Hi guys! I wanted to find out what is all the fuss about this place! I can see why now! I really like it....Thanks for letting me know about it! Waves and hugs!!!
Now get back to work! he he!!!
Glad to see some more SD faces coming this way 

I'm here too, hoping this is a friendlier place than SD has been for the past six months.
quote:Originally posted by bargain*huntress:
LOL Donna started it
OK now for some strange reason, I have the theme song for Attack of the Killer Tomatoes in my head.

I'm here and I love it 

Well, it's back up now. You really shocked me with that announcement. 

Everyone who was online this morning found SD to be poof, gone.
If you can visit the SD boards there is a quasi-explation of sorts.
He had let his hosting expire, he only pays year to year and some sort of issue with his card.
The site came back up around 11:30 my time (EST) and was down from 6:30am (my time)
It's back up and I'm finishing getting everything out.
I may just end up endling 30 day store fixed price listings and reupload at MY cost with the new URLs.
Frustrated in FL,
If you can visit the SD boards there is a quasi-explation of sorts.
He had let his hosting expire, he only pays year to year and some sort of issue with his card.
The site came back up around 11:30 my time (EST) and was down from 6:30am (my time)
It's back up and I'm finishing getting everything out.
I may just end up endling 30 day store fixed price listings and reupload at MY cost with the new URLs.
Frustrated in FL,
Hi, I recently moved over from SD as well. Have not listed anything yet, but studied the whole listing tutorials. So far, I like it. Hopefully I will stay here for a while.
Hi Guys! I am here too! I signed up last week, but this is the first I have actually "looked" around.
I was writing up auctions over at SD, but when all the pics just disappeared AGAIN for the 2ND TIME today, I decided I might have to move a little sooner than expected. I was originally going to wait until after the holidays, but the Auctiva gallary pics were the only ones showing on my auctions this morning & again this evening. What a pain in the @ss!
Glad to see some familar faces here - I have a feeling that after today we will be seeing a LOT more.
I was writing up auctions over at SD, but when all the pics just disappeared AGAIN for the 2ND TIME today, I decided I might have to move a little sooner than expected. I was originally going to wait until after the holidays, but the Auctiva gallary pics were the only ones showing on my auctions this morning & again this evening. What a pain in the @ss!
Glad to see some familar faces here - I have a feeling that after today we will be seeing a LOT more.
quote:Auctiva gallary pics were the only ones showing
My Auctive pics are sharper than SD, too.

See I need to send blondy_1975 here. You guys have to help me convince her to switch over. LOL
She keeps hearing negative about Auctiva from somewhere, just not sure where she is picking it up from.
She keeps hearing negative about Auctiva from somewhere, just not sure where she is picking it up from.
quote:Originally posted by bargain*huntress:
See I need to send blondy_1975 here. You guys have to help me convince her to switch over. LOL
She keeps hearing negative about Auctiva from somewhere, just not sure where she is picking it up from.
It could be from those who have been riding through the labor pains during the birth of Auctiva. Hopefully, those who have been selling longer enough can recognize a diamond in the rough. Even though, Auctiva has had its share of growing pains, what sets them apart 'now' is they're quick to correct them.
Customer service is a huge deal for most sellers. Heck, for anyone involved with business. I believe, Auctiva has embraced this and is making an honest effort to improve.
IMHO - Auctiva is working hard to get it right.
The birth of 'Auctiva' is a process. Considering they're up and running 'during' this process with 'success' speaks volumes.
I'd suggest that she try one or two small auctions.
Afterall, it's a free service. What does she have to loose?

Hi - I'm coming over from SD also.
I just can't justify $9/month for just the small amount of image hosting and gallery that I utilize. I don't use any of the other features - Listing, templates, etc. If I did, maybe the price increase wouldn't have seemed so bad. I didn't post much over there, either, and I can't believe they make you pay just to be able to see the message board!! Oh well, to each their own, I guess.

I just can't justify $9/month for just the small amount of image hosting and gallery that I utilize. I don't use any of the other features - Listing, templates, etc. If I did, maybe the price increase wouldn't have seemed so bad. I didn't post much over there, either, and I can't believe they make you pay just to be able to see the message board!! Oh well, to each their own, I guess.
quote:Originally posted by Magie Noire:
It could be from those who have been riding through the labor pains during the birth of Auctiva.
I think you're right. That would be my guess. And another guess: If you look at any auction service's community boards, you might guess that *none* of them are any good. It's the old "doctor's paradox" (that I just now made up). A doc once told me, "You know, we never get to see very many of our successes..." In other words, people only show up when they're sick. Likewise, *to a great extent* most posts on an auction service's community boards will be problem oriented, to say the least. Most everybody that's happy and content is out buying stuff and posting auctions.
So it's easy to get a distorted view of how bad things really are. And it also appears that lots of people sub-conciously (I think) adopt other peoples complaints as their own - even though they never experienced them. This is bad because most people would never believe how many failures originate in their own PC, not the service's
Then there's fact that the support people have to to deal mostly with people with no "Y" chromosomes. JUST JOKING!! I wanted to see if I'd put you to sleep, yet.
I don't know Auctiva's numbers but you can bet that they have thousands of listings on-line at any give moment, but usually only few customers with un-resolved problems. Hopefully no one with unadressed problems
And a-now, I'ma gonna get un-adressed-a, and take a shower-a.
I keep hearing about the great customer service but all my important questions are going unanswered 
I like what I see here but there are some bugs that may prevent me from amking the final move

