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Howdy Groupers!

Back in the saddle again (kinda' half-way tho) after a short trip last week -- as always, incurs a lot of catching-up to do.

Hey there Shadeaux! -- Good to see you've been hang'n out more regularly. Smile And yes you guessed it right about Springtime here! Just hope it lasts before leaping directly into our heavy-heat summertime swelter!

Haven't had time to read back through all of last week's activity yet...but I see that JeffS has finally decided to re-visit the asylum recently. Actually Jeff... I thought the smilie-glitch was probably some kind of 'smilie_stack-overflow'..or possibly a 'grin-buffer overrun' Wink [Jeez! ~ and I thought I was inclined to be a little too smilie-happy! Eek Big Grin ]

And what's this??....St. Peter has finally returned from his sabbatical in Egypt!!! Eek (or wherever you went to for so long Pete!). May have to call you Phoenix-Pete amigo..(cuz Sphinx-Pete doesn't roll off the tongue quite as well. Wink ) Of course I shouldn't I may have to drop outta' sight from time to time too. Kinda like Ninth seems to be doing lately..(maybe you should start a 'lurkers-anonymous' thread Ninth. Could shoot for a record 'minimum' number of posts [zero!] Razz )

Hey ChooChoo! You should be seeing a little shift-in-the-wind towards Spring there soon as well. At least I would hope so! Would be happy to send you some of our sunshine here...but the super-fax machine has been a outta' whack lately. Big Grin

Haven't seen 'N' over the last couple pages I quickly scanned thru. Where you be m'lady? Finally get rained-in up there? Confused Don't be shy just cuz Taz is yapping it up around here again. (Hey Taz... good to see yer taking a few moments to get back in the fray! I know you've had a lot to do with the recent job & domestic changes). P.S. Taz, don't mind the minor hail-dents on the Merc ~ Happens here quite a bit...we just ignore it! Wink Big Grin

And lastly... Missy! Ya' know I don't really think anyone is buy'n that picture as one of your better portrait shots. Aside from the wrong hair color... I don't think the shoes are really you either! Roll Eyes Maybe you could model them snow-boots for us! Big Grin

later looners & lurkers... gotta' trot off for the moment. Hope to check back in tonite if possible. ~Zeb Big Grin Smile Cool
Hi Hi
Hi hi Hi!!!!!!!

Pete so glad you're back, I'm doin my happy dance Big Grin
[IMG] [/IMG]

We understand work & personal stuff, but I thought you were in jail or somethin (were ya?) Big Grin

I can't believe Miss S is actually here the same time I am - where's my email Missy?? Oh, and what's with the monkey? Monkey Business?? Big Grin (I already know the answer to thatSmile

And hi to Zeb and Taz and of course Choo...Miss S, help me think of something to send Choo...he already sent me all his blow up dolls, I don't know if I can top that Wink

Pete, have you read all our new pages since you've been gone? Let's face it, it's not as much as it would have been a couple months ago. And we DID talk about you Big Grin

Miss S, it's snowin here again in case ya want to come over...I don't think it's ever gonna end Frown

Later..... Razz

OOPS-lost one of my dancin pics Frown
Hey Sexy Pete, bout time! We was all a worried bout ya. Glad you are back in the mix. Smile

Originally posted by ~Zebra~: I may have to drop outta' sight from time to time too. Kinda like Ninth seems to be doing lately..(maybe you should start a 'lurkers-anonymous' thread Ninth. Could shoot for a record 'minimum' number of posts [zero!] Razz )

A thread with no posts? Wouldn't that be kinda like a stripeless Zebra with no pooh? Let me get back to you on that, ok?

Miss M, sorry no eBay Live this year. I so want to go too but just can't make it happen.

