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Tagged With "Auctiva Webinar"


Re: HI Danno!

danno ·
Hi Deb, Have fun at the webinar. Dan

Re: how to get rid of unwanted 2nd Category on listings

Auctiva Natasha ·
Hi @tamtam12345 Glad you found this information helpful! If you'd like to learn more about Auctiva and how it can help streamline your eBay listing processes, check out our Auctiva 101 Webinar video here on our YouTube channel This video will give you a good overview of Auctiva's listing, marketing and order management solutions for your eBay business. Additionally, if you're selling on Amazon and want to know more about Auctiva's...

Re: Can't cancel old Auctiva account to make a new one

auctivacraig ·
Hello Bobkimballart - I am sorry to hear that you have run into difficulty with an old account. It sounds like that account still has the token from our side, so you are unable to create a new Auctiva account and link it to the eBay account that has been linked to the old Auctiva account. You can only have one Auctiva account linked to a particular eBay account, so this seems most likely. Our support team can assist you. Please file a support case from under the Help tab of the Auctiva site...

Re: Please add business policies on eBay and sync with Auctiva

crystal3 ·
Hi, I am also looking for an answer to the same question. I've received this same message and unable to post any listings.

Re: Please add business policies on eBay and sync with Auctiva

Pot O' Gold Web Auctions ·
Hello, I don't know for sure if this will work for you, but I was getting the same messages and I disabled my pop-up blocker and now things seem to be working again. Hope this works for you, too.

Re: Please add business policies on eBay and sync with Auctiva

catiel56 ·
I had the same problem so I went into ebay and opted out of business policies and am now using my Auctiva master profile as always. I'm thinking this may only be a temporary measure but its far less complicated for me. When I have more time I may opt in and set it up but for now I prefer the Auctiva policies.

Re: Please add business policies on eBay and sync with Auctiva

Special4me2 ·
I am having the same problem. I cant even save my listings let alone post any auctions. I want a step by step easy solution without changing any of my computers settings. Ex. pop up blocker etc....I'm going to currently go through Ebay to sale my items....

Re: Please add business policies on eBay and sync with Auctiva

rolliebenson ·
I am so glad I found this post. I have been struggling all week end and waiting on a response from Auctiva Customer Services. What a waste of time at this time of year. If I get a reply I will post it.

Re: Please add business policies on eBay and sync with Auctiva

auctivacraig ·
Hello Community! Apologies for any difficulty or confusion this situation may have created. Please be aware that we updated the site as noted here so that if you have opted in to Business Policies on eBay the listing creation page in your Auctiva account will shift to utilize those policies (which essentially replace your Auctiva profiles). Note this only affects accounts that have opted in to Business Policies in the related eBay accounts. As for ensuring that your policies are updated, you...

Re: Please add business policies on eBay and sync with Auctiva

catiel56 ·
Thank you Craig. Do you know if we can opt out indefinitely or will eBay make this compulsory at some point in time. It's SO much easier opting out.

Re: Please add business policies on eBay and sync with Auctiva

auctivacraig ·
Hello Catiel56 - Currently eBay has this set as noted, you can opt in or opt out again if you decide not to use Business Policies. Unfortunately, we are unrelated to eBay and so have no means to say what eBay may or may not decide to make mandatory in the future. While they do strongly suggest that users make use of business policies, it has not been stated whether or not eBay will require listings to use these policies in the future. If you are opted in at this time, eBay provides warnings...

Re: Please add business policies on eBay and sync with Auctiva

TacoLaco ·
Thanks every one for your help. Per above, I went into ebay and opted out of business policies and am now using my Auctiva master profile as always. Back in business. Thank goodness!

Re: Auctiva Webinars - an apology to Michael Davies.

auctivamiked ·
Hi bumpersplus, No apology necessary, although I am sorry to hear that you were unable to connect to our last Auctiva 101 webinar due to the technical issues you described. I cannot be certain why you were unable to connect, but you are certainly welcome to try and attend one of our upcoming sessions. You can always view (and register for) our next two webinars that are scheduled by mousing over the “Help” tab on our site and selecting the “Webinar” option. Given that you had trouble...

