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You're right Miss Shirl, I did say 'don't read this'. Doesn't that mean we've done our part to avoid gossip and speculation? Really, all we did is provide a little holiday entertainment and mild titillation, and they want to take a fire hose to us! No appreciation for all our efforts.

And Pete says: "I like that in a woman, and those sexy eyes, and leathers - oh god", then signs his post "Sexy St Pete", and then tells US to get a room. Ookay. (not a bad idea though) Oops there I go again. Don't read that. Wink Glad the fam's ok Pete. (Miss M, I don't blame Pete one bit. There's just something about a woman in leather, right Pete?)

Taz, love all the great live action thingamijigs you put up. They really are in the spirit of things here. Just so we don't get too wholesome though, I've decided to contribute a little dark humor to our public shenanigans here on Auctiva's generously provided forum. I'm referring to the picture of course, MY humor isn't dark. well...

So to all the Auctiva staff and members who have managed stop in and read some of our silly ramblings, and those who had better things to do (don't blame you), Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all. (Miss S, you just know I can't stop buzzing around. Wink) Yeah I know, 'get a room' - bye all.

Hi folks, just popping in as I am up and getting the turkey prepared. Many thanks for your best wishes for my family - unfortunately they both seem to have dropped back a bit, both running high temperatures Frown, Stevie's is at 103. So, it looks like they both have 'flu for Christmas Eek I seem to have escaped it, because I had to have a 'flu jab a few weeks back.

It's lucky Sal's parents are coming over today, or I'd end up eating a whole turkey, and it's a big one!

Susanne, sorry hun, you are way off on my age! Big Grin Yes, Stevie is only 8, but I have another son from a former relationship, who is 29!

So, your mission folks, should you choose to accept it, is guess Sexy St Pete's age Wink

By the way Steve, go fill yer boots mate! Cool

Have a GREAT day everyone! Big Grin
Hi Pete,
Merry Cristmas! (I might be drunk so pls excuse any misspellings, I probably wont notice themSmile
Nephew turned 21 at midnite tonite so we of course had to take him out for drinks. (Or as Taz would say, scoops and shants) Had a great time! I just hope I'm not sorry in the morning Frown

OK your age...between 50 & 60? Pretty broad guess huh!! Covering all the bases..I think we're all relatively close in age but who the heck knows about Sid...he's probably 19 Big Grin BTW Sid the Ninth, GREAT plane pic! Love your pics too Miss S! (Is that you & ninth I see hiding in the bushes?? Big Grin

Pete, you can send some of that turkey over my way, you know I can't cook...Yum..Smile
Really sorry everyone is sick tho, what a lousey time for that to happen! You're pretty brave to get the flu shot. I'm a 'needle expert' but I'm scared of shots!

Hope everyone has as good a time tonite as I did.
Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin
Good to see y'all out here having fun! The family thing went well and I just got home.
Yeah Pete I remembered you posted about the age thing and being a bit older. Just did not want to out you!
My "edumacated" guess is 53 but I am probably wrong again!
As fer Sid I need to place you in the 45 to 48 age range?
Malum mens reputo pariter
The Night Santa Went Crazy
by weird al yankovic

Down in the workshop all the elves were makin' toys
For the good Gentile girls and the good Gentile boys
When the boss busted in, nearly scared 'em half to death
Had a rifle in his hands and cheap whiskey on his breath
From his beard to his boots he was covered with ammo
Like a big fat drunk disgruntled Yuletide Rambo
And he smiled as he said with a twinkle in his eye,
"Merry Christmas to all - now you're all gonna die!"

The night Santa went crazy
The night St. Nick went insane
Realized he'd been gettin' a raw deal
Something finally must have snapped in his brain

Well, the workshop is gone now, he decided to bomb it
Everywhere you'll find pieces of Cupid and Comet
And he tied up his helpers and he held the elves hostage
And he ground up poor Rudolph into reindeer sausage
He got Dancer and Prancer with an old German Luger
And he slashed up Dasher just like Freddy Krueger
And he picked up a flamethrower and he barbequed Blitzen
And he took a big bite and said, "It tastes just like chicken!"

The night Santa went crazy
The night Kris Kringle went nuts
Now you can't hardly walk around the North Pole
Without steppin' in reindeer guts

There's the National Guard and the F.B.I.
There's a van from the Eyewitness News
And helicopters circlin' 'round in the sky
And the bullets are flyin', the body count's risin'
And everyone's dyin' to know, oh Santa, why?
My my my my my my
You used to be such a jolly guy

Yes, Virginia, now Santa's doin' time
In a federal prison for his infamous crime
Hey, little friend, now don't you cry no more tears
He'll be out with good behavior in 700 more years
But now Vixen's in therapy and Donner's still nervous
And the elves all got jobs working for the postal service
And they say Mrs. Clause, she's on the phone every night
With her lawyer negotiating the movie rights

They're talkin' bout - the night Santa went crazy
The night St. Nicholas flipped
Broke his back for some milk and cookies
Sounds to me like he was tired of gettin' gypped

Wo, the night Santa went crazy
The night St. Nick went insane
Realized he's gettin' a raw deal
Something finally must have snapped in his brain
Wo, something finally must have snapped in his brain
Tell ya, something finally must have snapped... in his brain
Pete, sorry to hear that! Frown I've got a turkey breast to cook or I'd offer to take some off your hands too. I know Miss M will enjoy it after that hangover she's gonna have. OUCH! I don't like needles either. No flu shots for me, thank you!
My guess is 49?

Miss M, pretty broad guess... Big Grin I think Ninth is a wee bit older than 19, but won't guess unless invited. lol Thanks on the pics. Love that place! I hope your head feels good in the morning to not damper all that fun. Wink

Ninth, I don't think it's poison oak. I walked up that path before the pic. Maybe my jeans protected me and it really is. lol I dunno. We'll avoid it though. Wink

Taz, you're just a man of many talents! Aren't you. Smile I have no idea what you just said. lol

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