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If the pics are hosted on your own site Thurston it is OK to use them but if you are not hosting yourself this is called hot linking and is quasi-illegal and can be considered theft of bandwidth.for example I used one of your images last week on another thread on here "I am lazy" and I hosted it on Auctiva. So in short if the pics on emotipics are yours I see no reason you cannot post them here. I have never actually heard of an individual getting in trouble for it. But...
Edit: More than likely you already knew this but I am going to leave the post for others to see that may not be aware of this.

I am testing straight from your site to see if your links work with this pic. Hope you do not mind?
Did not work for me I uploaded the image to Auctiva and it should now, kind of strange if you ask me!
Last edited by tazfrompa
Originally posted by ChooChooGuy:
Wow, JeffS why on earth did you use off-the-shelf avatar pic when you have your own great picture like that, have enlarged it up to take a closer look.

With such a shine to the paintwork suggests its a preserved engine working a mainline special, right ?

Mainline, oh yes. Chesapeake & Ohio #614, that last passenger steam engine manufactured by the Lima works in 1948. A 4-8-4 Northern class (called the "Greenbrier" on C&O), it was freshly restored when these mainline runs were made between Hoboken NJ and Port Jervis NY on the old Erie mainline. The 90 mile trips were a sight to behold, with speeds up to 79mph on some sections. These trips were run in 1996 - 98 in the fall (8 trips each fall) and the summer of 97 (4 trips) when I was lucky enough to ride one. In Port Jervis NY they restored an aging turntable that was just barely large enough to turn the engine so that it could be on the head end for the return trip.

Google C&O 614 and you'll find lots of hits, and a number of sites with my pictures (including the full size original of my avatar). In all, I took hundreds of photos and hours of video.

Here's one to start you off:

You'll find many more online.

There's also several dozen videos on YouTube of the Erie Mainline specials that I just discovered! I'm sure some of them will show this engine at it's best. This link should get you there:
Last edited by jeffs
Originally posted by TazFromPA:
JeffS great photo! My area has a K-4 getting restored right now. It has been in Scranton for sometime and Altoona is getting upset that things are moving so slowly.

That must be the K-4 I saw at Steamtown 10 years ago. I have a picture of it somwehere with the smokebox open and the boiler shield removed. You can see all the firetubes with the superheaters running through them.
I am testing straight from your site to see if your links work with this pic. Hope you do not mind?

I certainly don't mind. I think I know why we can't link directly - something to do with this sites forum software. If you see the links page to that image you'll notice 2 different types of forum links. Some forums support them, some don't. I suspect this is one of the latter. PM me (here if you can or on ASM) if you'd like further details.
Alright now! There is NOT enough silliness goin' on here! Big Grin

JeffS, your pic is awesome! Have to agree with Choo on the avi. I live two blocks from a track intersection so it can be loud when they go through - often. Especially when there's a North wind. Once used to the loudness, I enjoy listening to the different whistles.
When my grandkids were here during the summer, my grandson (six come Groundhog Day) would get all excited and run out back to stand up in a chair and watch, just mesmerized. Or best is when his sister or I would hold him up at the fence cause it's closer. He loves all things train! Holding him, I could feel it's soothing to him. I won't be surprised if they're somehow a big part of his adult life.
To me, in the distance, it's such a lonesome sound. Not here though. Smile

So does this mean the showdown is over? I still say what'd I miss? Did I sleep too long? What time zone are we in? Roll Eyes
Is it time to change our avis back? I'm suppose to be howlin' at the moon now.Big GrinBig Grin Think I'll go change it.

Taz, I should've known what you were up to! You don't make a good spy though. Yep, cookies are all spoken for! Razz
As for the DeLorean, it's MINE next! Don't you go tryin' to get it first! Red Face I've got dibs!! Miss M said!

Keep after Choo, Miss M. Surely he'll tell us eventually!
Come'on Choo! Give us just a tiny little hint. Please!!

Hi Pete!

Thurston! Welcome to th' Asylum! No exclusive club here, just folks' reluctance to post. Still can't figure that one out. hmmmm
Anyway, glad to see you and JeffS hangin' around. And N too.

Does that mean we're not SO crazy after all (hah! not a chance!)? Or are ya'll just venturin' on over to the darkside? Cookies are all gone but Taz might have some pretzels left. Ya might ask Miss M 'bout some o' them rats too. I bet she'd be happy to share! Big Grin

Off in search o' that sweet li'l fly. OMG! Now which wall to start with!WinkWink

edit: Holy cow! That's forever long! Have I used up my allotment for th' week? Roll Eyes
Hi Shadeaux, I thought all this steam buff stuff frightened you girls off, yes it was getting eerily sane around here.

Well even with all the new recruits appearing here the playing field is still relatively level boys to girls all though I am sure you and Ms M can be a lot sillier than us, none can beat the freezer rats yet, and 'witch' of you was it with the broom stick ?

I have already called Taz treachorous for confusing me, the train wrecking literally got derailed when JeffS blinded us with his pictures of his enormous engine !

Ms M won't accept a VIP ticket, do you want it instead seeing as you are both being greedy with the DeLorean, where are you Pete, time for another mutant Tele-tubbied attack Big Grin
yes it was getting eerily sane around here.

Yes, and we just can't have that.

I wonder if Miss M will still have those rats whenever it may be that I go see her. Big Grin

That train derailing, those pics are just somethin'! Yes, I know, quite the understatement there.
I'm sending that link to my granddaughter so she can show it to her little brother. They'll both enjoy that. Thanks JeffS.

I just don't know what to do with Taz. Eek His sweetie needs to get back and straighten 'im out. Or would that be pretzel shape 'im. Big Grin

I'm not bein' greedy with the DeLorean. It's mine next, fair an' square. Taz is tryin' to take cuts, and I don't know what's keepin' Miss M so long with it. Maybe I will take that VIP ticket after all, thank you.Smile

edit: I know it's gettin' late for ya Choo. I may not be here when ya go nighty night. So sweet dreams. I'll be waitin' on that ticket. 'Course I'm still waitin' on that check from Miss M too. (love ya missy.) Wink
OH MY goodness, sorry Jeff, forgot about the Cap no no......I can't keep up here. I had a bunch of sales the last two days!!!!! yeah!!!!
newbie is happy......
I glanced over the "choo'ss" on here- omg all of them, (and I like Jeff's best) and read briefly...I barely know ya all and I gotta figure out which choo is whoo.
I'm getting ready to leave on a 15 night vacation in sunny Cabo San Lucas.....I cannot wait to see the sun!!!
Gotta close up my store for two weeks I have to figure that out!
Yep it's bloody fun to see the sun in the winter.
Hola mi amigos, and adios for the next few hours. Big Grin
Hey everybody....Miss S we keep missing each other here..
""I wonder if Miss M will still have those rats whenever it may be that I go see her""
Well, the darn things are still in my freezer, so maybe Eek (psycho lunatic)
OK the DeLorean is yours now, just be sure to give it to Taz when you're done with it Wink
I want my eyes back, I'm lost without my x-ray power, but the train has gotta stay for now - maintenence - tomorrow morning for sure Smile

EDI - Oh alright, I cheated for now to get my eyes back Big Grin Boy that sounds kinda creepy doesn't it Eek
Last edited by member8880

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