Hi all.
Jeff, it's great to see your participation in this thread. To me, that's one giant step for all of us with a 'vested interest' that feel so strongly about it. This of course includes Yourself.
And your listings aren't delayed by Auctiva, they're delayed by eBay.
That is the gist of it and IMO, all else is getting us nowhere. We can go back and forth for the rest of this year, for what? I can't grasp what could possibly make this such a big issue to resolve somehow, though I do realize what I think about it means nothing in the end.
I agree it would be a bit tacky to go sprinkle warnings about the site.
Surely one or two, strategically placed wouldn't mar it.
When we log in, there's the page that shows us the domain purchase option. It changes periodically, is of little consequence to me now and I fly by it toward my destination... in other words, I ignore it now. Until it next changes.
What would be wrong with using some of that space? Is it that you can't mention eBay when alerting newcomers of temporarily disappearing listings? I could see various reasons this may be true. What if we managed to compose something properly worded that everyone would be happy with? Could it be done?
It looks like we're putting it all out there, so I'll say this now... I don't like the poll options either, Jeff. (sorry guys and gals but I don't). However, the options don't really matter because that's not the point. Should this thread make it possible for the issue to be openly discussed, that's the ultimate goal anyway, isn't it? At least, for the 'firefighters' out here, I believe it is.
Are you suggesting that eBay send out a note, and it being on the poll, as a tongue in cheek comment? I don't always pick up on these things. I can't see eBay even caring enough to consider it. It puzzles me why you're so adamant about not warning new users, because you obviously care or we wouldn't have Auctiva. Thank you for that.
N, glad to see you're staying around! No, there's not a preview but you can sure edit, and even delete.

oh, and there's not a blush emoti. I use *blush* or this one.