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Can you import directly in EUR?

kryptoknight ·
Is it currently possible to import your listings from auctiva to ebay in EUR at whichever site supports that currency? If not, will this be added soon?

Re: How do you switch bg colors and add sounds?

kryptoknight ·
I think we're thinking a little too complex here. All I'm talking about is changing the background color in the description from white to another color. There need be no template. Just the background. For example, for seasonal--changing the background to black and the text to orange. (just an example) or red on a blue background. When you start adding templates, I know that can alter the colors because of blending, and will take some playing around with it. But simple basic colors of one...

How do you switch bg colors and add sounds?

kryptoknight ·
I've looked everywhere can't find how to change the whole page background color--not just the bg around the words. Come someone please post how this is done? Would also like a tutorial on adding sound to listings and if it differs between mp3 and midi. Thanks

Re: IE Crashes - Can Auctiva Recover?

kryptoknight ·
Thanks Do you do all the formatting of text in word too before pasting to Auctiva? I've noticed that at times what you see in word isn't what comes out at Auctiva and I have to change a few things (spacing, letter size, fonts, whatnot)

Re: IE Crashes - Can Auctiva Recover?

kryptoknight ·
I tend to use the option to host pictures off site. I don't know exactly why, I think it's because the uploading at Auctiva gets a little quirky. At any rate, is there a workaround to be able to enter the pictures beforehand even if you're not using Auctiva to host them?

Auctiva with other browsers

kryptoknight ·
Does Auctiva not show standard mode for other browsers? I used to have the same problem with firefox but I guess this has been amended. When you attempt to view in standard mode in Opera and Safari, all you get is html. Is there a way to fix this? A setting maybe?

Re: IE Crashes - Can Auctiva Recover?

kryptoknight ·
I usually save the pictures til last. Does it usually do better to have the pictures before the description? I guess that makes sense as then you're at that final step already and the only thing left is to save one last time.

IE Crashes - Can Auctiva Recover?

kryptoknight ·
IE has struck again! Just crashed for the final time (I'm downloading Safari as I type this and kicking IE7 to the curb) Is there any chance that a listing I had been working on is recoverable after a crash? Or do I have to start all over again? I was just to the adding pictures part and was about to save when it happened. I liked what I had and would hate to have to start all over again. (Remind me to type all this out first BEFORE I type it anywhere else) Please tell me this is possible!

Re: Need some html help please!

kryptoknight ·
So what are you saying? Ditch the template completely or just list it broken?

Re: Need some html help please!

kryptoknight ·
Ignore my last request. I can't even get it to work in the Auctiva software!! This stupid template keeps breaking on me every time I try to save a listing! Help!

Re: Need some html help please!

kryptoknight ·
Hi Cara, I understand. But if you were to try it, is grabbing the source code probably the most reliable method of including the template and everything at the same time or is there a better way? I do hope you'll expand out to other venues eventually. Many people are becoming disenchanted with ebay thanks to their high rate hikes and continuously evolving rules which tend to limit more than help members. Thanks for reading.

Need some html help please!

kryptoknight ·
Any time that I use a template this happens. If you take the source code from the listing and post it wherever you're listing directly and then try to edit it, the template look gets affected as well. What am I doing wrong? I get broken lines, picture loss, and parts of the template disappear. If for example you're posting on Google Base, there are all these strange x's and arrows. I've learned not to mess with them as they tend to make things worse, but it would be nice to know their...

Re: I found a template I like but can't find it on Auctiva!

kryptoknight ·
I found it earlier. Thanks for the offer

Re: So what are all the listing tools for and what's the best?

kryptoknight ·
Thanks. I'm not sure it's safe then since a family member got into hot water with them a while back. He's since been banned from using our computer for listing, but I live in fear that the accounts will be linked and have to question anytime any information is sent to them whether it be IP, Tokens or what have you. Just wanted to know if any of the tools would be any safer in that regard to use without too much fear of anything bad happening to OUR account.

