Re: Scheduled listings and indexing times
I wouldn't think of giving up using Auctiva! It's so easy to use and I've been doing it for quite a while.
Re: Scheduled listings and indexing times
Thanks Jeff. I know how it is too. It was just that the things I had listed were just plain o items too. I could see if I was putting name brands in, I think Sunday's they sometimes take the day off! lol...I had two messages from spammers in "My messages" the other day trying to get me to come to their wholesale site and it came on a camera I was trying to sell. I reported them and got a alert back on Friday (when everyone was still working) but didn't get another one back until last night.
Re: Scheduled listings and indexing times
Going on 6 hrs now and they are not showing up in search...they are in My Ebay but not anywhere else. Wassup with that?
Re: Scheduled listings and indexing times
I listed mine this morning about 3 hours ago and they are still not indexed. IR! It's starting to tick me off.
Mine just miraculously reappeared! I checked a fellow eBayers who lives in California and hers were fine. But I just refreshed and they are there now! Thank goodness!
Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! I'm just putting my pics in photobucket and going that route tonight. Too much aggravation.
Re: entire system down?
Must be down again. Can't get in except through to an old message notification I had on. Wassup today?
Re: Just a little help
It should happen automatically, but if you have problems go to STORE on your top and look for Store Window and you can make sure it's enabled. Hope this helps.Also it's back up again for now. Just got in.
Re: Can I link to my about me page?
I just did it bedfordia. I just linked the url into with the tags. It was pretty easy. And I'm really bad with html.
Re: Are we having problems today?
I'll have to go check, just got back home and was hoping that would happen. Off to the races!
Re: Are we having problems today?
It doesn't happen that often to me Mamms, I'll just be patient and wait. and wait. lol. No they're pretty good about it usually. Everyone must be in a meeting! lol.
Re: Are we having problems today?
I guess I'm not the only one then. And I was actually going to try to get some listing done today. Rats!
Are we having problems today?
Everything I'm trying to do this morning is not working. Are we upgrading or am I the only one? I can't preview or error check. And I'm trying to post. And nada..zilch..nuttin. Thanks.
Re: Am I that dumb? Is it not possible to copy and paste wording ?
You can go to the little clipboard icon on your text editor to paste.
Re: copy and paste?
I found that you have to click on the little icon of the clipboard to paste.
Re: Description Disappears When I Change Item Specifics!
The same with me today. I went to do an error check and it caught that I had a invalid weight in my shipping, so I fixed it and then did error check again and my description was gone again. It's happened to me too alot, I keep trying to remember and copy it everytime before I error check and then I could just paste it back in. But I still love Auctiva! You guys do I great job! Thanks
Re: Our Dawg Barney & his predecessor Bo
OMG What a doll. That's so cool to know that Bassett's are like that. Do you know of any other health problems that they have? We have noticed that Dozer's back hips if you put your hand on his back(by his tail) that you can feel them pop. I'm worried that on down the road he is going to have problems. I am so sorry about your loss of Bo. You are so right about their own mindsets. In the morning especially it's a game of I'm going to get every sock every mitten or anything I can until you...
Re: My Dog Dozer aka THE BAD DOG
Can I come and live where you're at? It's cooold here! 18 degrees!
My Dog Dozer aka THE BAD DOG
This is all about our dog Dozer. I call him THE BAD DOG. Because he can be very very bad. ALOT! He doesn't listen to anything I say and he loves everyone except for anyone that has stomped their foot at him..big no no! He as you can see is half lab (we think) and half basset hound(we know) it's obvious.
Re: Newbie ? about ended auction
SEEEEEEEEE YA! My we have an atitude don't we! Have a nice day to you too! Merry Christmas.
Re: Newbie ? about ended auction
Be patient, sometimes it does that to me too. But Auctiva is still the best around as far as I'm concerned. Hey it's free too so just hang in there.
Re: Come and see our Yard Fard Items.
Couldn't see what you got when you typed in yfd. If I put Yfd in the search in Ebay it list all of our items.
Re: Counter Question
I've made a shortcut on my desktop of just active listings and it shows me how many hits i've gotten if I want to compare it I just do a print screen and open it up in something else and save it or print it out. I love being able to compare it to recent one to check at different times of the day. Sometimes though it's a little slow updating but I can deal with that. I'm so happy that I found Auctiva back in September. It's been such a fun thing to use. And everyone is sooooo helpful. You...
Come and see our Yard Fard Items.
I've met a group on the Auction Listing Discussion threads. It's call The Yard Fard Thread and we have contests every month. Today we just started one and everything starts at $4.44. Check us out. Just type in YFD in the search. SEEEEEEE YAAAAAAAAA
Re: Need the community's selling advice
Did you get a caffiene buzz at least! LOL. I put three on one time slot and that was the one I had won. I think I might of gotten another one but you could only have 1 per household. Darn. Plus we got ours on the Saturday morning before they came out on Monday.<p> Whoo Hoo $1200 way to go! So glad you got that, but you did have so much extra. What a great sale! Congrats!
Re: Need the community's selling advice
Just checked your auction today..oh my goodness it's jumped just today about what $400. I've got one that I won on Mt Dew's web site every10minutes but we've talked it over and we're not getting rid of it. We'd never be able to get another one until probably 2007. lol! Good Luck! Shelly