Miss M, the banishment is only if you're proven sane. You aren't, are you?
Dudes & dudettes LOL I say that sometimes being silly, and bless your heart... all the time. I grew up in the Permian Basin and when there's little more than a sprinkling of snow, it's horrible with the way people drive. Ice... forget it! Give me a front wheel drive and I'm good to go. I found where it's telling about the different elevations so that's why I asked.

Glad you don't have to get out in it Ninth. I'm here, just fingertips away.

Awww, Miss M doesn't care. Of course she'll be threatenin' to get that hose out 'fore ya know it!

That cookie recipe's near at hand too.
Choo, who's behaving themselves? We better set 'em straight real fast! lol
I'll leave ya'll to the whackin' now and go back to lurking around eBay, gleaning what I can.

Careful with those fires!