Re: I found a template I like but can't find it on Auctiva!

kryptoknight ·
Thanks for the information! I'm not looking to copy anyone's work here, but I did like the general look of a certain template like I said. If you were to check the code on listing, would you find a reference to where it came from (KWK or other)?

Re: So what are all the listing tools for and what's the best?

kryptoknight ·
Thanks for the response! But I do have a few more questions from your answer. Do the tokens give sensitive information to ebay? Such as IP and all that? So that if anyone was using your computer and caused a problem to get themselves kicked off or whatnot, that it could affect you on the same computer but with a different token? If IP information is exchanged, it might do that. As for the templates with the offline posters, can you download the latest ones from Auctiva? Do they have an...

So what are all the listing tools for and what's the best?

kryptoknight ·
I'm in the market for a new listing tool as I haven't been satisfied with the online lister (I know it's free...but time is still money) and have been looking over the other options. I found the page for the Classic Auctiva as well as discussions here for Auctiva Poster, and eBud 3.0. Could someone please give me a quick review of all these? What do they all do, what I need for basic posting, what's best for store and bulk posting, etc? What's closest to the Turbo Lister program and why I'd...

I found a template I like but can't find it on Auctiva!

kryptoknight ·
I ran across a template I really like, and the user has Auctiva but I can't find the template here at all. Are there other templates stored somewhere that aren't in the main template selection area (that shows new, most used, etc)? If it's not there does that mean that the other person made it themselves? Is there another site that just has tons of templates listed for general use? Please help.

Re: eBay Raises Fees Again. Insertion fees this time.

kryptoknight ·
I'm looking into the Google Checkout and just noticed they have finally begun something similar to an ebay competition, in their Google Base. I'm creating an account there right now. I'm curious, has anyone had luck with this program yet? Similar to the Google Checkout, the advertising appears to be free for the basic services. I'm not sure, would you be able to link directly back to your Auctiva Store with Google Base? Would there be much of an advantage to that other than giving Auctiva...

Re: other auction sites...

kryptoknight ·
Does Ebid UK get much traffic? I'm looking for a fairly good alternative to Ebay with at least decent traffic/sales.

Auctiva Store Question

kryptoknight ·
Hello, I'm new to the whole Auctiva experience although I did have some success using the picture host feature over the holidays. Now I'm ready to go deeper using templates and such. I was wondering if it's possible to host your auctions at other venues beside ebay like Ioffer, Ubid, and others? And if so, is there any way to do this automatically or is copy/paste the only way? Like many others, I'm tired of ebay's high listing prices that are only getting higher. It would be great to be...

Re: Can you add a template later?

kryptoknight ·
Hi Mike, can you add the templates just like if you were adding pictures to your listings even if you just list through the main selling tool or something like turbo lister? I'm still not super familiar with auctiva and it will help a lot to be able to ease into it. I do plan on changing over fully to it eventually as I don't like turbo lister and the seller tool is pretty cumbersome. Thanks

Re: Can you add a template later?

kryptoknight ·
Hi, thanks I've actually "kind of" figured out the template enough to add it. Now I'm having trouble adding things like the auction details and having them save. It keeps on going to an error page like 404 only not, with some html code in the mix. Is there a technical issue with that? I think I'm doing it right but each time I choose save it bumps me to that 404 page. Ideally, I'd like to know if I can add this template on top of my already existing listing, since I want to have them all...

Can you add a template later?

kryptoknight ·
I'm having a devil of a time adding a template to my listings. I want to get these live today. Can I add that part to the listing after it's already going? I have a very simple straight forward description, so I just wanted a little extra with the template. Please help!

Just Signed Up - Now What?

kryptoknight ·
I'm glad I found out about this service. Ebay was nickel and diming me to death on pictures but I don't know too much about the service. So I'd like to ask the group what they think of Auctive compared to other services out there? Some of the posts seem to indicate dropped images, and it's important to me that they stay around through the auction. I need a solid image hoster. Have I found it? Also, can you add pictures to auctions that you've already listed on ebay/other sites? I know you...
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