to remove expletive, should not need to resort to swearing, indicates limited intelligence Wink
Last edited by choochooguy
Hi Choo. This thread does keep slipping down the page but it has had a lot of views. More people need to vote and also maybe comment to keep it fresh? I chose the subject title of this thread hoping new users that actually search for information about their listings disappearing will find this.

I really don't understand why Auctiva doesn't notify new users in some way. Could it be possible that it is more beneficial to them in some way to acquire new users (even if they lose them right away), than to possibly scare off or cause an intersted customer to postpone joining until a time when their listings weren't at a critical stage such as auctions nearing ending time?

Hi booklady, trouble is as I have pointed out before, most come on the forums with a problem, get it fixed and are never heard from again.

Probably because most are too busy, consequently they don't frequent the forums so don't see the poll, daft really a lot to be learnt from others, I find it extremely informative whilst being proactive Smile
Well put Choo.
daft really a lot to be learnt from others, I find it extremely informative whilst being proactive
I think since I joined here back in June of 2007 I have at the very most posted 3 questions.
Scouring the forums and doing our volunteer work has really enlightened me to most things Auctiva.
While I consider myself far from knowing everything about it, we few that do most of the replying to others questions on here can typically provide a solution or at least pointers to help.

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