I like what I see here but there are some bugs that may prevent me from amking the final move

quote:Originally posted by wahm922:
I keep hearing about the great customer service but all my important questions are going unanswered
I like what I see here but there are some bugs that may prevent me from amking the final move![]()
I see you have responses to your questions, maybe not the answers you want. Here is a solution for the gallery one:
Thanks, just having one of those days. I'm over it, prolly wasn't the place to vent.
Its just not easy trying to make a move and learn something new after doing things a certain way for 2 years.
I'm trying
Its just not easy trying to make a move and learn something new after doing things a certain way for 2 years.
I'm trying

I just want to say that I don't think anyone whould bare ill-feeling towards SD. It was a business decision that SD needed to make for the better of SD. Obviously it will not fit everyone, but I am 100% sure there will be people still using SD. There are people who are currently using services far more expensive than SD. One day, maybe Auctiva will add a fee, it's all normal. One just to make a better judgement for himself. To be honest, if every service charges $8.95, I am not sure what I will do. I might still be at SD. The law of competition says Auctiva is a better deal. So I am here. I will put a few listing up today from Auctiva to make my final decision. I still have one month credit left with SD.
One note, many people decide to stay with a particular service (any kind of serice) because it's comfortable to stay with something they know. It takes efforts to learn something new. It's a proven marketing strategy. However, AOL still loses millions of subs every quarter. So, there.
One note, many people decide to stay with a particular service (any kind of serice) because it's comfortable to stay with something they know. It takes efforts to learn something new. It's a proven marketing strategy. However, AOL still loses millions of subs every quarter. So, there.
Hey Donna and everyone I'm here too.
Anyone got a Banana [:ban] 

quote:Originally posted by dwangel:
It was a business decision that SD needed to make for the better of SD.
Here you have management acknowledging issues. Also the short time I have been here it is apparent that they know code to make changes to the program. It seems here they are using a stable network platform and software. I left SD long before the mention of price increase. Even if they were free I would have still left. Have others noticed how fast they can make changes to the program and let you know about it here. You might not agree with all the changes but they inform you.
quote:Originally posted by hgmartin:quote:Originally posted by dwangel:
It was a business decision that SD needed to make for the better of SD.
Here you have management acknowledging issues. Also the short time I have been here it is apparent that they know code to make changes to the program. It seems here they are using a stable network platform and software. I left SD long before the mention of price increase. Even if they were free I would have still left. Have others noticed how fast they can make changes to the program and let you know about it here. You might not agree with all the changes but they inform you.
Ditto times Two!
It's Saturday and Family Time!
quote:Originally posted by dwangel:
I just want to say that I don't think anyone whould bare ill-feeling towards SD. It was a business decision that SD needed to make for the better of SD. Obviously it will not fit everyone, but I am 100% sure there will be people still using SD. There are people who are currently using services far more expensive than SD. One day, maybe Auctiva will add a fee, it's all normal. One just to make a better judgement for himself. To be honest, if every service charges $8.95, I am not sure what I will do. I might still be at SD. The law of competition says Auctiva is a better deal. So I am here. I will put a few listing up today from Auctiva to make my final decision. I still have one month credit left with SD.
One note, many people decide to stay with a particular service (any kind of serice) because it's comfortable to stay with something they know. It takes efforts to learn something new. It's a proven marketing strategy. However, AOL still loses millions of subs every quarter. So, there.
I don't feel $8.95 per month is too much to ask for a service that for the most part can be relied on to work consistently. And who also has real customer service. Believe me, I had no problem with the $8.95 increase. My issue is with the lack of reliability, lack of ungrades (like shipping) and zero customer service.
Poor, unreliable service with zero customer service is too high a price even if it's free! So, with regard to SpareDollar these are the reasons I left. I agree with you, leaving was a sound business decision. Nothing personal or emotional about it.
I am using SMP (eBay) for the moment. It is included with the feature store charge. Since I'm always home to launch anyway, it doesn't matter (at the moment) that it doesn't offer free scheduling. I have been waiting for Auctiva to tweak a few issues. One being the pictures and use of custom templates.
I joined Auctiva back in August and in two short months I have watched the Auctiva staff make a real leap in customer service. When I first signed up, it wasn't as good as it is now. Man, they have it down now! Good for them.
Also in two short months, Auctiva has gone from no custom templates to custom templates. The whole pictures (borders and more) issues are being settled and fine tuned. I mean, someone behind the scenes has to go into the coding and rewrite it to accomodate these changes. The cool thing is, they're doing it!
Hopefully, the lines of communication will remain open. Auctiva is going to grow and it most definately is going to be in the big leagues. It's just a matter of time.
I hope, Auctiva remains eager to please their customer base and keeps things running smoothly without becoming an over priced Andale or Vendio.
Hope springs eternal.
I left SD last week moved all my profiles here. Then decided to give it a try again there were more problems, you couldn't even find the site, it was shut down for almost a whole day. I said to myself "self it was a simple mistake I'll give them one more chance." They screwed that up yesterday and now you are going to have to kick me outta here to get me to leave. You'sr stuck with me. 