Thank you Miss S for that picture of you in your monkey disguise. You sure do know how to turn a fellers head with that awfully potent come hither look. And all that talk about your special lingerie, and poutin' in all, and all in that sweet Texas accent that has me in your spell. No wonder I'ma still lustin after them cookies with the special ingredients. Dang! Methinks ya got me good!!! WinkWink
Oh me oh my! I just tried SSS'ing through pages of periolous posting.....I'm glad to see that there is ebb and flow here, some in some out, then some in some out then. then then.
I haven't been! I have been very busy. Yes the other forum has had some stuff to tend to, couldn't wait!!! Roll Eyes And then some personal stuff... Razz .urghhh! but I'maround.
Hopin to get back on track next week. Back to business back to foolin around.
So that's where I've been and zebpoohba, it's raining raining raining, when it's not the sun is shining; and don't forget to mix in some sleet and hail. Typical Oregon spring weather. Flowers coming up, trees blooming and all that stuff, adding some color to the black and white we've had for 3 mos.
So, til next week....adios amigos. I will heading for the Oregon Coast for 10 days, but will have access to the internet. Plan to keep up better....yeah more!
Flowers coming up, trees blooming and all that stuff, adding some color to the black and white we've had for 3 mos.

You're lucky N...I'm still looking at the new, melting, gray snow we got last night Frown Slushy mess.

Just stopped in to say HI before I go to work Smile

So Ninth & Miss S...what's up with the monkey?? Wink Big Grin Or would I be better off not knowing Confused
Hi Susanne, Shirley, Roy & Zebra (who is Zebra? Did I miss a name change?).

Was I in jail, Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Good one! No, just busy, honest.

I must admit, I don't like the sound of Sphinx-Pete either, sounds too much like sphincter, if ya get my drift! Roll Eyes

BTW, Susanne, just seen your message to me via eBay, sorry, hadn't noticed it before, so wasn't ignoring you, really!
hadn't noticed it before, so wasn't ignoring you, really!

Oh sure, that's what they all say Frown

You really HAVE been busy not to even check your mail. Hmmmmm...Choo was going to start a poll (I think it was Choo??) about what you've been up to all this time. Might be interesting Big Grin

Zebra is relatively new to our name change.

BTW, who's Roy????? Confused
Originally posted by member_8880:
Flowers coming up, trees blooming and all that stuff, adding some color to the black and white we've had for 3 mos.

You're lucky N...I'm still looking at the new, melting, gray snow we got last night Frown Slushy mess.

Just stopped in to say HI before I go to work Smile

So Ninth & Miss S...what's up with the monkey?? Wink Big Grin Or would I be better off not knowing Confused
Oh man I'd hate those long winters....long enough here. We have the rain tho...still the black and grey get outdone by the green even on a dark day. Now I see a couple of trees outside with reddish branches, getting ready to bust out. Others, all I see is black branches and moss on em to boot!
I can't see the ground from up here, well unless I go to the window, so can't see the pretty flowers coming up. Have a couple of pansies on my deck, that helps.
Have flowers out in my garden, but can't see it from up here.
Well, blah blah blah... lots of jabberin, not much content.
Now yall be good, since I can lurk now I can tell what the oneryiest of youse is doing..... OK who's got the sun?????

Ya know? preview on here would be nice, must not be a function of this software.....geesh! And I cannot use Mozilla in the community, can on listing etc., to spelt check fer me. Mad Guess I'll have to bother the forum techs one of these days to see why.......ramblin rose!
G'mornin'. Smile Or more like this Big Grin
who's Roy????? Confused

That's what I was gonna ask. Confused
Surely that ain't Choo. Wink Is it you Choo? Hmmmmmm? ruhroh Red Face

Zeb (Howdy Zeb), well he's quite th' character Pete, a fellow Texan (cool, huh?!) Cool and I'm glad he showed up 'round here. Jeff S (Hi Jeff) drops by occasionally. And then there's N (Hey N) who pokes her head outa her shell on a purty regular basis.
lots of jabberin, not much content.
Hey, you talkin' 'bout me???!! Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin

Miss M, I really am thinkin' o' what to send Choo. Ya know how slow I think tho'... cain't hear real fast either. Roll Eyes

Hey there Taz. Hope life's treatin' ya well. Smile

Howdy Ninth, ya sweet thang you! *in my strongest Southern accent* WinkWink

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