Re: Hi , I am new

auctivacraig ·
Hello avi400 - there are a number of tutorials and videos available from under the Help tab of your account where you can see how Auctiva features work. Just select "Tutorials and Videos" from the Help menu and you can then review what you need to know from there. We also have a prerecorded webinar available on YouTube which provides an introduction to using our service and creating listings. You can find this on YouTube by searching 'Auctiva 101'. If, after checking the webinar and the...

Re: Custom Item Specifics not showing

edneff ·
Below is the final answer I got on if Auctiva can be of assistance with folks in my predicament As I mention below the $125 I am serious about paying should come close to paying someone to do the task and once done it can be replicated for others very easily If an Auctiva person wants to debate that with me let's do it on the next Webinar. When store owners have this type of problem Auctiva actually writes the CSS/HTML code for them. When we have a serious problem we get ... well we get what...

Re: Custom Item Specifics not showing

edneff ·
In thinking about the last response I received I wanted to add I NEVER asked for anything that was done to be changed. All I asked for was HELP with a situation that I am not alone in. Someone, in a little time, could have run an Update Query/Stored procedure that would update the categories in the old listings to current ones. I offered $125 and am serious so I understand your work needs to be paid for. I am not asking for something for nothing. You already run queries now for other things.

Re: Custom Item Specifics not showing

edneff ·
as I said above - I detail why Auctiva could do something easily, at least in this case. if we continue to take it they will continue to dish it out I challenged them to debate me on the next Webinar. By the way question are others receiving Forums updates the daily or immediately since the Forum outage I have received none

Re: Training Videos...

Auctiva Natasha ·
Hi there, Thanks for your feedback! We should to have a set of new tutorial videos available on Youtube in the near future, so be sure to follow our channel to see when the new videos go live. In the meantime, you can sign up for a free Auctiva Webinar and get a tour of the site along with demonstrations on how to use all of the listing, marketing and order mgmt tools. At the end of the webinar there's always time for some Q&A so you'll be able to ask any questions that you have. We have...

Re: Please add business policies on eBay and sync with Auctiva

Cam ·
eBay Shipping policies do not update properly on Auctiva forms, I know how to use Policies and how to make the settings exactly right, but Auctiva shows wrong eBay Policies in drop downs. Tried numerous times to reset the policies on eBay and also updated them on Auctiva, sorry they just plain do not work correctly. You need to hire better techs that can fix this problem.

Re: Please add business policies on eBay and sync with Auctiva

Cam ·
Also typing in drop down forms and fill in spaces is delayed, have to wait for what you type to show up. I have brand new computer and comcast high speed, everything else on whole computer uses and several different browsers work perfectly. The only place typing is off the charts is Auctiva, I was hoping a update from Auctiva was coming but so far nothing. You need to try using your own site to list items than you will see sadly it does not work!

Re: Please add business policies on eBay and sync with Auctiva

auctivacraig ·
Hello Cam, There is a known issue at this time regarding some types of shipping policies importing correctly from eBay into Auctiva accounts which our engineers are aware of and are seeking a solution. Generally shipping policies are importing, but there are some types which encounter issues. We are not aware of issues which would cause the other effects you have described relating to the pull down menus or typing on form pages, so I recommend that you first clear the cache of your preferred...

Re: Please add business policies on eBay and sync with Auctiva

edweber ·
Have the issues above been resolved? Specifically, the shipping business policies issue? I have named, edited and created new eBay shipping policies, but all that is showing in my Auctiva drop-down for shipping is gibberish. I have updated both my token and my eBay preferences, and it does not seem to have made a difference.

Re: Please add business policies on eBay and sync with Auctiva

auctivacraig ·
Hello Ed - There are still some lingering issues surrounding the import of certain policy types, but for the most part we have been able to resolve the majority of the policy import issues. Typically, for the issues that have existed, the problem is that certain policies fail to import entirely and we are not aware of an issue such as you have described where a policy imports but is not correct or is incomprehensible. If you have not already tried clearing your browser cache to ensure that...