Is it just me , or has ebay been kind of slow lately ?
Is it just me , or has ebay been kind of slow lately ?
Is it just me , or has ebay been kind of slow lately ?
Do you mean slow in sales, site speed, or in the head? Yes to all.
quote:Originally posted by hgmartin:quote:
Is it just me , or has ebay been kind of slow lately ?
Do you mean slow in sales, site speed, or in the head? Yes to all.
Too funny

quote:It was a business decision that SD needed to make for the better of SD.
There is no reason they can't keep a basic user service for $4.95. The people that use more can pay HIGHER monthly fees.
Tomas made the satement that if people left SD due to the fee raise, it was a good thing because it provided more space for others. He is glad to see us go and mentioned that he had estimated how many would leave due to the increase.
I am paraphrasing because I don't want to go back and copy and paste quotes.
The problem is there isn't more to use, all the extras are broken abd don't work right most of the time!
I was not aware the comments SD made that they were glad to see people leave. As a business savy person myself, I would anticipate losing some customers in the event of a 81% fee increase. However,I would never announce I was glad to see people leave cause I wouldn't.
Whoever left at SD are loyal followers. The problem is for SD is not how many people have decided to stay, it's how many peole they are able to sign up in the future. They are now competing in a price tier that has a few other services competing with them. A seller who wants to use a listing service would most likely sign with Auctiva first, because Auctiva is in a market segment that SD was in (the free auction listing service part). That's how most of us signed with SD at the first place, right? Now SD has decided to leave this market segment and move into a differet tier (they better have the product to back it up though). Auctiva just stands out even more now. You will see. Loyalty has a price. If SD can not get more people to sign up, they have to keep raising rates to keep up with the profit margin. How many more will leave only time will tell.
Whoever left at SD are loyal followers. The problem is for SD is not how many people have decided to stay, it's how many peole they are able to sign up in the future. They are now competing in a price tier that has a few other services competing with them. A seller who wants to use a listing service would most likely sign with Auctiva first, because Auctiva is in a market segment that SD was in (the free auction listing service part). That's how most of us signed with SD at the first place, right? Now SD has decided to leave this market segment and move into a differet tier (they better have the product to back it up though). Auctiva just stands out even more now. You will see. Loyalty has a price. If SD can not get more people to sign up, they have to keep raising rates to keep up with the profit margin. How many more will leave only time will tell.
quote:Whoever left at SD are loyal followers
Loyalty needs to be a 2-way street. After being a free beta tester since the beginning and then supporting him at $4.95 through all the bugs and growing pains, AND providing free advertising to bring HIM new business, he could at least throw us a bone - a return for OUR loyalty.
After being a free beta tester since the beginning and then supporting him at $4.95 through all the bugs and growing pains, AND providing free advertising to bring HIM new business, he could at least throw us a bone - a return for OUR loyalty.
I was also in the beta at the beginning and then realized more BS. That along with some other things that I saw including a couple of things behind the scenes told me it was time to move on.
Hello Everyone!
One of the reasons I made this thread was so others that come here could see familiar faces and know that they're not alone in learning a new system.
I'm not being the best of hostess as I haven't been posting. Just know that I'm busy moving auctions over and I do see ya'll coming in to check in via email notification! I've also been busy trying to get my website up and running.
Glad to see everybody!
Off to life,
One of the reasons I made this thread was so others that come here could see familiar faces and know that they're not alone in learning a new system.
I'm not being the best of hostess as I haven't been posting. Just know that I'm busy moving auctions over and I do see ya'll coming in to check in via email notification! I've also been busy trying to get my website up and running.
Glad to see everybody!
Off to life,
quote:One of the reasons I made this thread was so others that come here could see familiar faces
I'm glad you did. I had no idea so many came over here. I promise I'm done being negative. The rest is fun and helpful talk now.
quote:I promise I'm done being negative. The rest is fun and helpful talk now.
I agree. We all can be more professional in our conduct than the service we just left.
