Re: How do we get the Item Description in Ebay Listing
Do you mean the item specifics? I asked a similar question a few days ago. It seems that a link appears for some categories on the new listing page that enables you to enter the item specifics - but in my experience it doesn't appear for all categories (as it does on eBay) - so I am currently doing what you are doing and revising my listing on eBay after posting from Auctiva. Maybe someone from the Auctiva team could clarify this for us?
Re: Pictures on auction ?????
I think they automatically resize very large images to 1024 x 768 max. I've looked for more info on this on the website as i was wondering if there was a good size I should resize my images to before uploading - but even when I experimented uploading 2 sets of the same pics at different sizes - Auctiva resized both sets to exactly the same sizes! Most of my supersized pics are showing at approx 1024 x 768 (on my 1280 x 1024 resolution) But I'm not sure if images automatically resize for each...
Re: Auctiva/IE stops responding at save after uploading photos
I've got IE on Win XP SP2 also and have never had this problem. Have you tried it with another browser also?
Re: IMPORTANT information for Auctiva Support - please read
Do you insert your pictures manually into the description or do you use a template? I'm going to disable image protection just incase this happens to me!
Re: What Would You Do
(I don't really understand the question).... But I don't buy ANYTHING without pictures. Part of the joy of buying on eBay is being able to get a bargain - so if I (as a seller) have auctions that end lower than I would like to get - I just take it on the chin as sometimes things go for way more than I could have hoped for too.
Re: Site Down?
I've been patiently waiting for 6 hours over here in the UK now It would be nice to get at least a message in the forums from staff to let us know whether to not bother trying until tommorrow?
Re: Where is the 'Item specifics' box??
Hi marciay96 - thanks for replying. I've just tried it again - the link does appear (but only for certain categories) so I guess it only applies to some categories. I tried to list in these categories: 1) Home & Garden > Kitchen > Cookware > Frying Pans - Category #98845 2) Pottery, Porcelain & Glass > Porcelain/ China > Royal Worcester > Tableware - Category #4231 Neither of them had that link appear.
Re: New To Auctiva Hi Everybody!
Hi missbehavin I agree - I'm loving this site too, and my auctions now look amazing thanks to auctiva. I still don't get how this is all free!
Where is the 'Item specifics' box??
Hi. I'm loving using Auctiva - but I can't seem to find where I usually enter in the item specifics (like if the item is new or used) - where on earth is it? Should it not be in the 'Item details' box on the new listing page? (I'm listing for eBay UK if that makes any difference). At the moment I'm having to upload my listings from Auctiva and then modify the item specifics on eBay (which is defeating the purpose of using Auctiva). Any help or screen shots would be much appreciated
Where to upload/save the actual template images?
Maybe this is a stupid question - but I am trying to make a template from scratch and need to upload some images for the template to work, but when I click on the 'freetiviaImage' box in create mode it says "If you'd like Auctiva to arrange your images for you and place them in one of our templates, please use the "Select an Image" boxes back on the ad". Where is this "Select an Image" box? as it is not on the page I'm on (or am i being blind). Is there a seperate way of storing images for...