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Re: Question about Relisting

rob 2 ·
sorry for the delay, yes it is eligible for a refund.

Question about Relisting

rob 2 ·
Hi, Quick question about relisting. In order to be credited eBay's listing fees, we must 'Relist' an item instead of a 'New' listing. How about using Auctiva's 'Relist'...? Will this allow eBay to automatically know that we are "Relisting" a posting instead of a "New" Listing? Thanks for your quick reply.

How to use both Sale Type for my listing

rob 2 ·
Hello, can someone please tell me how I can post a listing using Auctiva and being able to select both 'Auction' and 'Fixed Price' under one listing? thanks!


rob 2 ·
Hi, does anyone know about copyright and how it works? How can I make it possible to use company logo's of the product we are selling, and place it on our listing? Or maybe even some pictures of the product from the company web site? Thanks!

Re: 'm having problems with Auctiva. Please Help!

rob 2 ·
kbalona, I am using Opera v. 9.20 ninth_wave, Yea, i'm sure I've given it enough time. And I am using Broadband. I will try to clear my cache as kbalona suggested. Thank you both! I have to try this another time.

Re: 'm having problems with Auctiva. Please Help!

rob 2 ·
ninth_wave, Thanks for offering to help me further with this... I understand you completely, but I think I did not explain correctly. What I'm saying is that when the header "Payment" does not appear at all and when I click on the "Next" or "Previous" button, it does nothing. I think that when ever I choose "Seller Detail", the page does not open correctly. To better explain, please view the my first listing on eBay. Item # 320112053124. Notice that "Description" is all I have. Now please...

Re: Revising an active listing

rob 2 ·
Hi ninth_wave, I learned something new about the reason I am having issues with my listing. Please refer to my next post, ('m having problems with Auctiva. Please Help!) Thanks for your reply. I hope you can help with this...

'm having problems with Auctiva. Please Help!

rob 2 ·
Hi, I just completed my second listing using Auctiva and realist the reason why I'm having trouble getting my listing "looking good". Apparently, under my 'Profiles' tab, I can see on the left side, 'CREATE NEW PROFILES'. Underneath gives me an option to creat a Master Profile, Item Details, Marketing Tools, etc.. Then to my right is 'MANAGE EXISTING PROFILES', and below that is 'SELLER DETAILS'. Underneath this is Seller Details and Manage Seller Details. Well, when I click on the 'question...

Revising an active listing

rob 2 ·
Hi, does anyone know how I can revise an active listing? Basically, I have now added and save in my 'Profile' my 'Policy' for my listings and I would like to remove them from the 'Description'. This is where I had placed my 'Policy' since we are only allowed 500 characters in the 'Return Policy'. Can someone please give me a step by step instructions on how to change this? I wouldn't want to remove my 'Policy' incase something goes bad during the transaction. However, it looks messy combined...

Re: Listing 'Policy'

rob 2 ·
WOW, with my first listing, and now my second one, my item description does not even let me have spacing in between lines, or have some indented like your posting. It's fine, I'll have to figure this out some other time. I have to leave my pc now. Thanks for your help.

Re: Listing 'Policy'

rob 2 ·
YES, thank you! The only problem I have is my 'Preview' botton does not work. It does not give me a preview of anything. Just the botton to close window. But that's OK. You've answered what is important. Thanks again!

Re: Listing 'Policy'

rob 2 ·
Hi Kathleen, I am aware of the 'Profiles' tab and the 'Seller's Detail' I did not know that 'Policy', 'Shipping', 'Payment', etc. can be placed here. Is it best to place all information here? For instance like the my policy infor, payment info, and return info can all go here? Or is it better to place them in it's own section of the listing....? Actually, what would be better for me is if I could attach a word document and have it display at the bottom of the Auctiva Template to explain my...

Listing 'Policy'

rob 2 ·
Can someone please tell me how and where I can place my 'Policy'? Something that will always show on EVERY listing... Not in 'Item Detail' either because that will change per listing. Not in 'Return' and not in 'Checkout' because my policy is way more than 500 characters. Anyone...if you know, please help. I'd like to get into listing more but will not list any more if there is not a better way to do this. Thanks, rOb_
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