Re: Auctiva Multi-Channel 101 Webinar

Minh Y ·
Hi, i am interested in multi channel webinar but i can not follow the schedule, can you pls send me a link to the youtube or any tutoral i can learn at my own time? Regards Minhy Phan

Re: Auctiva Multi-Channel 101 Webinar

auctivacraig ·
Hello Minh Y - Unfortunately, at this time, we do not have the multi channel webinar available via YouTube, but we intend to have one available in the near future. You are welcome to subscribe to our YouTube channel so you could receive notifications when we post this or related videos. Apologies for any inconvenience this may cause. - Craig

Re: Auctiva Multi-Channel 101 Webinar

parry12 ·
cannot access auctiva construction site message but billing still arrives

Re: Auctiva Multi-Channel 101 Webinar

Auctiva Natasha ·
Hi @parry12 , Sorry about that! Our site is actually up and running, that "construction site" message is just a little sticky. If you clear your browser cache or use an incognito window you'll be able to access the site. Best, Natasha

Re: Auctiva Multi-Channel 101 Webinar

parry12 ·
Come again in English. I have been with ebay since 2010 and autiva shortly thereafter. At 82 years old I still have all my faculties but I gather you want me to remove my protection and then be able to list with you agency again. Please clarify!

Re: Auctiva Multi-Channel 101 Webinar

auctivacraig ·
Hi Parry12, We are not asking you to remove any sort of protection to access your account, we're asking you to clear the cache of your browser as it seems to be holding the page from the maintenance message. Browsers typically cache some parts of website data to allow them to load pages faster if you return to them, and it sounds like your browser is holding that message page instead of allowing the site to load as it should. If you clear the cache of your browser you should then be able to...

Re: Webinars for UK members.

auctivamiked ·
Hi bumpersplus, Thanks for contributing to our forum. Yes, you are correct that our next Auctiva 101 webinar is scheduled to begin on Thursday, March 7th at 12 PM PST (Pacific Standard Time), which is equivalent to Thursday, March 7th at 8:00:00 PM UTC or 20:00 GMT. If you are unable to make it to the live webinar at that time, we also have a previously recorded version of the Auctiva 101 webinar available that you can check out at your own convenience by searching for “Auctiva 101” on You...

Re: Auto Relisting Not Working

auctivacraig ·
Hello Poopppy - We are aware of a very intermittent issue that has affected a small number of accounts where there have been issues with Auto Relist profiles which appear to be a result of delays in communication between us and eBay. Our engineers are seeking a solution for the difficulty. If you have not already done so, please file a support case regarding this with a few examples by item number where you have run into this issue so we can pass that along to our engineers. When more...

Re: Auto Relisting Not Working

poopppy ·
Thank you. Any idea how long this is going to take to correct? Each day I am having less and less listings due to the autolisting not working on all our listings.

Re: Auto Relisting Not Working

auctivacraig ·
Hello again - At this time there is no new information available as to when this issue will be fully resolved. Our engineers have made some steps towards a resolution and are continuing to work on the issue. If you have a support case filed about this, it will be updated as soon as more information becomes available and I will also update this thread when we know more. Apologies for any inconvenience this causes. - Craig

Re: Auto Relisting Not Working

lww ·
No problems here with auto re-listing.

Re: Auto Relisting Not Working

rockoman3803 ·
Im having a problem and sent a support ticket last week, No response, I've never needed support with Auctiva, I've relied on EBAY with this automatically relisting two items that are not for sale and not even in my possesion any longer. EACH had its own reason i needed to end. Going on since March 2018 or more. EBAY spent countless months back and forth letting me know they are working on it, finally they discovered its not on Ebays end its on Auctiva's end. I've actually sent two request...

Re: Auto Relisting Not Working

auctivacraig ·
Hello Rockoman3803 - I've reviewed our support system and I believe I have found the difficulty. The only support case I was able to locate with your username associated with it was filed under our Auctiva Commerce product as opposed to the Auctiva product and it was filed during our recent upgrade to the support system. It looks like the ticket did not show appropriate for the support team when it was imported into the new system. For this, I apologize. I have reviewed the ticket you filed...

