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API Warning - Money Order

lolo ·
My listing failed to post bc "it appears you are offering to accept money orders which ebay no longer does etc... I opened up the listing a few times now - there is no box checked for a M.O. since ebay removed that box a long time ago! I never really accepted MO's or checks anyways as far as I can remember. Have only done Paypal. So why is it that they say I'm offering to accept them? I don't see this anywhere on my saved, edited, and resaved listing --- anywhere! ????

relisting old auctions?

lolo ·
I found a couple of old listings in my closed listings folder - that are no longer in my saved listings folder. Can I somehow move them over to my saved folder so I may edit them and list them again rather than start all over? Any other way I can work with these? The only options in the closed folder seem to be to edit and relist but they're either ebay store items (I closed my ebay store) OR they seem so old that a lot of the data is no longer available...

Seasonal Seller

lolo ·
I am a seasonal seller in that I usually sell my ebay items Sept thru Dec and again from about March thru May. I'm currently on the 2.95 plan for the past 3 weeks and I'm getting ready to upgrade that to 9.95. My question: Can I cancel my plan in Dec and start it up again in March? Can I use the plan for just those 6 or 7 months or will I be charged the montly fee throughout the year? Thank You

Scheduling Listings

lolo ·
Currently I am on the 2.95 standard plan. Do all of the plans include the option of scheduling my listings as opposed to having to post immediately?

Re: Adding Pics and revising description before relisting item

lolo ·
The original listing - is that located in my saved listings? I was able to make changes there, however, when I access the listing in my closed listings folder, I do not know how to revise - I see only an import button and a relist button...

Adding Pics and revising description before relisting item

lolo ·
What's the easiest way to do thisafter the listing ends? Can I do this in Auctiva? I did the above prior to one of my listings ending and the 2 added pics ended up at the bottom of the page - not in the description box with the others. Can you tell me how I can get them inserted in the description box with the rest of the photos before I relist the item? Thank You

Relist an item in closed listings folder...

lolo ·
Hi Everyone, I need help with a couple of questions. 1st, I want to list a Halloween costume that didn't sell last year - it's in my closed listings folder. How do I transfer it back in to my saved listings folder so I can open it, possibly make changes, THEN schedule to list. (I noticed at the bottom of the closed items folder there is a "relist" button to click on but haven't tried it...) 2nd, I have another costume in the closed folder that sold last year (thus has the view trans link on...

Here's a doozie for ya...

lolo ·
I sure hope this has happened to someone other than me lol! I pulled up a listing that didn't sell a couple of months ago from my saved listings - to preview before listing again. Here's what I found: The entire listing - template, pictures, and description - is in my ITEM DESCRIPTION box! There are no images in the image section except for the first one - ebay header and the gallery. The template section shows nothing - (that one hasn't been chosen). I stopped there and came here. The title...

Re: Store Category - API warning

lolo ·
Ok, I now know what "leaf" means and why I'm getting the API warning. Next question. How do I go back and change the listing back, ie; move it out of "Other" category and in to an acceptable one. I'd like to track my category sales and really don't want all the sales froms these items to go into my "other" category. Do I have to do it manually on ebay with the revise item feature? Thanks, Laura

Store Category - API warning

lolo ·
Hi Everyone, Just wondering what the API Warning is for.;. Tells me invalid store category since item is "non-leaf". Moved it to "Other". What is non-leaf? Does it have something to do with a store sub-category? This is happening to a variety of my listings. One, for example is a lot of baby shoes I categorized as Clothing>Childrens's Clothing. Another is a mixed lot of books and VHS - I put it under my: DVD, Children & Family as a first category and Mixed Lots as a second category.

Auto Relisting

lolo ·
I just created an auto relist profile and would like to apply it to currently active listings that end this evening. Can I do this and how? All I could find is: on the active listings page it shows under the item that no auto list is applied - and at the top there is only a button to stop auto relist...

Store Categories

lolo ·
Hi Everyone, When I click on one of my active auctions, everything looks great except: on the left under store categories, it lists only 2 of my categories. How can I get my other store categories to show up on this page? Thank You, Laura

How do I send a Store Item to Auction?

lolo ·
What is the easiest way to send a Store Item to Auction? I'd like to Schedule it to post with other items scheduled for posting tonight. It is a Store item that has the re-list feature activated. Better to do through auctiva or ebay itself? Thanks a bunch. LoLo

Re: Having Problems with Font selection & size in Item Descr Box

lolo ·
Thanks so much Soley. I filed a support request and I'm waiting on a second reply because what he saw when he opened my listing is not what I'm seeing when I open it or the other 4! FYI, I know very little about html, code, etc., however, I'm pretty good at reading & following directions. You say that the link explains things very well which makes it sound easy enough for me so I'll go there now & see what I can do. Thanks Again, Laura

Having Problems with Font selection & size in Item Descr Box

lolo ·
I have created a lot of listings but this is the first time this is happening. In the Item Description Box, the text defaults to Arial Small. I've tried everything I can think of and cannot get the box to let me select any other font or size. I think it may have something to do with that Insert/Edit Link Button since that keeps turninig on & off.... Anyone? What can I do to change this? Reboot? Thanks for help, Laura

Re: Updating my newly revised listing in Active Listings Folder

lolo ·
I'd like to add that I just went back to my active listings folder. I clicked on the item number and the listing appeared all updated. It's just the title of the listing didn't change. Thanks.

Updating my newly revised listing in Active Listings Folder

lolo ·
I revised my active listing & added an image to my template thru Auctiva - I followed your instr. & it worked perfectly. I also revised the Title. The revised listing is in my Auctiva saved listings folder however, the old one (with the old title) is in my Active listings folder. How do I transfer the newly revised listing from the saved to the active folder?

Want to revise - Add an item and an image of it

lolo ·
I read the Auctiva Instructions on what to do if I want to revise. It said I'd be taken to the ebay "revise your item" form. Does this mean I won't be able to add a photo? I want to include a Buzz Light-Up Spin Toy to a Buzz Costume Listing. This is a 3rd time Listing. This costume is "a-plenty" on ebay! I just found this toy & want to add as a perk! Thank You Laura

Inserting a border/frame around my image

lolo ·
I read somewhere on the site that I can place a border or frame around my image. I cannot find the page now. Anyone know where to find this info or how to do it? LoLoBeLove

Auctiva Scheduled Listings Page

lolo ·
I, too, got the not posted API error next to some listings on the above page. I've since opened an Ebay store, and the listings have showed up there. Should I delete all of these listings from the page? Also, they are not showing up in my Auctiva Store Window, which is where I thought I was sending them to in the first place. Do I list with Auctiva the items I want to put in my Ebay store, and will they display in the Auctiva Store Window that is on my active auctions?
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