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I'm ready for yere !

I am so angry over recent events particularly at the moment especially on the thread "suggestions->Auto Feedback is obsolete" I will take you all on including Wanda whether she looks like the unfortunate creature above or not Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

You had better get out the tranquiliser gun, Hulk your elder brother has arrived, grrrrrrrrr Mad
Just popping in to say hello.Super busy this week,doing a bit of moving Big Grin Read in to that what you may! LOL
Start my new job next week and trying to get everything caught up in between.
Busy weekend with my GF I have been reading the thread but have not found the time to post.
Glad to see evil Wanda has kept the entertainment factor alive in my absence.
awww shucks Taz! ... ya can't let the little snakes like that jerk yer reins!
but i'll be happy to fly as your wingman anytime! Just lead the way Pappy!

anyway... did I mention it was me mum's birthday today? - 76!
Yep!..and still kickn' like she was the Energizer Bunny! Yeah I know...noboby quite appreciates a mother like her own kids. All the same, I was thrilled to snag a 2'x2.5' collector's lithograph of Mick Jagger & Keith Richards out on the bay for her! Smile

hey!..?? where's Shadeaux been hiding out lately? And what about Lusty-eyes?!..those haunting eyes! heck..I thought maybe she might be Eve's sister...what with that apple she was offering! Wink Maybe we oughta' have missy-M and Shadeaux lure that silly snake over here so as to give him a real proper whack'n ! And Choo?..we could even lay him out on the tracks for ya' !

- Now listen to me would ya'....I'm gittn' a little silly huh? ..must be the air in here!
Well I guess I'll go on and bed-down for the night. Pleasant dreams all! Hasta luego mi amigos!
those haunting eyes! heck..I thought maybe she might be Eve's sister...what with that apple she was offering!

Zeb I never let the little snakes jerk my chain! I do jerk a few chains myself occasionally when I feel someone is out of line. I really try to contain myself but some posts are just so offensive or asinine I cannot control myself!
I love the posts in particular that say " I have searched the forums and cannot find a answer too ... " When the answer is only 3 or 4 tabs down and right on top of the boards ie: instead of being in Getting Started it is in Store Window and Store.
Miss S is on some sort of break?? And Miss M I guess is working a lot right now. Pete seems to be AWOL and I am pretty sure Choo is just waiting to jump in.
Mum likes the Stones! My mum is only 64 and even the Beatles are a stretch for her! I saw the Stones in concert back in 90 I believe it was. Right after I saw the Who's 25 year tour in 89
Choo is just waiting to jump in

There's been very little to jump into these days, been looking rather threadbare around here lately Wink

And Choo?..we could even lay him out on the tracks for ya' !

Errm, excuse me, whose the 'we' and what tracks do you have in mind, sounds like a Zebra has been sniffing too much dodgey grass in their nosebag Big Grin
Mum likes the Stones?..
yeah..long story + hard to explain! Kinda' crazy though! Believe it or not..I was giving her a little ebay tour the other night..and wouldn't ya know it!..she caught an instant mad-dog case of auction-bidding hysteria! Sit'n right there beside me too! Take it from me!...It were pretty scary Pal ! [as in PAY~Pal !! ] Ya'll would {*Love*} to see a lot more 'mothers' let loose out in ebay like mine! You'd think you were in Paradise! ~ oh well... The Jagg'd Stones kinda played a little rough-on-the-soul fer me, and a bit of a back-seat rank in my favor to the WHO ~but that's just me. As an aside, WHO can be found in the favor of JeffS !!/?? Roll Eyes But in all fairness and respect to Mick, and especially to missy-M, ...I hereby confess and admit to my fondness for "the girl with faraway eyes!) Wink

For the record...I've noticed your ability to jerk a chain.. i'm impressed. Steering clear of any tug-o-war with you..makes bitingly-perfect sense to me! But honestly now,..about those eye-torquing graphics you come up with!? Like the giant qwerty-bar, an ancient epicurean delight? Where have You been fish'n neighbor? Out in the stockyard tank? Around these parts..the Bubbas might see that as a compliment! ~ but then again.. if ya' showed 'em Missy's after-work snapshot...they'd bug ya' to no end for her phone number! So in deference to Persius (& JeffS)..your secret is safe with me! ~ cuz I'm telling anyone who asks..that my multi-tongue buddy Taz up in PA ..always loves the Daily Special! but do NOT Spit on His Food! Big Grin Wink
Its gettin HOT in Here! Alright Miss M where DA he- doble tootpicks R Ye?
Da brown pants R gone and I'm wearin da red-shirt.
Mind ye nae becarse I b skeered or nuttin but Zeb did imply that de brown pantaloons wood be matchin the Zebra plush carpet that e b layin down.
Now I b wearin da red shirt dat Miss S has bequeathed me but da parrot ship I be lookin at has a bunch of pursies sailin pon er.
OMG Please save me dum arse I've finally gone oe'r-board
Hep me, Hep me Cecil cld ya be directin me ter Ms Brtneys womb, and if'n knot art least to Kevins tell-all 10 Million dollar tale?

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