Hello fellow former SD members!! Glad to see that some of us found this site!! I just joined tonight, and so far it seems promising; anything should be better than the wonderful customer support that SpareDollar provided....which was NONE! When I received the email stating that they plan to raise the price, I was totally irate, but yet it was hilarious at the same time, because they said that they had to cover costs for upgrades, etc. to the site.......HA HA HA HA HA!!!!! If anyone believed that, they were not of this planet!!
I didn't even go back to SD since I got the email on 10/15; I was so mad....so I didn't see the HEARTFELT response that Tomas gave about him being glad that many of us would be leaving SD until I browsed through here tonight......guess Tomas wants to retire, because he certainly won't be working SD for much longer. Yes, he probably has bigger sellers than I am, of course, but my guess is that there are/were many many more small-time sellers supporting SD than high-volume sellers, however I'm sure they too, will also follow suit if they haven't started to do so already. Big or small time sellers, every dollar counts.
That was a HUGE slap in the face, if you ask me,...to LIE about why he is raising the price....and then to raise it as much as he did all at one time! What a jerk.
Well, again I'm glad to see that others have found this new avenue,and hopeful that other SD'ers will also migrate here, and I hope that this avenue will be traveled with little or no "pot-holes" and/or "construction with detours", LOL!
Even if this site doesn't work out for me, I still will not look back..........
I didn't even go back to SD since I got the email on 10/15; I was so mad....so I didn't see the HEARTFELT response that Tomas gave about him being glad that many of us would be leaving SD until I browsed through here tonight......guess Tomas wants to retire, because he certainly won't be working SD for much longer. Yes, he probably has bigger sellers than I am, of course, but my guess is that there are/were many many more small-time sellers supporting SD than high-volume sellers, however I'm sure they too, will also follow suit if they haven't started to do so already. Big or small time sellers, every dollar counts.
That was a HUGE slap in the face, if you ask me,...to LIE about why he is raising the price....and then to raise it as much as he did all at one time! What a jerk.
Well, again I'm glad to see that others have found this new avenue,and hopeful that other SD'ers will also migrate here, and I hope that this avenue will be traveled with little or no "pot-holes" and/or "construction with detours", LOL!
Even if this site doesn't work out for me, I still will not look back..........
Has anyone been able to get into the SD forums this morning?
I seem to be locked out. It won't accept my password, which of course I haven't changed.
More censorship from Tomas? Have I been banned? Or are the forums down and no one can get in???
Inquiring minds want to know...
I seem to be locked out. It won't accept my password, which of course I haven't changed.
More censorship from Tomas? Have I been banned? Or are the forums down and no one can get in???
Inquiring minds want to know...
I just tried the url and it wants a site password, seems like the site is now password protected. Anyone use to be able to view the forums, no more.
well I DO have a password and in fact posted there several times yesterday - but now it won't take my password!!
I can't get into the message boards at all. But I can sign in to my main SD account and view the images, etc. that I still have there. Which is good since I still have enough money toward my account (I paid a year in advance last November) that I should be good thru November. But I thought that fee I paid was supposed to INCLUDE access to the message boards??? And now I can't view them??? And I haven't even said anything bad about SD other than the fact that I wish they'd set up 2 tiers of service as I don't utilize all the features and can't justify their new price for the little amount of features/space I use. Hmph.
When I click on the message board a popup Windows network password box shows up.
Nice. Real nice. Nice group of people over there, huh? >
Apparently cutting off access, for which we PAID, just because of spite. What else are we supposed to think?
Gee, what if I decided to try Auctiva, and then after a couple weeks - while my SD account is still active and paid for, mind you - decided no, this isn't for me. I like SD better even tho the price went up. And I wanted to stay with them? This little ploy sure isn't creating any warm-fuzzies about the site or the people involved. NOT a good PR stunt, if you ask me. Talk about burning your bridges.
When I click on the message board a popup Windows network password box shows up.
Nice. Real nice. Nice group of people over there, huh? >

Apparently cutting off access, for which we PAID, just because of spite. What else are we supposed to think?
Gee, what if I decided to try Auctiva, and then after a couple weeks - while my SD account is still active and paid for, mind you - decided no, this isn't for me. I like SD better even tho the price went up. And I wanted to stay with them? This little ploy sure isn't creating any warm-fuzzies about the site or the people involved. NOT a good PR stunt, if you ask me. Talk about burning your bridges.