Re: Auto Relisting Not Working

rockoman3803 ·
Im having a problem and sent a support ticket last week, No response, I've never needed support with Auctiva, I've relied on EBAY with this automatically relisting two items that are not for sale and not even in my possesion any longer. EACH had its own reason i needed to end. Going on since March 2018 or more. EBAY spent countless months back and forth letting me know they are working on it, finally they discovered its not on Ebays end its on Auctiva's end. I've actually sent two request...

Re: Auto Relisting Not Working

auctivacraig ·
Hello Rockoman3803 - I am uncertain if there was some difficulty on your end where you were unable to see my prior reply to your post, but as you have posted the identical post, I am providing the reply again. I've reviewed our support system and I believe I have found the difficulty. The only support case I was able to locate with your username associated with it was filed under our Auctiva Commerce product as opposed to the Auctiva product and it was filed during our recent upgrade to the...

Re: Auto Relisting Not Working

rockoman3803 ·
Craig, I thank you for the directions, so simple, so many many hours of wasted time for Ebay and myself. It never occured to me that it could be on the Auctiva end, and apparently never occured to Ebay because they took so much time with me. They would try and end it and we would watch it pop up again and again. 'I'd say, "Did ya See It, they would say "No" it looks like its gone........" just showed up again, Let me try another way" I followed the instructions exactly as you gave...

Re: Registered for free trial and have 3700+ listings on ebay

Auctiva Natasha ·
Hi OZPICKERSWARDROBE42, On the Closed Listings page, you can use the filter to view only "unsold" items. Just click the filter that says "Any" and then select the "unsold" option. On your second point, yes you can definitely store your listings in Auctiva so that you can list them at a later time. Any time you create and post a listing from Auctiva, it's automatically stored for you as a Saved Listing and is saved year over year. If you'd like to store your listings that recently ended, you...

Re: This not was intended for the management, however their system is down and provides an error when the send button it pushed

auctivacraig ·
Hello Jim, Without going into too much detail regarding the specifics of your account, the account does appear to be fine and I have gone ahead and run a command to have the scrolling gallery appended to your active listings where there is no gallery. Please keep in mind that we would not be able to add the gallery to listings where there was partial gallery code or if there is a reason eBay would not allow edits to occur. Please give the command up to a few hours to have the gallery on your...

Re: Auto Relisting Not Working

norcalseller53 ·
I am also having problems with auto relisting not working. I have several items as 7 day auctions with an auto relist profile. When the items end they do NOT relist and I have to manually go in and re-schedule the postings. Oddly enough I did have ONE item that did relist. I have checked my "Closed" folder and do not see any items there that end without selling. Furthermore, there are some recent sales that do not show up in the closed folder either. Any thoughts??

Re: Auto Relisting Not Working

auctivacraig ·
Hello Norcalseller53, I am sorry to hear that you have encountered difficulty with auto relists. At this time, I am not aware of any issues on our end that would prevent an Auto Relist profile from operating correctly at this time so it is unclear what may be occurring for you It sounds like it would be best for our agents to have a look in your account at the profile settings and at some of the listings that have had this issue so we can figure out what's going on. Please file a support...

Re: Introducing The Auto-Lister - The easy way to expand from eBay to Amazon

Auctiva Natasha ·
Interested? Check out our demo video of the Auto-Lister here on YouTube .

Re: "How to Escape a Hostage Situation"

pj · Check it out What do you see 56 items listed Item image 30 Days BLOG Coach HOW to MAKE MONEY BLOGGING Start NOW How To sell Items on eBay for OTHERS and Make Money DVD How to Market yourself ONLINE Webinar MARKETING SESSION Just as I expected too makes MORE $ on HOW to sell Just as she uses these cheerleading type articles posted on Auctiva & other sites She JMHO is a EBAY CHEERLEADER USER making money off people hopes dreams...
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