Re: international shipping set up properly to show rates by weight
I ship alot of things internationally first class mail (under 4 lb. and within certain size limits). In shipping tools make sure you click calculated shipping under International . Next put in the weight and package size. (mine are usually 2 oz. to 14 oz). Then select the package size. (I don't put in the dimensions). Then you can add your package and handling fees. (buyers can not see this) Then you need to go to international shipping services . Click on "add international shipping...
I thnk I found my answer. I have some auctions scheduled to post last night and seen they did not. Have been an auctiva user for approx. 2 yrs now and this is the first time this ever happened so didn't know if I don't something wrong or not. But I will say this is the first problem with Auctiva I have had, it is by far better then Ebays listing programs.
Relisting auction.... can you edit before rescheduling??
I have some auctions that did not sell before the postage change. I want to reschedule them for listing. Is there a way for me to revise the auction since I have to change the shipping amount in them? I have found when I hit the edit button I can only change the starting dollar amount, but can not get into the actual auction to revise the shipping section. Thank you.
Re: Uploading Images too slow on Dialup
I am finding today listing that the images are really slow to download. I just got a new computer and have loved the speed at which the pictures loaded compared to my old computer, but now it is crawling again.
Pictures not showing up... red X
I just listed 10 auctions. Haven't started them yet. I went back in to change some things and noticed all my pictures are gone! All listings have a big red X. They were there when I saved them, but when I came back to Auctiva they were gone. <P> Is this happening to anyone else?
Problem listing....stack overflow at line:0
Anyone else having trouble listing? I am trying to get auctions ready for tonight and on my last one. Then I got a pop up that said "stack overflow at line:0" then something about making it slower and the script.
Store Window is only showing closed auctions!!!
I have over 80 auctions listed and the scrolling window is only showing closed auctions. Does this happen fairly often? I have never had it happen before.
Re: Cannot revise ebay listing after posted via Auctiva
Not sure if this will help or not, but is your item by chance in Ebay Motors? I know I was not able to revise an auction and talked to Live Help and I wasn't able to revise my auction since it was Ebay Motors. Which is kinda stupid I think. Don't know why they seperate the two in the first place.
Question about listing images??
I have a ? about the pictures I am listing in my auctions Most of my auctions only require 1 photo so I select the custom photo on the right side and get the picture in the header and at the bottom of my auction page. A few of my auctions have 2 pictures (or 3). I am not able to select custom photo since it only allows 1 photo to upload. Now here is my ?: when I select Image 1 (1st pic), Image 2 (2nd pic)...I get 4 pictures in total in the auction (header, 2 side by side below description,...
Re: Once items are listed is it safe to delete out of folders?
biscuit...ty very much! I guess I didn't even know about the images folder. Just checked it out. I did delete the auctions, but I will not mess with the images. Once again....TY
Once items are listed is it safe to delete out of folders?
I just listed my first auctions with Auctiva and all went all. When I used TL2 I would delete the auctions as soon as they listed to keep down the confusion for me. Is it safe to delete the auctions once they are posted to Ebay? I really don't need them in Auctiva anymore since they are listed. TY in advance!
1st time user...How do I get new folders?
I usually list all my weekly auctions on Monday. When using Turbo Lister 2 I would just add sub folders and label them Mon., Tues, Wed., Thurs. Etc. <p> How do I create more then one folder to list auctions in for different days?