This isn't a gripe (well, maybe a little), but a humble request for Auctiva management to explain to "we the peeps" the excessive frequency with which software doesn't work, servers go down, images disappear from eBay, and so on. Why exactly is there so much service disruption at Auctiva?
Please give us some insight, so we can evaluate what to expect in the way of service, and be able to strategize accordingly.
We're with you guys, and wish that Auctiva will succeed beyond your wildest dreams. But please remember, we also wish the same for ourselves.
My customers don't know from "Auctiva". They have no idea what an "Auctiva" is. All they know is Chateau d'Ebay (my store) is less than what it should be.
At various times, there are no pictures of my merchandise to view, my customers can't use Auctiva Checkout - and sometimes there are no Chateau d'Ebay listings on eBay, since Auctiva's listing-upload function is down.
As often as Auctiva has a server or software malfunction - THAT is precisely how often my customers think my auctions malfunction.
All I'm asking for, and I believe "ditto" the other folks in the Auctiva Community, is a straight arrow explanation as to "Why?"
(..."When?" would also be nice).
Bouncing Bubba

Chateau d'eBay